88: Little Family

Start from the beginning

"Dinner is ready, sunshine." You called, peaking your head into her doorway.

She put her guitar down, "did you hear my music?"

"Yes, you sound amazing. Keep it up."

She smiled, "do you think daddy will like it?"

"He's going to love it. Maybe he will make you join his band." You joked with an encouraging wink.

Sarah's face lit up, "I could see Uncle Harry all the time!"

You laughed. Sarah loved Harry. She's always poking his cheeks and telling him, "I wish I had holes in my cheeks like you do."

"I'm sure Uncle Harry would love to sing with you."

Sarah blushed, "Uncle Harry is a much better singer then I am."

"Practice makes perfect, darling." You told her.

She shrugged and passed you to go downstairs.

There was no sounds coming from James room. But if you were to listen closely you could usually hear brush strokes, or an eraser rubbing against paper. James is going to be an artist. At his young age he is very colourful and loves to paint. He's fairly good at it too.

"Honey, dinner is ready." You told him, poking your head into his doorway.

He jumped almost dropping his paintbrush, "mum! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry. You must have been very focussed on your painting."

He looked over to you with a wide smile, "don't look at it. It's a surprise."

You covered your eyes with a smile, "okay."

James laughed, "when is daddy coming home?"

You frowned uncovering your eyes, "seven more sleeps, sweetheart."

"That's a lot." He said walking over to you.

"He will be here soon and I know he's going to paint a picture with you."

James smiled, "I hope so. Maybe we will draw a plane like last time."

The two of you walked downstairs. James' small hand wrapped in yours. Sarah was sitting patiently at the table staring down the pasta.

After dinner your children helped with drying the dishes and putting them away. They followed you up into yours and Niall's bedroom.

"Can we watch a movie?" Sarah asked. James nodded, agreeing with Sarah's idea.

"Only if you two get into your pjs first."

They nodded running over to their rooms and quickly running back to jump on the bed that you were already snuggled up in. Sarah took Niall's pillow and his spot while James took half of your pillow and snuggled up beside you.

You grabbed the remote, "What are we watching?"

"Bedtime stories!" James smiled.

You laughed, "Haven't we watched that movie too many times?"

Sarah grinned, "We've never watched it before."

James joined in with grinning at you as well, "ya, I have no idea that it's going to rain gum balls."

You matched your children with the same grin, "whatever you say."

It didn't last very long for your children to fall asleep halfway into the movie. You turn off the T.V. and get get comfortable in your bed.

Another successful day with your children.

You didn't know how long you had been asleep when you felt someone wrap their arms around you from behind. Their legs tangled with yours and the person mumbled, "I'm home my love."

At first you thought you were dreaming. Another dream about Niall coming home early. You've seemed to be dreaming about him a lot. But when you opened your eyes your children were fast asleep in the same positions that they were before you turned off the tv.

You felt the hands on your side. So familiar.

You turned, "Ni?" You could only see the outlines of his face in the dark.

"I'm here." He tightened his grip on you and you felt him kiss your forehead, "go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning."

You mumbled into his chest,"The kids are going to be so excited to see you."

"I'm excited to see them too. Though I'd rather spend some time with you, if you know what I mean."

You shook your head with a smile, "good night Niall. I love you."

"I love you more."
Hey everybody! It's been a while!

I'd just like to say if you're up for reading something different I posted the first part to my short story a few days ago. Definitely go check it out. :)

I hope you are all having a lovely summer. There is going to be a small second part to this imagine/preference.

Niall Horan PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now