II. Feild & Carnations

Start from the beginning

"Okay." I whispered. "Stop." I pulled myself together before i fell into a puddle of my own tears.

I was indestructible, something happened that night, some may have saw this as a curse, a gift, I saw this as nothing. I felt nothing, i felt broke, I felt angry. I told myself that I would process this later on, that after i served justice that I could break down, that only then I would be able to feel. So that's what I did. I got up and I waked out of that building Violet Carson. I was no longer the pretty, delicate, loving Lily Logan. I was darker, I was too far gone, I remain a flower, but delicate call me not. I am a Violet Carson. Sharpest thorns, blood like shade.

And I was out for blood. Lily is sleeping right now, but don't worry Violet got the message loud and clear...and she says that Tobias Church, his anonymous partner and Jackson Jones are going to die. I know that that wont make the pain go away, I know i will still feel cheated and lost, but it was never a choice, Lily was never one for violence, but Violet thrived on it. Violet cared for Lilith, she loved Lilith, Violet will always care. Someone hurt Lilith, Violets love. And they were going to die. No witnesses, No prisoners, No mercy. Violet wasn't evil, she was good either, she was a part of Lilith who wanted- no, she needed vengeances, she needed justice. that's was what she was going to get.

I saw her in  the mirror, myself, I saw Violet, my skin was slowly starting to rejuvenate. it slowly turned back into it's russet skin, hours passed or maybe it was days, time didn't feel to pass anymore. I walked the busy streets of Star City, I got to my apartment in three hours and i just sat there numb, I took out my journal, and i wrote.

No, I didn't write about my hard day, I didn't write about a stupid crush, I wrote about ways to kill those who hurt Lilith.

 10) Pull out their hair, strand by strand or go crazy and just tug and pull.

9) Pull out their fingernails and toenails one by one with a rusted pair of tweesers.

8) Rub their skin with sandpaper and then soak them in lemon juice.

7) Throw a bowling ball at their most sensitive spot or at their feet, either is fine.

6) Throw some very sharp darts at their ass, the tips being coated with acid.

5) Lay them down in a bed of starving ants naked and covered in meat juice.

4) Hold them in place and keep their eyes open and poke at them with a needle.

3) Use a very sharp knife and slowly peel off each layer of skin.

2) Cover them in blood and toss their ass into a shark infested water.

1) Tie them to a rope overhanging a tank of piranhas & slowly start cutting the rope.

  None seemed good enough

this went on for some time. But i wasn't dim, I paused to shower and eat before continuing. I couldn't get his laugh out of my head.  his maniacal laugh ringing in my ear, and like a bell it couldn't be unrung. 

Jackson Jones

Tobias Church

Mystery Man

This part leaves little tell, I am not exaggerating that all i did was sleep for three hours, sit down and plan my retaliation. My brain was no longer scattered, everything was like 1+1. Simple. I knew what I had to do. I would never forget the 21 of December. So that was the death sentence I set for the men. Lilith was scared. I felt in, but she kept mostly quiet. Violet learned new things about her new body, almost half of a year had passed. My hair had grown back, my skin was back to normal aside from the burn on my back. The burn looked like a triangle, it covered half of my lower back. My eyes were no longer brown, they now held this intense color of bright green with specks of blue from the radiations but they were so dead emotionally. the little speck were Lily. She told Violet to have faith in humanity, to have hope. I keep trying to listen to her, to me.

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