Chapter 155: Like Father Like Son

Start from the beginning

He nodded his head then got up and hugged Cassidy before going back inside.

Cass sat in the chair that he was previously sitting in and grabbed my hand as I stared up at the sky.
"He looks up to you and Max." She said. "He takes everything you two tell him to heart and he listens."

"I just told him the truth. Not sure if that was enough though."

"What makes you say that?"

"He's going through something I've never been through. His own dad took his sister's life... Thats just- unfathomable to me. How do you kill your own kid? I'd never be able to bring myself to do something like that. I've never even done so much as hit any of my kids."

"Wish I had an answer for that..." She stated.
Cassidy's P.O.V.

It was close to 4 am and I still hadn't gotten any sleep.

My thoughts were running wild trying to process the terrible news we'd gotten just hours earlier.

Growing up with Jordan pretty much automatically made Liliana feel like a sister to me.

River was sleeping so I couldn't vent to him. At that moment though all I wanted was to be comforted. But I didn't wanna wake him.

So I did what I've always done whenever he was sleep yet I needed his comfort, I simply scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest as he subconsciously pulled me up against him.

Being held by him always heightened my hopes of everything turning out to be okay in the end

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Being held by him always heightened my hopes of everything turning out to be okay in the end.

Maybe one day we wont have to live in fear of losing eachother...

We wont have to live in fear of losing anyone else...

We'll stay close to our group of friends who have become more like our brothers and sisters...

Our kids and their kids will grow up together and be as close and as protective of eachother as we are....

We'll watch all of the kids graduate, go on to college, get married....

We'll be there when Benji gets awarded the Nobel Peace Prize like he always talks about...

And when Kaiser becomes a famous soccer player like he insists on doing....

River and I will grow old together and I'll be stuck listening to his arrogance until the day I die...

Maybe everything will be okay.

Unfortunately my wishful thinking was cut off by a panicked yell.

I waited to see if maybe I was just tripping until I heard it again followed by what sounded like some sort of struggle.

"River." I said as I quickly shook him. "River wake up."

I hopped out of bed as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Its Kaiser." I said.

Kaiser yelled again and River jumped out of bed and hurried towards Kai's room as I followed him.

As soon as we got into his room we saw him laying on the floor about 6 feet from his bed, sweating bullets, kicking and screaming, crying his eyes out, having a full on panic attack.

River quickly knelt down and grabbed Kaiser as Maracel, Logan and Jenna ran into the room with baseball bats.

"Kai- Kaiser calm down..." Said River, holding him as he continued to freak out.

"He's still asleep..." I remarked, noticing he still had his eyes closed.

"NOOO!" He screamed. " PLEASE!!! NOOO!!!"


"NO!" He continued on, kicking and trying to break away from River. "STOP!!!!"

"KAISER!" River finally yelled causing Kaiser's eyes to shoot open. He froze for a few seconds attempting to catch his breath as he stared at River. Then he broke down crying.

"You're okay buddy." Said River as he held him. "You're okay..."

"I had a dream last night..." He said through the tears. "I saw Uncle Jordan's sister die..."

River and I looked at eachother in disbelief.

"I didn't say anything..." Kaiser began. "Because I didn't think it would really happen."

I was at a total loss for words.

"Get Cato on the phone." He said to me. "What happened in your dream just now?" He asked Kai.

Kaiser looked at him in complete fear as if he was terrified to answer, tears still streaming down his face one after another.

"Its alright, you can tell me." River assured him.

"I saw-" He paused and continued staring at River in fear then answered....

"I saw you die."

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