This Changes Everything

Start from the beginning

"No, I'm her boyfriend. She's pregnant, is the baby okay?"

The doctor drops his head looking at his clipboard, "We need to do an ultrasound to determine the answer to your question. Can you talk to her so we can get that going? She doesn't want me to do anything. She won't even let me try to get the baby's heartbeat."

"Sure I can. Give me a minute." I walk into the room quietly, Gia was sleeping. She had been here for 4 hours waiting on me. That's 4 hours she's been not letting the doctors do their job. I walk over to her bed and sit next to her. I give her a kiss on the forehead and move her hair out of her face. "Gia." She moves towards me then opens her eyes. "Hey beautiful."

She grabs me and pulls me into a hug, "Joe, what took you so long?"

Wrapping my arms around her, "I got here as soon as I could. I had to get approved to leave."

She sits up in the bed, "Joe, I didn't want them to check for a heartbeat or do an ultrasound without you here. I'm scared."

"I know, I'm here now. Are you ready to do it?" I ask


I cut her off, "You knew you had to come to the hospital. Whatever happens or is happening, we're going to get through it together but we have to find out what's going on. You have let them do their job."

The doctor walks in with the ultrasound equipment, "Are you guys ready?"

I look over at Gia and she nods her head 'yes'. I watch them set up and I watch Gia's face go from calm and relaxed to terrified. "What's the matter?"

"I'm scared." She says

"I'm here too." I take her hand, "I got you."

We do the ultrasound and it was determined there was no heartbeat and they informed us that our babygirl had died. Which I think Gia already knew that's why she didn't want to do it and why she came to the hospital in the first place. She ended up having to have the baby by inducing labor. We was able to see her and say our goodbyes. It was very sad.

I went home with her and stayed as long as I could until I had to go to work a week later. I was able to get out of the live events and only go to TV. It was very hard for me having to work through this. I couldn't focus, I messed up my matchrs and my co-workers noticed something was wrong. I wasn't doing well at all. And Gia took it very hard as well and I was in pain and heartbroken too but I had to be there for her. She had fallen into a deep depression and wasn't getting out of bed. All she was doing was sleeping all day. She wasn't talking to anyone she barely was talking to me, she wasn't eating and Bria was taking care of Cassie because she wasn't able to.

A couple of days later, I was on my way to her from TV, Bria called me and told me she was moving to St Louis for that job she had been wanting. It had already been in the works since December but she didn't want to say anything since we had been dealing with the baby situation. She said she needed me to get Gia to sign a temporary guardianship form for Cassie because she wanted to take her with her. I agreed and once I got to Chicago, I talked to Gia. When I walked into the room she was laying on her stomach with the blanket pulled up over her head.

Sitting my things down, "How are you feeling?"

Not moving, "I'm okay."

"Did you eat?" I ask her kneeling down next to the bed, on the floor.

"No. I'm not hungry." She says

"I know but you have to eat. Have you ate anything since I've been gone? It's been 2 days Gia." I ask rubbing her head

"No." She answers

"Do you want takeout or do you want me to cook something? You need to eat."

"Joe I don't care." She turns her head the other way away from me.

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