Chapter 135: Silence.

Start from the beginning

"J are you okay?" Sonny asked.

Jordan just held his head in pain over the very visible gash.

"Yep... I'm perfectly fine Sonny." He replied through gritted teeth. "Its not like there's blood gushing out of my head right now."

I looked back over at the fight and even though River, Tommy, and Stormy were holding them off for now I knew they wouldn't be able to hold them off forever.

I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed Max's number.

Just when I thought he wasn't gonna answer he picked up.

"What's up?"

"Max you've gotta come NOW. We were attacked by some guys and now River, Tommy, and Stormy are fighting them but its about 20 of them!"

"Where are you?"

"We're uh-"

I looked around but the alley was so dimly lit that I could hardly see anything that would tell me where we were.

"I dont know exactly but we just left a bar that's not too far from that restaurant we went to last week. Just come down the alley and you'll see us."

"We'll be there as soon as we can. Sehrem, Ryan, AJ, we've gotta go." I heard him say right before he hung up. As soon as I was about to put my phone away it was knocked out of my hand and I was grabbed.

All I felt was a gun being pressed against my head as someone held me as if I was a hostage.

"Stop or she dies!" He yelled.

River was the first to hear him. As soon as he saw me his face turned to defeat.

"Tommy, Stormy, stop!" He demanded.

They turned around to see why and immediately stopped.

"Get them on the ground." The man instructed the other men.

About 8 of them were on the ground either dead or just knocked out.

The men forced River, Tommy, and Stormy onto their knees then grabbed me, Jordan, and Sonny and forced us onto our knees next to the other three.

"What do you want?" Asked River.

"We just wanted to talk until you attacked us." The man that had previously had his gun up to my head said.

"You just wanted to talk?" Asked Tommy. "Is that why you had guns, knives, and pipes, pointed at us?"

"Who said we planned on using them?"

"Um... You kinda did." Said Sonny, referring to Jordan's gash on his head.

"There's 20 of us and 6 of you.... What made you think you'd win a fight with us?"

"We were kicking your asses until you put a gun up to Cassidy's head." Said Stormy. "I've been in fights with 10 guys at the same time and still managed to win."

"Oh so you're going off of confidence.... I see...."

The man walked up to River then knelt down in front of him, holding his hand out.

"Kiss my hand." He instructed.

River looked at him with no expression whatsoever then spit in his face.

"Tough guy." The man laughed. "Nice to meet you, I'm Lester."

He then moved over and knelt down in front of Tommy.

"If I tell you to kiss my hand are you gonna spit in my face too?" He asked.

"No." Tommy replied. "But if you put your hand in my face I guarantee you I'll bit that bitch off."

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