Lily Evans- Sister (c)

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You were honoured to be Lily's maid of honour. She had been your best friend since your first year at Hogwarts as you both shared the trait of being muggleborn. It had forced a close friendship from the get go but you never imagined you'd be here supporting her on her wedding day, you certainly didn't expect her to be marrying James Potter. James had been a pain the whole way through school but in the last year or so he had grown into a pleasant young man that made Lily overly happy.

You had already helped her into her beautiful white gown along with having now pulled her red hair into a simple up-do.

Looking around her, you could see her reflection in the full mirror that stood in the corner of the room. You expected her to seem happy and joyous due to the fact it was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. However that wasn't the case, her expression held sadness as she looked into her reflections eyes.

You rested a hand on her shoulder, knocking her out of her thoughts, making her throw a weak and fake smile your way.

"You alright Lily?" You asked softly.

You hoped that the only problem was cold feet, it was a normal feeling for a bride but it could have so easily have been more. She could be planning to back out and you hoped she wasn't as she did seem perfect with James and the both seemed overly happy.

"Yeah," she sighed, unable to keep her eye contact with you, signifying that she was lying.

"Lily," you said in a warning tone.

She let out a sigh, knowing that you weren't going to give up until you knew the truth about the situation.

"Nothing," she said reluctantly. "I just... I guess I am just missing Petunia. I had always imagined she would be here for my wedding day but she doesn't even consider me her sister anymore, I miss her so much, and it's killing me that she's gone."

You gave her a sympathetic smile, knowing there was nothing you could do to make matters better. Her sister was prejudiced against magical fold and completely resented that Lily was a witch and it only became worse when she's announced that she was engaged to James.

Wrapping your arms around her, you did your best to higher without messing up either of your dresses.

"Lily it's her loss. You shouldn't be sad. She's the one that's pushed away such an amazing sister and you certainly shouldn't let her ruin your special day."

As you pulled away, she held a genuine smile on her face.

"Thank you Y/N. I am glad that I have you here rather than Petunia. You're more of a sister too me."

You couldn't help but been with joy.

"Thank you Lily. I'm glad to be here for you but I think we should go make you Mrs Potter before he thinks you've left him at the alter."


Written by Charlotte.

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Harry Potter One Shots And Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें