Remus Lupin- Cold (c)

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You sat alone at your desk wearing one of your boyfriend's sweatshirts that had been draped over the chair prior to you borrowing it from him. The purpose of being at the desk was to actually complete some paper work but with the cold stagnant air biting at your bare knuckles and the fact that you could see your breath in front of you, you hadn't gotten anything done. The books you had expected to use to help with the work you had to do, were still lying in a neat pile, closed and unread.

It wasn't the most responsible moments of your life; however, you were too cold to care.

Frankly you loved your English winters, but when your radiator was refusing to warm the small room, and you couldn't be bothered to walk over to the pile of jumpers that could aid you against the cold, it was a terrible ordeal.

Trying to contemplate what was the smart and non-strenuous move, you hadn't even noticed the fact that you boyfriend had returned home and had walked into the small study. You only noticed his presence when he looped his arms around you, resting his chin onto your shoulder.

It made you jump slightly at the fact that someone you didn't know was home had pulled you into an awkward embrace.

"Remus?" You gasped, happily melting into his warmth.

"Of course, my Love," he chuckled, pecking your temple. "Didn't get much work done I see."

"It's too bloody cold," you whined, turning your head to look at the man whom was very close to you.

Remus smiled, tapping your upper arm to gesture for you to raise to your feet so that he could hold you better, pulling you close to his chest, content with the closeness of the two of you.

"I guessed you were a little chilly, seen as you are in one of my jumpers," he stated. "However why didn't you put more on if you were so cold?"

You shrugged in his hug.

"They were too far away. I couldn't be bothered to get up and walk all the way other there," you sighed.

"Three steps?" He laughed.

"Three more steps than I wanted to have a walk," you stated. "Think of it this way. I was conserving my energy in case you never came home and I couldn't use you for your body heat."

Although you couldn't see his face, you knew that he was rolling his eyes at you as a chuckle rumbled through his chest.

"What am I going to do with you?" He questioned.

"Take me to our warm bed and cuddle until I can feel my toes again," you offered as a response.

"I guess I can do that."


Written by Charlotte.

Harry Potter One Shots And Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें