James Potter- Marauders (h)

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Being able to be friends with James Potter was a big ask as it was, however actually managing to date him was quite a lot of work.

You loved him, more than anything, but that didn't mean that he didn't get on your nerves or never annoyed you because he did that on a daily basis.

You were basically a female Marauder so none of them had any problem with accepting you as James' girlfriend, it was more all of them being protective over you and interrogating James.

The relationship had only been going for six months or so, which meant that it was still kind of early days but you were most definitely enjoying being with James.

It wasn't just about the relationship, it was about having someone to be there for you and someone that could provide that closeness and some form of companionship – James was an amazing boyfriend, and even though he got on your nerves you couldn't fault him.

It was the weekend and it had been arranged for some students from your year to go to Hogsmeade, but you were unable to go because you had been sick for the past week.

Due to you being sick, you hadn't been able to go to classes so Remus, Sirius and James had been bringing your work and your homework to you so that you weren't going to fall behind on anything – you were lucky to have at least one of them in each of your classes.

You were grateful that your body seemed to be coming to the end of being sick, so you had opted for staying in the common room to do some work and maybe read a little.

Halfway through reading, the portrait opened causing you to jump as you thought that all of your dorm mates were either at Hogsmeade or not in the common room.

"Oh Y/N/N" you heard Sirius call out making you turn around.

You smiled at your friends as they walked over to where you were "You should all be at Hogsmeade" you stated in confusion.

Sirius sat down on another sofa, with Remus next to him, James took a seat next to you and Peter sat down in the arm chair.

James placed his arm around you to pull you into his side "I'm sick still" you told him in protest but James continued to hug you.

"We didn't wanna go to Hogsmeade without you" Sirius spoke up causing you to look to him.

You smiled again but rolled your eyes slightly "Guys, I'm not going to spontaneously combust when you're not here" you joked with them all.

Remus laughed "Hogsmeade isn't the same without all the Marauders" he commented with a smile on his face.

James made you look up at him and he gently pressed a kiss to your lips "And besides, who can I throw snow at if you're not there?" he pulled away from the kiss before he spoke.

You rolled your eyes and smacked his chest "Shove off Potter"


Written by Hannah.

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