Fred Weasley- Perhaps (h)

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You had never imagined your wedding day being as hectic as it had been.

Then again, marrying into the Weasley family basically warranted as much crazy as you could possibly think of.

You had met your husband whilst you were in your third year at Hogwarts and he was in his fourth, you had become good friends with his brother Ron and the two of you got introduced that way.

At first the two of you were just friends, but that soon got extremely close and Fred then asked you out in a very public way – he set of fireworks that spelt 'Fancy being my girlfriend Y/N?' in the sky whilst you were in the courtyard with your friends.

Of course, you had said yes, and thankfully he proposed in a much more private way by popping the question on Christmas Day whilst the two of you were alone.

The wedding was everything you could have ever wanted.

The ceremony was lovely, with everyone managing to stay quiet and out of trouble for more than ten minutes and no one popped up declaring a fight and no death eaters appeared, so really it was just a point in your life where everything went considerably to plan.

Then the reception began to occur, it had most definitely been the most hectic part of the whole day but only because everyone was everywhere and people didn't really sit still for that long other than when food was on the tables.

Fred had just stood up to do his speech, he had decided to do a speech prior to George and Hermione, who was your maid of honour.

He had a microphone in his hand and a smile on his face "I think that being able to have everyone here in a situation that isn't life or death is something amazing" he started to talk "Thank you to you all for being here to witness me finally get married to such an amazing woman, who is by far way out of my league and such a perfect specimen" he smiled down at you whilst he spoke "She is beautiful, kind, caring, funny and one of the smarted people I have ever met in my entire life" he reeled off multiple compliments about you.

You couldn't help but blush with his compliments, you may have been in a relationship with him since you were fourteen and you were now twenty, he still managed to make you blush like it was the early days of dating.

Fred moved his hand to rest on your shoulder, and you moved your hand to hold his, "I know that I said this in my vows earlier today, but I want to say it again" he continued to hold the microphone whilst he made his speech "I am unbelievably lucky to have you in my life Y/N. I feel proud to call myself your husband, and now I get to annoy you for the rest of our lives" he joked with you towards the end of his speech.

He nodded in acknowledgement to everyone to show that he was finished, causing everyone to erupt in cheers and claps whilst you stood up and pulled Fred into a kiss.

"I do love you so very much" he whispered in your ear, holding you in an embrace.

You smiled against his chest "I love you so very much too" you told him as you looked up at him.

He had a look of adoration on his face as he looked into your eyes "Can you believe we're married?" he questioned, becoming oblivious to the room of people watching the exchange.

Your smile grew, nodding in agreement "It's crazy to even comprehend" you told him in response.

He chuckled before pressing a kiss to your forehead "Perhaps we should return to our own reception" he suggested with a smirk on his face.

You laughed "Perhaps we should"


Written by Hannah.

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