George Weasley- Proposal (c)

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You weren't quite sure why George decided that you should go to Hogsmeade for the day. Since you had left Hogwarts you hadn't been back to Hogsmeade nor had you had any desire to either. There wasn't anything grand or interesting about it, nothing other than the fact that you and George had met there many years prior.

Although George mentioned that you'd go into some shops later he wanted to take you somewhere first. He wouldn't tell you where though. He took you towards the cobblestone centre. There wasn't anything there, just cold air twisting around you.

"Why are we here?" You asked, confused.

"Do you remember the first time we were here?" He questioned, taking your hand within his.

"Of course. Why?"

His smile grew as he rubbed light circles onto the back of your hand with his thumb. Not that he didn't usually, but he was acting exceptionally weird- even for him.

"You were stood right here, and I was walking in that direction-" he pointed down one of the pathways "-and I was too busy talking to Fred about the girl he liked... I can't even remember her name now. But I was laughing at him, and didn't pay attention and walked straight into you knocking you over. At first I didn't think anything of it but you shouted at me. And sad to say, I didn't listen to a word you said, I was too taken by your beauty."

You laughed at how cliché his words were, shoving his shoulder playfully with your free hand.

"I know exactly what I said that day," you stated.

"Tell me then love."

"I called you a pompous buffoon that was being an inconsiderate prat with no care for anyone but yourself. I also told you that you were going to have to replace the book you made me drop into the snow," you smiled, quite proud of your response to his general idiocy even all those years ago.

He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a buffoon."

"Yes you are. But I love you for it."

"Anyway, I was a complete twat. Normally I'd have blamed the person I walked into rather than taking my rightful blame. But I took all the anger you threw at me and I'm pretty sure you even threw a punch. Even though you were pissed at me, I knew instantly I was in love with you. You were an energetic and fiery woman, and you weren't prepared for me to affect you in anyway. You were prepared to stand up for yourself, and you knew exactly what you wanted. Although it was clear you wanted to be as far away from me as possible, you simmered down and befriended me.

"I soon learnt that you were a smart woman with the kindest heart imaginable. I couldn't have been happier to have you allow me the pleasure of being your friend, but the fact that you graced me with the chance to be more than that, it changed me. You have changed me for the better. When we first met here, I never thought I could be in love with someone as much as I love you. But you're the only person I want to wake up to every morning, and the only person I want to fall asleep next to every night. You're perfect. More than perfect really.

"Now I realise that I am rambling over this fact. What I am trying to say is..." he trailed off.

George's words ended as he rummaged in his pocket, retrieving a small black box, and dropping down onto one knee. Your eyes widened as the box was flipped open revealing a simple engagement ring.

"Will you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N marry me?" He smiled warmly.

Although he couldn't have seemed happier, his eyes were filled with fear and uncertainty as you tried to keep the tears in your eyes, refusing to allow them to fall. Your attempt failed.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, his face dropping. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm happy, George. They're happy tears. I love you. Of course I want to marry you," you nodded tearfully.

His eyes lit up as he stood up, accidentally dropping the box as he pulled you into his arms, firmly pressing his lips to yours.


Written by Charlotte.

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