Sirius Black- Princess (c)

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Whenever Sirius became silent you could only assume the worst. If he wasn't constantly there needing attention, he was generally making loud noises so that you knew that he was still breathing. But you hadn't noticed that you had spent nearly two hours on your own not hearing anything from your boyfriend whom you lived with, which gave you a bit of uncertainty.

Last you had seen of him, he was in your shared room still in bed, but you had some work to do, so had left him in the covers. You had assumed he would rise from the depths at some point needing food or affection, but it didn't seem like the case.

Returning to your room, you saw a lump in the bed that was roughly Sirius shaped. The covers were slowly rising and falling with his gentle breathing, making it clear that he wasn't dead.

"Sirius, you awake?" You called softly not wanting to wake him if he was still asleep but not wanting to go unheard if he was conscious.

He let out a grunt. You weren't sure what was up but you wanted to know. You walked over to your side of the bed, slipping under the covers and resting your head on your pillow, allowing yourself to look into Sirius' eyes.

"Are you okay Love?" You smiled softly.

He shrugged his shoulders, holding a solemn expression on his face.

"Tell me what's wrong Sirius. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong," you said quietly, not wishing to be pushy, but still wanting to do anything you could to help him.

"I just don't understand," he said in a hoarse whisper. "I don't understand why you love me."

"What?" You questioned raising an eyebrow.

You must have misheard him, as there was no way you couldn't love him, and if anything, you weren't really certain why he could love you.

"Why would you want to be with me? You deserve to be treated like a princess," he stated moving his gaze away from yours.

Instantly you pulled it back, but lightly moving his chin so that his eyes connected with yours.

"Just being with you makes me feel like a princess. I don't need a palace or a tiara. I just need you," you smiled softly leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips.

"Are you sure? You deserve so much better than me," he croaked.

"Don't doubt yourself Sirius. You make me happier than I could ever be without you. You are my prince charming and don't forget it, you silly man," you smiled.

He smiled back at you with a goofy grin that you loved.

"I love you my Princess," he whispered kissing you.


Written by Charlotte

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