Sirius Black- Birthday (c)

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Your face had a complete contortion of anger for the last week. You had done your best to act normal and as though nothing was bothering you but only Sirius seemed oblivious to the fact that you were ultimately pissed.

Everyone else knew why. You hadn't told them explicitly but they knew. They did their best to make you happier but you weren't annoyed at them.

It was just a normal breakfast. You sat at the Gryffindor table in between James and Remus whom had been doing their best to help you give your boyfriend the cold should in stopping him from having a space by your side like he would usually at meals.

However today Sirius had jumped onto the small gap of bench giving Remus no option but to shift up a bit unless he fancied having his friend perch on his lap instead. As soon as he sat down you shifted closer to James but was instantly pulled back by your boyfriend's arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you to his side. He pressed his lips to your cheek.

"Happy Birthday, My Love!" He exclaimed loud enough for a lot of the people around you to hear.

You turned to him forcefully punching his arm. You heard sniggering coming from those sat around you but you chose to ignore it now.

"My Birthday was last week, you ass," you frowned.

"I am sorry Y/N," he stated.

You looked back to your food gritting your teeth unable to do anything. Of course he would apologise but it didn't mean it was sincere.

Sirius should have known it was your birthday. You had personally told him on numerous occasions as well as the plan to go to Hogsmeade seen as your birthday was on a Saturday. However he didn't turn up. You asked the other three where he was but none of them had even seen him that morning and he didn't arrive back in their dorm until that night.

Since then he either avoided you or ignored the fact he had disappeared for a whole day and forgotten your birthday.

You didn't want it to bother you. It wasn't as though you had wanted a present or anything grand but you just wanted to have your boyfriend there for the day out. You wouldn't have asked for anything more.

"Of course," you muttered prodding at the food on your plate with your fork.

"I really am sorry. I didn't forget Y/N. I didn't I would never forget your birthday," he said softly.

"And how did you happen to think today was it instead of last week. The day I had been talking about for the last three months incessantly and the day we had planned to go celebrate. How did you happen to misplace that information?" You said in a bitter tone.

His face drained further.

"I didn't. I knew," he pulled out a box and put it on the table, "but I had everything planned. Your present hadn't arrived and I didn't know what to do. So I panicked and pretended to forget. I thought somehow that was smart and you'd pretend not to notice I was a week late. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. I know it was have been rational to just apologise and give you the gift later but I couldn't do that. I didn't think. Please forgive me."

You looked at him slightly confused. You didn't quite understand how that was a rational thought but it didn't seem impossible.

"Just open the present," he stated sliding the box towards you.

Looking at it, you brushed off everyone else's stares that were directed towards the two of you. Taking the small box, your unwrapped the fairly shoddy paper, and opened the lid from the box.

Inside was a small golden locket, one that you had offhandedly mentioned to Sirius you had liked. Opening it you saw the small picture of yourself with Sirius. You smiled at it before looking up to the hopeful face of your boyfriend.

"I love it," you whispered.

"I knew you would," he smiled.

"I'm still a bit annoyed that you pretended to forget. But I can forgive you, but you're buying lunch the next time we go to Hogsmeade," you said leaning your head onto his shoulder as his arm wrapped back around your waist.

"Deal," he grinned pressing his lips to the top of your head.


Written by Charlotte.

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