Remus Lupin- Monster (c)

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When you turned up to the hospital wing you realised you were now visiting someone whom you didn't think you would be. You thought that you were coming to visit your boyfriend after the full moon as you did every month, but he wasn't in his usual bed instead one of your friends was.

"Sirius?" You questioned walking to his bedside.

James grunted, shooting up from his slouched sleeping state on the chair next to the hospital bed.

"Y/N?" He muttered lifting his glasses to rub his eyes.

"What happened? Where the hell is Remus? Are you okay Sirius?" You said frantically.

Sirius' smile was weak but he did attempt to reassure you of what had happened over the horrific night.

"It's okay Y/N/N, don't worry," he stated.

"Whenever you tell me not to worry, I always have more reason to worry about the matter as somehow you guys always do something stupid," you frowned.

"It was a rough night," James explained. "We lost control of him and he lashed out at Pads. But he'll be okay, sadly."

Sirius shot his best friend a glare at the subtle insult.

"What happened to Remus?" You asked trying your best to not think about what could have possibly have happened to the guy you loved.

"He wasn't any worse than he has been before but he was emotionally worse when he saw how Sirius was. They were both passed out for a while and I fell asleep. When we woke up he was gone. I went to look for him, but I couldn't find him and needed to get back, and thought he'd come back once he'd had some time to think, but he hasn't come back yet," James said softly.

You ran your hands through your hair, trying to stay calm which you were struggling to do due to the concern you had for your boyfriend.

"Okay... I hope that you feel better soon Sirius, and I'll either come back to see you here later or I'll see you in the common room, but I'm going to go and look for Remus," you sighed.

"Good luck," the two boys said together as you headed out of the hospital wing to try and look for Remus.

You tried the library, the common room, his dorm and anywhere else you could think of that Remus would go and hide, however it was pretty much impossible to find him. However, when you found the door the room of requirement you realised it was the perfect place for him to camp out. You hesitantly walked into the room, seeing Remus sat with his knees pulled to his chest.

"Hello," you said softly closing the door behind you.

He looked up revealing his tear-stained cheeks along with the cuts and bruises that peppered his skin.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," you smiled encouragingly as you took a seat on the floor next to him. "Why are you crying, Love?"

Remus did his best to wipe away his tears but more fell equally as quickly.

"Leave me alone," he muttered. "I'll only hurt you."

"I know that you would never hurt me," you whispered.

"I never thought I'd hurt Sirius and look where he is now."

You reached your hand out to rest it on his arm but he flinched away from your gentle touch.

"You didn't mean to hurt him. We all know that you have no control, and no one blames you for what happens on a full moon. Sirius is fine, he's still very much himself," you tried to say to help him but it wasn't being as useful as you were hoping that it would be.

"It doesn't matter what you think Y/N. I still almost killed him. What's stopping me from killing him and James? What's stopping me from killing you? I am a monster Y/N. I can't change that and neither can you. I am just going to have to leave Hogwarts and then I can try harder to never hurt anyone I love," he said in a near shout.

Your expression became pitiful. It pained you that he could think so terribly of himself when all you saw was a brave and strong man that you loved every so dearly.

"Don't be so completely daft Lupin. We love you more than is comprehendible. You really aren't a monster. You had no control over becoming a werewolf, and there isn't anything you can do to change that, and I wouldn't want you to change as it has made you who you are. So please, don't you ever do that again. You are perfect to me Remus Lupin. And I cannot bear the thought of having to live without you," you stated forcefully.

He fell silent for a moment before looking up at you with pained eyes.

"You're too good for me," he whispered.

You smiled as you moved your hand to rest on his cheek, trying to be careful to not hurt where he was hurt from the night before.

"Nonsense. You are perfectly imperfect. I love you, you silly man and believe me you deserve so much better than I."

You leaned in to press your lips to his.

"I love you too," he whispered wrapping an arm around you to hold you closer to him.

"Now I think it is time to get you back to your room and get you cleaned up. Also, I think that you will very much appreciate getting some chocolate. Once you are sorted we can go take some to Sirius and laugh at his hair," you smiled softly.

He finally flashed you a smile, nodding his head slightly as the two of you stood up from your place on the floor.

"Thank you for being you," he whispered taking your hand into his.

"You're welcome, I can't be anyone else," you said softly. "I'm just glad I get to see your smile. It is one of the nicest sights in the world."


Written by Charlotte. 

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