Remus Lupin- Christmas (c)

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Times had never been so inconvenient. For your own personal standings, it wasn't overly an inconvenience, if anything it was rather swell, it was Christmas after all. However, with last night being the full moon and your husband being a werewolf, it hadn't been the best of times. Of course, by no means would Remus ever allow you near him on the full moon, but as you did every month, you rushed to his side as the sun began to rise to assist him back into your home.

It just so happened that rather than getting up at the break of dawn to be excited for Santa as you did when you were young, you had to wake early to retrieve your battered and bruised husband to take him back to your bed to rest from such a torturous night.

You had left him to sleep for a couple of hours whilst you started cooking your Christmas dinner for later and prepared a simple breakfast for Remus, having already eaten yours.

As the morning began to drift by, you carried to tray of food to your shared room, lightly shaking the battered man's shoulder to wake him. His eyes opened with a groan escaping his lips.

"Y/N," he muttered.

"Morning Love. Merry Christmas," you smiled resting the tray lightly onto his lap.

"Merry Christmas," he said with a strained smile.

You shifted on the bed so that you could lay by his side and kiss his cheek. It pained you to see him like this, but you knew there wasn't anything you could do to help matters other than be there for him after the horrific nights.

"You didn't have to make me breakfast. You've been up since the crack of dawn, you should rest," he said softly, reaching one hand weakly towards you, to grasp onto yours.

"It's fine. It's Christmas after all, I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to. I need to also make sure you are feeling a bit better as we are going to be having guests arrive soon, and I don't think we are going to be able to have them all huddle on our bed, now are we?" You smiled softly.

He took a bite of the toast you had made him, raising an eyebrow at you. You had mentioned inviting people over for Christmas but he didn't think you'd actually go through with it.

"Who's coming Y/N?" He frowned, "You aren't throwing a party, are you?"

You grinned at him, kissing his cheek again.

"Nonsense Lupin. We're having a few people over for a little bit, I thought it'd be nice to see your friends, so I have made this the meeting point for some of them," you said warmly.


You rolled your eyes at him, realising you were going to have to go into a lot more detail in it all.

"Well of course Sirius wants to be here for Christmas, I'm surprised he wasn't here when I went to help you this morning, he is rather clingy. But he had Harry yesterday so they are spending this morning together, and will be coming here about lunch time. Hermione is also going to pop by. Harry and Hermione are spending Christmas with the Weasley's so they are going to meet them here so that we can see them. I'm pretty sure Molly said their all coming so we can do gift exchanges whilst they're all here. Then they'll head back to the burrow for dinner, and we'll have dinner with Sirius, Andromeda, Ted and Tonks. So, we have a busy day ahead of us. Also, Sirius is staying the night," you smiled.

He let out a sigh.

"So we are going to have a hectic day?"

"Just a little. But once you've eaten, you can just go and camp on the sofa and we'll get Sirius to do everything for once," you chuckled. "But it'll be a good day. We'll see everyone and give presents and eat lots of food."


Written by Charlotte.

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