Nymphadora Tonks- Metamorphmagus (c)

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With some family issues affecting you having a formal education, you had been home-schooled in the magical arts whilst having gone to a muggle school until your sixteenth birthday when your family announced you would be heading off to Hogwarts. Your father had spoken fondly of it, having gone there himself and he was more than excited for you to experience the world's best school for witches and wizards.

As soon as you got to the train station, you knew life would be so different. You spent the whole train journey looking out of the window at the passing scenery. Soon you could see a marvellous castle that was the epitome of beauty.

The first banquet was amazing and the sorting ceremony although odd, it was pleasant, and you were sorted into Hufflepuff. You found a seat with the fellow students in yellow adorned robes. You didn't talk to many people as you were surrounded by first years discussing their classes they would do and seen as you were a sixth year it wasn't a conversation for you.

The prefect for your house led you all to your dorms, you were to share with said prefect and a pink haired girl. The prefect had to quickly leave to do other duties leaving you and the pink haired girl to become acquainted.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," you smiled softly putting a hand out for her to shake.

She beamed with a smile, practically bounding forward to wrap her arms around you in a bone crushing hug. "I'm Tonks. It's so great to meet you."

"Tonks?" You asked as it was a rather peculiar name.

Tonks pulled away, giving her shoulders a shrug.

"Well it's Nymphadora, but I want us to be friends and if you use that hellish name we shall never be even acquaintances."


Quickly she bounded over to her bed sitting down on the edge of her bed, swinging her legs playfully.

"I've already unpacked, kind of get used to where things go by the sixth year, but this is your first isn't it. That must suck. But you get to meet lots of people and the teachers of course. Slughorn's alright, McGonagall is strict but she's a good teacher, Flitwick is probably my favourite really but Sprout is our head of house, so guess she's got to be my favourite," Tonks rambled, not really caring that these people were completely unknown to you.

Whilst she rambled to you, you turned around to your trunk and begun to unpack your belongings from it. Holding the thick blanket your dad insisted you bring as the dorms became freezing, you went to go lay it out on your bed, but you ended up clinging to it in shock.

The once pink-haired Tonks now had bright turquoise hair. Was that possible? Well of course as it had happened, but the real question was how.

Tonks looked up, realising what your shocked expression was as she held a lock of her turquoise hair in front of her eyes. They became wide as she held her hands out in a reassuring manner.

"I'm so sorry. It... urm... it just happens sometimes and I don't know how to fully control it," she tried to explain frantically. "I'm a metamorphmagus, no one else in my family is, and sometimes I can control it but sometimes things like this just happen."

You instantly calmed down knowing what it was caused by. Although you'd never met a metamorphmagus, you knew of them and the concept was amazing.

"It's fine. Honestly. Just a little shocking at first, but it's pretty cool," you smiled trying to reassure her.

A grin reappeared on her face as she pulled you into a tight hug.

"We're going to be the best of friends."


Written by Charlotte.

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