Bill Weasley- Scars (c)

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After the Battle of the Astronomy Tower you did what you thought was right in giving Bill space, but from discussions with the other Weasley's that wasn't the case. From your own experiences you had deemed it right to let him sort it all out in his own time, but it seemed as though it would be for the best to have you around to support him.

Molly had told you that Bill was staying in the burrow and had arranged for everyone to go out for the day so that you could have a few words with him.

As soon as you walked through the door he clearly looked shocked but happy to see you.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"You're my best friend Bill. I care about you," you smiled weakly.

You had liked him more than he could have ever imagined. You had been best friends since your first year at Hogwarts, you weren't sure how it happened; he was the perfect Gryffindor student from day one, whilst you were a complete wreck of a Hufflepuff. Somehow it worked, it worked too well really seen as you had had a crush on him for as long as you could remember.

"Then where have you been?"

Although you were closer than anything, you had hidden a large part of your life from him. Although you loved him, he couldn't have ever known about that, not until now.

"I thought it'd be for the best that you had time to yourself. Time to think about what happened, adapt to seeing yourself with permanent scars, and adapt to the inner wolf that even as weak as it is, will control you in one way or another," you explained.

He looked dubious at that, and he still looked hurt by the fact that you hadn't been there and you only came back with a petty excuse at best.

"How would you think that would help? Why would you think that would help?" He asked seemingly getting annoyed.

"It seemed right. You didn't need me hanging around getting in the way. It's only something you can face, no one else can do it for you," you stated.

Bill scoffed at your comment.

"So I didn't need my best friend? My only true friend in fact. I needed you. These scars, I can't even look in the mirror, it just proves how much of a monster I am. Look, I may not be a full werewolf, but this just shows how close to that I came. I can't ever change that, and I needed to come to that reality with you," he said harshly.

"I was wrong okay? But you aren't a monster. And if anything it makes you more ruggedly handsome. Girls like scars," you commented trying to lighten the mood.

"No women would ever want to be with me like this. My own Mother sobbed at the sight of my face. There isn't any way at making this any better. I'm sure even you wouldn't want to have to look at me. You're perfect."

You paused.

He thought you were perfect?

That probably shouldn't have been the aspect that you dwelled on but you couldn't help it.

"I am far from perfect Bill. That is actually why I am here. I understand what you have been through, more than you could have ever imagined."

"How can you understand this?"

You let out a deep sigh.

Reaching down you grabbed the bottom of your t-shirt going to pull it up but the redhead jumped up shielding his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" He explained.

"Bill don't make it weird. I just kind of need to show you something."

"What in the world do you need to show me? You're bra!"

A laugh escaped your lips.

"How old are you William Arthur Weasley? Because I thought you were an adult, frankly you are acting like a child."

He let out a grunt in argument, but there wasn't anything he could say before you pulled your top over your head.

"Why are you stripping?" He demanded.

"Open your eyes Weasley."

Hesitantly he peaked through his fingers, but his hands dropped away by what he saw. He expected to see the average body of a woman, he'd never expected anything other than that to be below your shirt. Spanning from below your left breast down to your right hip were two long jagged scars, and perched on your right shoulder was what seemed to be marks from teeth imbedding in your flesh. Over the rest of your skin were smaller shallower scars, some fresher than others.

"What happened!?" He shouted stepping towards you.

Bill raised his hand as though he wanted to press his fingers to the scarred skin, but gave you a quizzical look as though asking for permission.

"You can touch them. They don't hurt. They just feel weird," you shrugged.

His fingers ran over the bite mark on your shoulder, grimacing at the touch.

"How did you get these?" He asked in a calmer tone.

"Do you remember when my brother died?" You questioned.

A year after leaving Hogwarts your brother had passed away. You had lied to Bill and said it was an animal attack and you got there too late- it wasn't too far from the truth.

He nodded.

"It wasn't an animal. Well not in the literal sense. Greyback, he turned up. He had a thing about kids, must have got a kick at turning them. I was in the garden with Y/B/N and we were playing tag. He turned up. I thought he was going to attack me. I was the threat, well more of one than my brother. He attacked Y/B/N, a bit too ferociously I may add. I think he meant to turn him, I don't know. I attempting to pull him away, but he attacked me instead.

"I was prepared for him to kill me too. He didn't. Obviously. He bit me and told me I'd always remember him. He just left. Y/B/N died in my arms," you explained doing your best to not tear up at the thought of your poor brother.

"I'm... I'm so sorry Y/N," Bill whispered.

"It's fine. Really. Well every full moon I go through the transformation. When it happened I was alone. I pushed myself away from you. I didn't want to hurt you. But I had to come to terms with what happened, and a large part of it was the scars. I never thought I would ever show anyone. But you have to show yours to the world every day, I'm lucky that I can hide mine and lie about the ones of my face as they are minor. I just needed to let you know you aren't alone. I understand what's happening to you, so if you need to talk, or if you have any questions, I am here for you," you smiled softly.

He looked as though he was deliberating his thoughts, uncertain as to what to do now that you had told him. It was a lot for him to take in.

"You could have just hidden it, why tell me?" He questioned.

"Look I love you Bill. You were the only one there for me, you and your family. I know you have them and everyone else, but I can't leave you like this. I need you to come to terms with it, and realise you are handsome, even if it isn't what society deems the fact," you shrugged.

"You love me? Platonically or... something more?"

"Depends on whether my feelings are reciprocated."

A smile twisted onto his lips, as you reached a hand up to run over the scars on his cheek. He looked so different, but you loved him nevertheless, he was still perfect. His calloused fingers moved from the scar on your shoulders, to press onto the back of your neck, to pull you to him. Pressing his lips firmly to yours expressing his love in a way he knew how to.


Written by Charlotte.

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