Ginny Weasley- Those Three Words (c)

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You had been dating Ginny for over a year now. Last Christmas you spent the holidays apart, not wanting to impose in each other's families due to such a short relationship, but this year she had invited you to come back with her for the holidays. You weren't sure at first but after her insisting that her parents were happy for you to be there, and that Harry would be there too, along with Hermione for part of the holiday, you agreed.

You'd been there for four days already, and there was still three days until Christmas Day. Your family were going to miss you, but it had been agreed that you and Ginny would go there for New Year's Eve.

Although you were nervous to be spending time with Ginny's family, you did know most of them already. Granted you were in the same year as Ginny, you had met Ron, Fred, George and Percy at school, granted you weren't overly close friends but you had met so that was slightly less intimidating.

Ginny did everything she could to convince you that her family weren't scary or going to do anything, granted she did warn you that it would be a very full house. When you first arrived Ginny's eldest two brothers Bill and Charlie, weren't there yet, meaning at least you got eased into her family, only needing to meet Molly and Arthur at this point.

Molly had called the family to dinner, but by this point all the males in the family had escaped from the table to go do their own things, whilst you offered to help Molly clean up after the meal, roping Ginny into helping too.

"Y/N, could you go get another tea towel from the cupboard in the hall dear?" Molly questioned.

"Of course," you smiled going to go do what you were told to.

Once you found the tea towel you walked back towards the kitchen but paused when you heard the voices of the two Weasley women.

"So is Y/N, staying for the rest of the holidays?" Molly questioned. "Doesn't she want to be with her family?"

"Her parents said it was okay for her to stay here, but we said we'd go there for New Year's Eve," Ginny explained.

"Oh okay."

Didn't Molly want you there? She didn't seem to dislike Harry being around, but he had a different family situation. You were imposing on their family, and she probably just wanted her family there. What if she didn't want you and Ginny to be together? You wouldn't want Ginny to go against her parents, as you knew very well she would if she had to, but you didn't want to lose her.

Realising you had probably been stood there for too long, you walked in and placed the tea towel onto the counter.

"I'm sorry Molly. I don't feel great. Is it okay if I just have a lie down for a bit?" You said in a near whisper.

"Of course dear," she smiled softly. "What's wrong?"

"I have a headache, sorry," you sighed.

"Y/N," Ginny called after you, but instead you made your way straight up stairs to Ginny's room.

You fell onto the bed that you had learnt was for when Hermione visited, and was supposed to be for you too, not that you planned to tell Ginny's family that every night you and Ginny shared a bed as you just liked being curled up together.

Holding a pillow over your face you let out a scream into it, allowing the fabric to muffle the noise.

"Y/N?" Ginny questioned.

You flung the pillow to the other side of the mattress you were lying on to reveal the redhead you were undeniably in love with- not that you had told her that.

"What's wrong?" She asked coming to sit next to you, lacing her fingers with yours, giving your hand a caring squeeze.

"Nothing," you muttered not wanting to go into detail.

"I know you're lying Y/N," she smiled. "I can read you like a book."

You looked up at her with a weak smile, not quite sure what to say without coming across as inconsiderate or simply odd.

"Does your mum hate me?" You said bluntly.

Your eyebrows furrowed. Well if you were attempting to not come across as ungrateful or weird, your mission certainly failed.

"No. She loves you. Why would you think that she hates you?" She questioned.

"I heard her ask if I was staying here for the holidays. She didn't seem to want me to be here," you sighed.

Ginny let out a chuckle as she lay down next to you, moving the hand that wasn't with yours into your hair.

"Don't be barmy Y/N. Mum loves you. She just needed to know if you were going to be here for Christmas dinner. She's losing her mind as Hermione's parents are now going on a cruise, so she's going to be here too. And Bill is being cryptic if he's bringing his girlfriend home, and she can't convince Charlie to bring someone home. She has a lot on her mind, and having so many mouths to feed seems impossible for her at the moment especially with the numbers fluctuating a lot. She's happy that I'm happy, and she wants you here, if you want to be," she smiled, slightly losing you during her ramble but the main message got through.

"But do you really want me here? It's Christmas and it's time for family. I'm just going to get in the way," you said hesitantly trying to not cry.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. You make me so happy Y/N. I love you- oh crap, I didn't mean that," she started off sounding confident but all confidence diminished as soon as those three words escaped her lips.

Your eyes widened as did hers. At that point you noticed how close you were, your noses were basically brushing against each other's, and her hand was still laced in your hair.

"You... you love me?" You asked slightly shocked that she told you that.

"Oh... yeah. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it. I know you don't feel the same," she said for the first time actually seeming nervous, which you had never seen, even when she was in peril.

"Don't be barmy Ginny," you grinned mocking her tone. "I love you too."


Written by Charlotte. 

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