Sirius Black- Moony (c)

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You had paid more attention to your best friend in recent months, knowing that he had been acting peculiar- well more peculiar than he usually did. Although he had always been close friends with Remus, he had been acting differently with him. Sirius was a very self-assured man, but recently he had been rambling and stumbling over his words whenever he was trying to spend time with Remus. He had also begun to spend less time with you instead to spend it with Remus, along with the longing stares the two of them shared fairly often. To be fair you had found him overly adorable, it was nice to see him actually showing a softer side that he seemed to always want to deny that he had. However, he had never admitted to you how he felt about Remus, and you needed to hear it from him rather than just assume how he felt- you were pretty certain that they liked each other but you weren't sure if anything had happened that he hadn't told you about.

He had come to your place for lunch, so the two of you were sat in your dining room when you decided to turn the conversation towards Remus.

"So, you and Remus?" You stated offhandedly.

"What about Remus and me?" He questioned cocking an eyebrow as he took a bite from his sandwich trying to avoid eye contact.

You didn't know how to be remotely subtle so you knew the only way to go about it was be blunt around the fact.

"Are you sleeping with him?"

His eyes widened as he coughed trying not to choke on the food he had been eating.

"No! I'm not... right at this moment," he smiled awkwardly.

You gave him a knowing and excited smile. You were sure there had to have been something more between them and you were just glad that they were both happy.

"I knew it," you squealed. "Are you two actually together or are you just together?"

He smiled softly. "We're together. Have been for a few months. Please don't tell anyone. I wanted to tell you but we just wanted to keep it quiet for a bit. Still do."

Nodding your head, you wanted to reassure him that his secret was safe with you. You just wanted them to be happy.

"I won't tell anyone. I'm happy for both of you," you grinned. "So, you really like him then?"

"I'm really serious about him. I think I'm in love with Moony," he said softly unable to keep his smile off of his face.

"You're always Sirius," you smirked.

He gave you a sharp glare but his smile quickly reappeared at the thought of Remus.


Written by Charlotte.

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