"Hi Sof. Are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah. I just have a stupid fever." I grumbled as i let him in.

"Well, fortunately for you, i am here and i will take care for you. Sit down on the couch please." He instructed as he led me to the couch and went to the kitchen.

"You don't have to." I told him.

"I want to. So, where are your parents." He shouted from the kitchen.

"I don't know. I think they left a note but i was too tired to check it." I said as i yawned.

"Yup. Found it." He shouted again.

I was about to reply when i yawned again.

"Sleep Sofia, I'll wake you up when the soup is ready." Alec assured me as he walked in and put a blanket over me.

"Soup?" I asked him as my eyes fluttered shut.

"Just sleep."

And so i did.


I was dreaming about Channing Tatum and Ian Somerhalder (hehe) when i woke up to singing.

Good singing actually.

I opened my eyes to see Alec place a bowl of soup on the table next to me while singing.
When he realised that i was staring at him, he jumped and placed a hand over his heart.

"What the hell Sof? Did you want to give me a heartattack?" He asked me breathlessly.

"Why are you actually really good at singing?" I asked surprised.

He chuckled and dragged the table with the soup closer to me.

"There you go Miss. Your soup is ready." He said in a fake british accent.

I smiled and sat up.

"You never told me you could sing." I brought up the subject he was trying to avoid again and placed the bowl of soup on my lap.

"I can't. You must've just been too tired." He joked.

"No, it's not that. I heard you, you know." I said as i scooted over, giving him space to sit next to me.

"You were just hallucinating." He winks. "Why don't we invite Beth over and have a movie marathon, just like old times?" He changed the subject.

I shrugged and ate my soup.


"He-llo family." Beth greeted as she jumped on both of us. "I mean not literally but i hate my other one so just go with it."

"Well well well. If it isn't Mr Im-going-to-ditch-my-friends-cause-i-have-a-girlfriend." Beth joked as she tried to strangle Alec.

"Help me...please." Alec choked out.

I laughed and pried Beth off of him.

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