I was admiring the moon, entranced almost by how beautiful it looked when i noticed him sitting on the very edge of the building, just 2 inches from falling off and dying.

I gasped before pulling at his arm. "Move your ass immediately Adams, you crazy psychopath, you're about to fall!" I screamed at him, alarmed.

He looked at me and noticed my horrified expression before he chuckled and adjusted himself so he was at a safe distance.

I sighed in relief and sat down next to him.

"Aw 'Fie, are you worried about me?" He smiled and bumped his shoulder against mine. A dimple popped out on his right cheek and i almost poked it before realising who i was sitting next to.

The moon and the stars reflected in his eyes, making it look like he had a smiley face in the pupils of his eyes. He looked so innocent like this it almost didn't seem like Justin Adams. I was ready to start cooing and squishing his face together but i knew better than that.

"No, just didn't want to be blamed for the murder." I grinned back at him. "Its so beautiful from up here. How did you find this place?"

"One too many business meeting with my dad. Used to come up here to escape that boring shit." He explained, looking up at towards the sky and closing his eyes, a peaceful smile on his face. "Closest thing to Empire State Building, just thought you'd appreciate the view too."

I did.

We sat in silence for a while just admiring the view when he finally looked at me and asked; "Did you know?"

I frowned.

"Know what?" I asked him, focusing on him again, the wind blowing lightly through his hair, leaving a stand curled on his forehead.

"That he was going to be here." He said. I didn't need to hear any more to know he was talking about his dad.
"Not until today." I answered.

He hummed and looked away.

I placed my hand on his shoulder before quickly removing it again when he looked at me. "Im sorry. About your parents, i mean. I never really got a chance to talk to you about it. I know it must've been hard for you, and judging you like that in the car wasn't that right." I rambled, looking down at my hands. I regretted it now, it was probably too harsh and i wasn't that mean.

"It's okay. Im fine. I don't really care as much. I would just appreciate it if i never saw his face again." He explained shortly, giving a quick smile at me before looking back at the view in front of us. "You should be grateful by the way. I arrived here just a few hours ago and you were lucky enough to be the first one to ride in my car." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and said nothing as i watched the moon sparkle in the night sky.

I felt very relaxed, more than i had this entire month. I didn't care about anything at that moment. I didn't care that i still wasn't happy with Justin, or that my mom would be furious with me for leaving the party. I didn't even care that Alec was playing tonsil tennis with his little girlfriend right now. It was just me, Sofia, and Justin on top of a gigantic building with no one else around to bother us.

That was, of course, until my phone started ranging.

I nearly screamed in irritation, but held myself back from doing so.

"Hello?" I answered as politely as i could.

"Sofia! Where the hell are you? Did you really expect me to survive through this all on my own?! These people are demons! Demons i say! For the love of Jesus, please come back." Beth whined in the phone, reminding me of what i have to go back to.

I laughed quietly and nodded my head, until I realized she couldn't see me and felt embarrassed Justin had seen me do that.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon. Don't die on me yet."

"I'll try not to." She said as she hung up.

I sighed and looked at Justin, only to see him already looking at me.

"Um, we have to go back. Beth just called me." I said.

"Okay, let's go then."


Once we got there, we departed as soon as we got the chance to.

I looked around for Beth until i saw her leaning agains the wall, cursing at her phone.

"Hey Beth, what are you doing?" I asked her as I approached her.

"Hunting elephants." She said, still not taking her eyes off her phone.

"Oh okay. That explains it." I replied as i stood next to her.

She locked her phone, put it back in her pocket and grinned at me.

"So how do i look? I tried to make myself as girly as possible. Can you see this sister?!" She said as she pointed at her face. "This is make up. Thats right, make up." She groaned and hand gestured to her face wildly.

Oh Beth and her dramatics. No wonder she only had 3 friends, who else could keep up with her.

"Its so itchy. Its like, holding my face back. How do girls wear this stuff on their face?" She asked as she shook my shoulders.

"They are used to it babe. That just how girls are." I explained slowly like i was talking to a child.

"Huh. I must not be a girl then. Mom has some serious explaining to do." She said as she put her hand on her hip.

We both laughed at our own joke.

"On a serious note, you look great." I complimented my best friend, running my hand through a strand of purple hair on her shoulder.

"Aw thanks honey, i already knew that, but thanks. You look gorgeous as always." She winked back and blew me a kiss.

We began munching on some snacks laid out on the tables next to us.

"holy mother of cock." Beth mumbled, sitting up straight immediately as she looked over my shoulder.

"Who is that hot piece of meat?" She asked as she pointed at Justin.

"That, my friend, is the brand new Justin."

"Well, puberty sure did him good." Beth commented with a surprised look.

"Yup." I also said.


So on this super fun evening (note on my sarcasm) we just happened to bump into my mother.

"Oh hi... Beth. You look... Good." Was the first thing my mother said with a disgusted look.

"Aw thank you Catherine. You look... Good too." Beth said giving my mother a sickening sweet smile, obviously trying to match her energy.

My mother huffed and walked away.

"Hoe." Beth mumbled. "No offence but i don't understand how you came out of that vagina."

I laughed and dragged her back to the food area, knowing she'd instantly feel better.

"You know me too well." She smiled as she picked something up and put it her mouth.

"You guys suck!" We heard an all to familiar voice say as Elena marched towards us.

"You are here having fun while i was stuck with Mama Black and Mama Rose. No offense girls, but your moms argue worse than teenage girls." Elena said. 'Mama Rose' was Beth's mother.

"You're one to talk." Beth laughed as she pointed towards Elena's mom.

She turned around and saw her mother stomp on her feet like a little two year old. She was talking to Tom Woods (Elena's uncle and Jenna's brother) so that's probably why.

Elena laughed and shook her head before looking back at us.

She widened her eyes and quickly walked over to us.

"Ooo. Food."

The Other Brother (SLOW UPDATES)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang