I've just been kidnapped and i came out with gummy bears...

Start from the beginning

I smirked at him. "You sure haven't heard enough about me if you think I can't fight awesome" I said sneering at his direction. "Sneaky pup, pretending to sleep" he said looking me with a slight glare. I looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me in disgust and thought of themselves higher than me. I looked at them in amusement. "The awkward moment when you wake up and see everyone around you doesn't want you, then you ask yourself why am I here then you forget they kidnapped you" I said aloud laughing to myself.

Everyone looked at me weirdly before returning to their previous faces. "So why am I here?" I asked rudely looking at the guy in front of me. The next thing I knew he was in my face with his nostrils blazing. "Don't ever speak to me unless I say so!" he demanded in my face. "He sure has some anger issues, maybe I should sign him into some special classes" I said to myself smirking once I heard him growl at me. I looked at him innocently.

"The reason we have kidnapped you is a secret. We are not willing you to know in case you communicate to the rest of your pack or to your alpha" he said. "Question, what's your name first?" I asked politely. "Bob Willis" he let out crossing his arms and leaning away from me with a disgusted face. I snorted at his name. "Who seriously names their child Bob? It's the worst name to be called" I said.

I then felt a stinging sensation on my right cheek and my head was tilted to the side. I looked at him incredulously. "Did you just seriously slap me?" I asked him not believing it. "Why yes I did, how did it feel, because it just felt wonderful to me" he said smirking evilly. I glowered at him. "Don't ever slap me across the face again or you will regret it!" I hissed at him.

Being slapped across the face by a man reminds me of the olden days when the husbands back handed their wives if they did something wrong or out of term. It reminds me of how men think of us as weaklings and not levelled with them because they are of that gender. He cracked a wicked smile at me. "I don't see why not to, your all tied up and I haven't met a little girl like you who could lay a finger hand on me" he said full of confidence.

I started cracking up laughing at him. If only he really knew me. He wouldn't of have kidnapped me, slapped me and insulted me all in the time span of 2 hours. "I don't know why he told me to be "careful" with you, your nothing but a weak female b*tch, who doesn't know the terms of respecting males" he said. "I might of have done a favour to your pack. You were most likely the weakest by your look, now they might have chance of actually being able to train their pack without you not keeping up with them and causing them to slow dow-" he didn't get to finish. That was the last straw. He insulted me badly and my pack status. All alpha's demand respect from others, even other alpha's.

I pulled my wrists apart hardly needing to use my full normal wolf strength and broke them along doing the same to my legs I then leaped towards him and had him backed up against a wall where I made sure he knocked his head on the wall, hard. He looked at me in absolute surprise then he glared at me. "Never mess with an Alpha, Especially an alpha like me" I said to him making sure everyone else in the room heard. Then before Bob had the time to react, I snapped his neck with my hand, killing him instantly.

His limp body fell to the ground. It was quick, clean and an easy kill. I turned around to see the guards looking at me scared. I took one step towards one and he instantly drew back and into a corner with the rest. I smirked at them. "Don't ever underestimate us "women" again" I said to them clearly. They nodded their heads in understanding. I could see it in their eyes now that they won't be going near another girl for quite some time.

"Now tell me, who sent you to kidnap me and why?" I asked them directly my answer to the one that was in the room before bob and the other 2 came in. "W-w-ee don't k-know, he just s-sent us picture of y-you and said t-that if we c-caught you and kept you until h-he came we would g-get the money we wanted" he said frightened.

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