Chapter 10 - What is this feeling?

Start from the beginning


School and work were a drag. I came home exhausted. I put the key in my door and turned it only to realize it was already unlocked...

Was I so sleep-deprived that I had forgotten to lock the door? Ugh. Whatever. This homework isn't going to do itself, I can dream though.

I walked into my house and plopped down on the couch.


It was 8:53 PM and I was finally done with my homework. I was putting away my things when I heard something upstairs, I had been hearing noises and thought it was the neighbors but this one specifically came from my room.

Please don't be who I think it is...

I slowly made myself up the stairs with a shoe in my hand.

I walked towards the room and saw nothing.


I screamed, turned, and threw the shoe at Cupid.

"Ouch, what the hell Dylan!?"

"WHAT THE HELL TO YOU CUPID! HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE?!" I yelled and began looking in the pockets of the pants I wore yesterday.

"Looking for something, dear?" He smirked.

I turned and looked at him. "Yes, I am, and I have a strong feeling you have it."

"I don't know what you're talking about. In fact, I have no idea what you're looking for," He said innocently as he turned and began leaving.

I grabbed him by the collar, "Not so fast love, you aren't leaving until I get what I am looking for."

He turned to face me. "Could it be that the thing you are looking for is in my pants?" He smirked.

I blushed.

That dirty bastard.

"What's wrong dear?" He asked innocently.

"I was only talking about this," he took the key out of his pocket.

I reached out to grab it, but he held it away.

"I will never give you this key," He said putting it in his pocket.

I sighed and sat on my bed.

"Is something wrong Dylan?" Cupid asked, as he dragged a chair I had in my room in front of me and sat on it.

He stared at me. I turned away.

"Does this have to do with yest—" he started but I got up and left.

I need to process everything. I need to figure out how I feel about him. I have no idea if I can even be in love because he is what basically makes people fall in love, and from what I learned, he couldn't use his power on me.


I took a taxi to a park that was a bit far from my house.

It was empty which I was thankful for because I needed to be alone right now. I'm not the kind of person who is usually surrounded by people, that's why I don't know how to react to Cupid's presence let alone his feelings. The last time I had a guy friend was when I was 5 and he was imaginary. Yeah I have friends now but they seem to know each other more than they know me, so I kind of always felt left out.

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