"Hey Andy"

"Hey Joe"

"Guess what's on right now?!"

"I don't fucking know"

"Your music video Coffin is on the music channel and it's already Most Watched on YouTube"

"What!? That's awesome! Thanks Joe"

"No problem"

I hung up and turned the tv to the music channel. "GUYS! COME HERE!" I shouted and all the guys came running in "What?" I pointed at the TV as it shows the video "Joe just called saying that the video's on and that it's on Most Watched on YouTube" I said. "That's awesome" Jade exclaimed, "It is" Jake said. We all grouped hung then danced to the song, shouting the lyrics.

A knock was made so Jade went to answer it as we just kept shouting. She screamed which scared all of us. "What's wrong?" Jinxx asked "Nothing, look it's the magazine that I modeled for" she held out the magazine and me and the guys flipped through it. "You look good" I said, she did and she looked adorable in some.

"Thanks guys. Do you wanna visit the shop today? It's downtown" we all nodded and grabbed our shoes, I also put on a leather jacket. We got in the car and drove.

"Hi welcome to-" the lady who was in her 20's looked up and was shocked. "Y-You're" the guys chuckled "Black Veil Brides" Andy finished for her and she nodded. "Sorry I'm a huge fan"

"It's okay" Jinxx said and the girl looked at me puzzled "Hey aren't you the girl who was a model for our magazine?" I nodded "I'm Jade, Jade Ferguson" she got out a photo of all of us together and a sharpie "I'm sorry but can I have your guys autograph?" We nodded and signed the photo "Anyway what can I help you with?"

"We're here to buy clothes" Jake said and the girl pointed to a section of the store "That's the boys and there is the girls section and over there is the dressing room" we nodded and walked to the boys section. I grabbed some shirts and one was a Misfit shirt and also some skinny jeans. I got in the dressing room and tried on the clothes, which all fitted fine.

I bought my stuff and walked over to Jade "What'cha lookin' at?" She was looking at a fuzzy sweater with that looked like a tiger's face as the pattern. "Clothes. You already bought stuff?" I nodded and she went to the dressing room and before she walked in she said "I want you to rate the outfits" I nodded and then she disappeared by behind the door.

She came out with the tiger faced sweater, black skinny jeans and her black vans she wore today. "I give it a eight" she went back in and a minute later came back out. A Sleeping With Sirens shirt and tight black jean capris "nine" she agreed and changed.

Three Days Grace tank top with dark green skinny jeans- 8

Paramore sweater with white skinny jeans- 7

Kiss shirt with black skinny jeans with holes in the knees- 9

Then she walked out with her last outfit on. It was tight Black Veil Shirt with the sleeves cut off and if she raised her arms it would show a bit of her stomach and leather high waist short shorts. I gaped and she did poses and danced around. "TEN!" I said and she totally agreed. We bought the clothes and headed to the beach. We did bring our swimsuits.

They were changing tents on the beach and I got in one and changed into my swim trunks. I just hope I don't see Jade's dad again cause all hell's gonna break loose. Everybody was changed so we hit the water except Jade. "C'mon Jade" Ashley said, "Do you not know how fucking cold that water is?!"

"Do you not know how fucking hot it is today?!" He replied, smart ass. I got out of the water and walked to her. "C'mon Jade pleeeease" I whined, "No, it's fucking freezing"

"I didn't wanna do this but you made me" I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "ANDREW BIERSACK! PUT ME DOWN!" She was pounding her fist on my back. When I was in the ocean, I threw her off and she screamed.

When she surfaced she was mad and me and the guys just laughed. Then she covered her face in her hands and started..crying? That caught our attention, I walked over to her "Sorry Jade I didn't mean to make you cry" she kept crying. "AHHHHH!" She jumped on me and got on my shoulders "Chicken!" She shouted and we all agreed. Ashley got on Jake's shoulder, letting the battle began. Jade was pushing them.

Then Jinxx got on CC's shoulders "Oooooooo! Sibling RIVALRY!" Ashley yelled, I charged giving Jade a better chance to attack. She pushed with all of her might and then I charged again, making CC and Jinnx unbalanced. Jinnx eventually fell and me and Jade won.

"WOOHOOO!" We cheered and the guys clapped. We all got out, getting shaved ice by a guy with one of those carts. I got cherry mixed with watermelon.

Jinxx- Blue Rasberry

Jake- Pina Colada

CC- Lemon Lime

Ashley- Coconut and Strawberry

Jade- Tiger's Blood and Cotton Candy

All of us sitting on our towels, eating our treat. "This is good" Jade said with a smile and her lips were a bright red color cause of the Tiger's Blood flavoring. She's so fucking cute. I finished the ice and threw my trash away. "Your lips are like really red" Jade laughed, "So are yours" I pointed. We got in the car and drove home cause it was getting late.

Jade was beside me asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. Once in a while she would mumble something but only I can hear. When the car stopped I carried Jade bridal style up to her room. "Okay..how can I change her without being pervy?" I told myself, I walked to her dresser and opened a drawer. "Nope bra drawer" and shut the drawer. Opened another drawer "Oh come on, this is just fucking with me now" I opened her pantie drawer. Shutting that one, I opened another drawer "Finally" I found her tank tops. I also grabbed pajama pants.

I leaned her body against the headboard so she would be sitting up. I slipped the shirt over her head and worked her arms through the holes. Now for the pants "How am I supposed to do this?" I sat behind her and grabbed on her legs and slid her leg in one of the pants leg. Then I did the other leg, "Good job Andy, you dressed someone without being a perv"

I moved the bed's covers to the side and laid her down. I pulled the covers over her body and lightly planted a kiss on her lips before turning off the lights and leaving the room. I put on my PJ pants and took off my shirt. I laid in bed and fell asleep. But I had a dream....a dream about



Do you think Andy loves Jade or is he unsure? I love you guys, thanks for reading *hugs chu* See you in the next chapter Baiiiiiiiii <3


Listening to: Three Days Grace - Never Too Late

The Little Sister (Andy Biersack Love Story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now