Once the bell rang, I made a beeline for the front doors of the school. It wasn’t raining yet but the wind was fierce as I walked through the parking lot and out onto the sidewalk. It felt strange walking home. I rode with Embry more than I walked home but that would have to stop as well. I mentally made a note to get an umbrella so that if it rained from now on, I’d be prepared for the walk. I looked over my shoulder every time I heard a car approach. I was worried that Embry was going to drive up at any moment but he never showed. I was both relieved and disappointed. Maybe he got the message.

            Stepping through my front door, I felt like a weight dropped on my shoulders. It wasn’t good that the lack of contact with Embry was weighing on me so much. I made my way to the living room and slumped onto the floor. Outside I could hear the wind dying down a little. It was too early for me to start dinner so I pulled out my books and began doing homework.

            I was just beginning math when a knock came at the door. I froze. No one is supposed to knock on the door. No one knew where I lived and if they did why were they visiting? It was too early in the mission to have Jane come visit me. Maybe it was one of those door to door sellers. I sat there looking at the front door. A knock rang out again and this time a voice accompanied it.

            “Lamia, its Embry. Please open the door,” Embry called making my breathing hitch in my throat. What was he doing here?!? I thought he got the message that I didn’t want to talk to him but here he was at my house…where my parents were supposed to be. I quickly got up and walked to the door and pulled it open to reveal Embry poised ready to knock again.

            “I got it mom,” I called behind me into the empty house. It felt weird to be talking to no one but I had to play the part. I stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind me. “What do you want Embry?”

            “You’ve been avoiding me,” he said flatly trying to meet my eyes but I kept my eyes down. The tone of his voice gave away his emotions. He was hurt that I was acting like this.

            “I wasn’t,” I replied, my first thought being to deny but he didn’t buy that at all.

            “Listen Mia if this is about me trying to hold your hand the other night then I’m sorry. I already apologized for making you uncomfortable. Did I doing something else? Please tell me and I’ll fix it,” he said taking a step closer so that we were only a few inches apart.

            “It’s not something you did Embry. You didn’t do anything. Please don’t think you did,” I said finally giving into temptation and looking up at him. His eyes showed worry. I sighed and stepped around him to sit on the porch steps. He followed suit and sat down beside me.

            “I’m sorry for avoiding you. It’s just that I’ve never been very close to others before,” I said softly. He looked at me intently, listening to whatever I was going to say. “Before I came here, I didn’t have any friends. Not from lack of people trying to be my friend but I didn’t get close to anybody.” I had to be careful what I was telling him. I couldn’t reveal anything about being a servant or my horrible bosses but I could open up a little.

            “You know, when you first got here, you were so quiet and tried to keep to yourself. People were talking about this new girl that wouldn’t talk to anybody and yet she fascinated everyone, including myself,” he replied. I glanced over at him and he was smiling. I let my hair fall in my face to hide the blush creeping into my cheeks.

            Embry lifted his hand and moved the hair behind my ear so that he could see my face. His fingers skimmed the skin along my jaw line and caused me to shiver. This wasn’t right. I had spent all day trying to avoid moments like this but even with my best effort, he still got to me and this time I couldn’t stop it.

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