Chapter 35 "You're Not Wonder Woman"

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"You need to stop being so hard on yourself!" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
Shaylynn takes her head off his shoulder, "That's easier said than done!"
"Let me ask you this, did you know Justin was in town?" Dr. Rhodes asks her.
"No" she tells him.
"Then how could you have stopped what happened to him if you didn't know" he tells her.
"I should've been keeping tabs on him, like I do Sam, but I thought he was still away where he was stationed at with the Army. Apparently my dad knew Justin was back, but didn't tell me!" she tells him.
"What about with Sam, you had no clue she would cut her wrists" he says.
"I should have kept my eyes on her better when I discovered she wasn't refilling her prescription" she tells him.
"Shaylynn, you can't do everything!" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
Shaylynn gets pissed and stands up, "Damn it, Connor! I'm the oldest! I should be watching out for Sam and should've been watching out for Justin!" she tells him, then starts walking away.
Dr. Rhodes stands up, starts following her and grabs one of Shaylynn's arms turning her around to face him, "Shaylynn, you're not Wonder Woman!"
Unknown to Shaylynn and Dr. Rhodes, Severide is sitting in the parking lot watching them. He received a text with a picture attached showing Shaylynn and Dr. Rhodes sitting on a bench together, with her head on his shoulder. He can feel his blood pressure rising as he watches them together. He puts his phone back in his pocket and gets out of Shaylynn's car.
Severide starts walking across the street heading straight for Dr. Rhodes.
He walks up to them and grabs Dr. Rhodes arm, "I suggest you get your hand off my wife!" Severide tells him.
Dr. Rhodes is surprised to see Severide. He takes his phone out of his pocket and shows Shaylynn the picture he was sent.
"What the hell is this all about?!" he asks her.
Shaylynn looks at the picture and can't believe someone is spying on her and sending pictures to Severide.
"First, there is nothing to say expect Connor was consoling me because Hank, Lindsay, Halstead and I found Sam sitting in front of Justin's headstone with cuts on her wrists, that's why I'm here. Second, WHO sent you that picture? Because who ever sent that is spying on me and could still be here. That couldn't have been taken no more than 5 minutes ago" she tells Severide.
"I don't know who sent it. The number says it's unknown" Severide tells her.
That really has Shaylynn concerned.
"Kelly, nothing was going on! Do you really think I would be doing something behind your back out here in public where almost everyone knows me?" she asks him.
Dr. Rhodes' phone goes off, he looks at it, "I have to go!" he says.
"Sure you do!" Severide says.
"Kelly!" Shaylynn says looking at him shaking her head.
Dr. Rhodes walks away and walks back into the hospital.
"I should get back inside and see how Sam's doing" she says to Severide.
"Alright. I better get back to the Firehouse" he says to her.
Shaylynn looks over to the parking lot, "I see you drove my car."
Severide smiles at her, "What am I going to do with you?!" she says to him and kisses him.
He starts walking back to the parking lot, as Shaylynn starts walking back into the ED.
As she walks in, Lindsay sees her, "Hank's looking for you" she tells Shaylynn.
"Thanks!" she tells Lindsay as she walks into the ED.
When she walks in Hank waves her over to a little conference room off the ED.
She walks inside with him to see Dr. Charles and Dr. Reese sitting there.
"We've talked to Sam and believe she should be admitted on a 72 psychiatric hold. During that time, we will start her back up on her meds. If she seems like she's improved, I will discharge her. But, she must stay with someone after she leaves her" Dr. Charles tells Shaylynn and Hank.
"She can stay with me" Hank says.
Shaylynn speaks up, "NO! She can stay with me and Kelly."
"Shouldn't you talk to him first?" Dr. Charles asks her.
"No. He won't mind!" she tells him.

After the 72 hour psychiatric hold is up, Severide and Shaylynn are at Med to pick Sam up.
When they get out to Shaylynn's car and just about ready to drive off, Sam receives a text message.
Shaylynn looks in the rearview mirror, "Sam, what is it?" she asks Sam.
"UM, can you drop me off at the State Attorney's office. Stone wants to talk to me" Sam tells her.
Shaylynn gives Sam a look. Severide smiles and tries not to start laughing at the expression on Shaylynn's face.
"Only if you PROMISE to call me once you're done there!" she tells Sam, "PROMISE ME!" Shaylynn tells her aggressively.
"Okay! Okay! I promise!" Sam says back to Shaylynn.
Shaylynn drives off heading to the State Attorney's office. She pulls up in front of the office building and parks. Severide gets out, lifts up the seat so Sam can get out. He sticks his hand out to her to help her out.
"Thank you!" Sam tells Severide.
"Make sure you call your sister when you're done, okay!" Severide says while he smiles at her.
"I will!" Sam says smiling back at him.
"SAM!" Shaylynn yells from inside the car.
"GO!" Severide tells her as he starts getting back in.
Sam starts walking away, "MAKE SURE....." Shaylynn starts yelling when Severide cuts her off by shutting the car door.
"She knows already" he tells Shaylynn, "Now drive! Let's get to the Firehouse" he tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a dirty look, "PLEASE......BABE!" he says to her puckering up.
She quickly takes off throwing Severide back into his seat.
"And that's why you will never drive a golf cart again!" he tells her.
Shaylynn starts laughing her ass off.

They arrive at the Firehouse and walk in. Shaylynn has her laptop with her so she can get some work done while she waits for Sam's call.
"Don't want to go back to your office?" Herrmann asks her.
"I don't want to see Butch quite yet. Plus I miss being here" Shaylynn tells him.
"AAAAWWW! SHAYLYNN MISSES US!" Herrmann yells out.
Shaylynn smiles and starts shaking her head. She looks through all her emails that she's missed since being gone. She comes across one from Roger, the NFL Commissioner.


I tried calling you, but nothing would happen. The calls wouldn't even go to voicemail. So I figured I would try reaching you through email.

Everything is set! I was able to reserve two suites for your friends. They don't have to worry about tickets since you're going to provide security for Ms. Gaga.

Just let me know a month before the Super Bowl how many of your friends will be coming. That way I can FedEx out lanyards that will get them into NRG Stadium.


Shaylynn smiles at the news, she sends the email to her phone. She takes out her phone to make sure the email was received. While she has her phone out, she checks to make sure she didn't miss Sam's call. Instead of putting her phone back into her pocket, she lays it on the table.
Dawson walks into the Common area and sees Shaylynn, she sits down in a chair next to her.
"I just got back from visiting Antonio" she tells Shaylynn.
"And?" Shaylynn says to her while she's typing.
"I saw Sam there..." Dawson tells her.
"Yeah, I know. Kelly and I dropped her off" Shaylynn tells Dawson, "Did she see you?" she asks.
"No, she didn't see me. But before I left, I asked Antonio where she was because I wanted to say hi and goodbye to her. He said that she and Peter left together" Dawson says.
This catches Shaylynn's attention. She stops typing and looks at Dawson.
"When I was walking out to my car, I saw Peter's SUV rocking" Dawson tells Shaylynn with a sly grin.
"OH HELL NO!" Shaylynn blurts out.
Just then her phone rings, it's Sam.
"Was that Sam?" Dawson asks Shaylynn.
"Yes! She said Peter's going to be dropping her off at the Firehouse!" she tells Dawson.
Shaylynn then stands up from the table and starts walking to the stalls. As she's about to walk out, Severide walks in.
"Where you going?" he asks her.
"I'm going out to my car and get my AK-47 and meet Stone when he drops Sam off!" she tells him.
"Alright..." Severide tells her not realizing what she's said.
When it finally dawns on him what Shaylynn said, he hurries and runs after her.
Severide catches up with her, "You can't do this, Shaylynn" he tells her.
"WATCH ME!" she tells him as she gets her keys out of her pocket to unlock her trunk.
"What's going on that you're going to be meet Stone holding your AK-47?" he asks her.
She stops from unlocking the trunk and turns toward Severide, "Gabby said she was visiting Antonio at the State Attorney's office. She saw Sam, but said Sam didn't see her. When she went to say something to Sam, she couldn't find her. So she asked Antonio if he knew where Sam was. He told her that Stone and Sam left together. When Gabby made it outside and was walking to her car, she noticed Stone's SUV was rocking" she tells him with a pissed off look on her face.
Severide smiles, "Shaylynn, she's 25...." but gets cut off.
"I don't care how old she is! She's my baby sister!" she expresses to him and goes back to unlocking her trunk.
Severide shakes his head. He grabs Shaylynn's arm and turns her toward him. He crouches down a little, puts one of his shoulders into her waist and stands up with Shaylynn over his shoulder.
"KELLY! PUT ME DOWN!" she yells at him flailing around as he walks up the Firehouse driveway.
"Sam so owes me for this!" he says.



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Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago #2  (Chicago Fire)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon