Chapter 46 "My Pretty"

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While Shaylynn is in getting her CT scan done, Severide gets the clothes Hank brought in from his car and changes out of his Fire gear.
Dr. Choi comes out from where Shaylynns CT scan is being performed. He finds Severide and walks up to him.
"Well?" Severide asks him.
"Nothing is showing up on the CT scan. She might have gotten lucky and just got the nasty cut on her head" Dr. Choi tells him, "I still want to admit her to keep an eye on her for at least 24 hours. If something is hiding that the CT scan couldn't pick up, it should at least show up during that time."
Severide agrees. Dr. Choi heads back to the ED to get Shaylynn admitted.
Severide walks to the waiting room that's on the same floor where the CT scan is performed to tell Hank what's going on with Shaylynn. When he gets there, he sees Lindsay and Halstead have joined Hank.
"Shaylynn's being admitted. Dr. Choi says nothing is showing up on the CT scan, but he wants to be cautious" he tells Hank.
"Alright!" Hank tells him, "I'll be back at the fire in about an hour." he tells Severide.
"As soon as I leave here, I'm heading back" he tells Hank, "You guys were at the fire already, why were you there?" Severide asks.
"We followed Shaylynn. Butch and the others stopped by your house and picked her up" Halstead tells him.
"You guys were at the house?" Severide questions.
"Yes" Lindsay says, "Kelly, I have something to tell you. I'm Shaylynn's half sister."
Severide looks at Hank, then looks at Halstead, then back to Lindsay.
"Welcome to the family!" Severide tells her and gives her a hug.

"Welcome to the family!" Severide tells her and gives her a hug

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Sam and Stone walk off the elevator.
They see everyone and walk over, "By the looks of it, Kelly has been brought into the loop about our new sister" Sam says.
She walks over to Hank, "What did you want to show me?"
He pulls an evidence bag out of his pocket and hands it to her, she looks at it, "It's a red and white polka dot handkerchief!" Sam looks at him confused, "You got this from the fire?"
"Yes. A woman had it and was looking for Voight. Boden brought her over to me. When she found out I was a Voight, she put it in my hand and told me she was told to give it to Voight" Hank tells her.
"But this isn't like Hicks, he's more into bombs over fires" she tells him.
"Maybe now he's being paid, so he does what the person wants" Hank tells her, "All the people that were brought out of the fire were women. So there was something going on at this place."
Dr. Choi walks up to them, "Excuse me, I thought you might want to know that Shaylynn is in a room. 814."
"Would you guys mind if I go see her first?" Sam asks Severide and Hank.
"Go ahead!" Severide tells her.
Sam starts heading toward Shaylynn's room and walks in.
"Hi, Sam" Shaylynn says to her as she sits at the foot of the bed.
"Do you think just because we found out we have another sister, you can go and get yourself killed?" Sam asks her.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "I wasn't trying to get myself killed. NO Firefighters were dying tonight! I wasn't just in there for 51, I was in there for ALL the Firefighters. There was no way any wives were going to get a visit telling them their husband died in a fire. I've already been through that!"
"Again, you almost got yourself killed. What about Kelly?" Sam asks her.
"Then he would've been mourning me. Sam, I can't bury another husband! The pain from burying Marshall was too much! When we were walking around the cemetery looking for you, I came across his grave. It had been so long since I had been there, I forgot where it was until I walked up on it. Everything hit me! The day he died, the day I buried him, it was like it was all happening right then" Shaylynn tells Sam while wiping a tear away, "Enough about that! Are you feeling better?"
"Yes" Sam says with a smile on her face, "I have something to tell you."
Shaylynn looks at Sam with a very concerned look.
"I'm pregnant!" Sam blurts out.
Shaylynn smiles, "Congratulations!" she tells Sam, "If Stone hurts you now, I will kill him!"
"Shaylynn!" Sam says.
"Excuse me, Peter...."Shaylynn says to Sam with a smile.
"Will you ever change?" Sam asks with a smile.
"Nope!" Shaylynn says.
"Other than Peter, does anyone else know?" Shaylynn asks.
"No" Sam tells her.
"You need to tell Hank! When I told him you were sick, he was really concerned" she tells Sam.
The door to Shaylynn's room opens.
Severide pokes his head in, "Is it alright to come in?" he asks.
"Yes" Sam tells him.
Severide along with Hank, Lindsay, Halstead, and Stone walk in.
"Sam, how are you feeling?" Hank asks her.
Shaylynn gives Sam a little kick with her foot. Sam gives her a look.
"Better. I have some news" Sam says while she stands up and stands next to Stone, "I'm pregnant" she says.
"Congratulations!" Lindsay says while walking over to Sam to give her a hug.
Hank, Severide and Halstead get surprised looks on their faces.
Stone looks at the three guys, then looks at Shaylynn who's just staring at him.
Hank walks up to Sam, "Congratulations!" he says and hugs her.
Severide looks over at Shaylynn and sees she's staring at Stone. He walks over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him and he smiles at her.
A nurse walks into the room, "Alright everyone, visiting hours have been up for some time now. You're going to have to leave."
Lindsay and Halstead say goodbye to Shaylynn and walk out.
Hank walks up to her and gives her a kiss on the forehead and joins Lindsay and Halstead out in the hallway.
Sam walks up to Shaylynn and gives her a hug.
"No more going into buildings that have blown up or been on fire!" Shaylynn whispers into Sam's ear.
She stands up straight and smiles at her, "I promise" she tells Shaylynn.
Sam and Stone start walking out, "Bye, Shaylynn!" he says to her.
"Goodbye, Peter!" she says to him.
They join the others out in the hall before they leave.
"I bet I know where you're going once you leave here" Shaylynn says to Severide.
He gives her a look, "Don't deny it! I know you all to well!" she says.
"Something was going on there. Don't you want to know?" he asks her.
"Yes! That's why you better let me know anything you find!" she tells him with a smile.
Severide smiles at her, "I'll tell you everything I find out" he tells her, "You need to be getting some rest! The sun will be coming up soon."
He bends down and kisses her, "I'll be back later!" he tells her as he walks out the door and meets up with Hank.

Butch shows up with Severide's car. He and the other guys want to check on Shaylynn before they head back and investigate.
Everyone heads out to the parking lot. Severide gets his Fire gear out of Hank's car, runs back inside Med to use a restroom to change back into them.
Once he gets back outside, he reaches into the back seat and grabs his Squad jacket and a hat.
Stone walks up to Severide, "Kelly, I'm going to take Sam home with me" he tells him.
Severide looks at him, "Okay."
"I just wanted you to know. I didn't want you to go back home and discover Sam wasn't there and get worried. Then say something to Shaylynn and then have her worried" Stone tells him.
Severide smiles at him, "Yeah, that wouldn't be good!" he tells Stone.
As Stone walks back over to his SUV, Severide gets into his car and heads back to the fire.

When he arrives, Boden sees him and walks over, "How's Shaylynn?" he asks.
"She's good! Seems she got lucky and all she got was a nasty cut" Severide tells Boden.
"That's good! By the looks of it you're sticking around?" Boden asks him.
"Yes. I figured I could help" Severide tells him.
"Alright, here's your radio" Boden says while handing Severide the radio.
"Has anything been found out?" Severide asks.
"So far all I've heard is it was nothing but women inside. Seems they all were living here. We're trying to make it to the second level to search up there. Other companies said when they tried to enter through other doors they couldn't because they were bolted shut all the way through the frame into the brick. That's why they all had to come and enter through the door 51 went in. Then when they were inside and couldn't find their way out and went over to the windows, there were bars on them, on the inside" Boden tells Severide.
"We had the same problem with the windows. Why would anyone put bars on the inside? Just like the door. When we tried opening it, it wouldn't budge! We just got lucky and found a weakness in the door frame, tore it and the door out. If it wouldn't have been for that, we wouldn't have been able to get in. Someone wanted all those women dead!" Severide says.
"You go and look around" Boden tells him, "Radio me if you find anything."
"Will do, Chief!" Severide says while he walks off.

Thirty minutes later, the sun is up lighting up the scene.
Severide has been looking around and finally comes upon the door they were able to get in through.
He looks over the door and the door frame. He doesn't see anything out of the ordinary about them.
Walking over to the doorway, he looks down and sees bolts sticking up out of the concrete.
Hank pulls up and sees Severide. He gets out and walks over to him.
"Did you find something?" Hank asks him.
"Yeah, look at this, these bolts. Who ever started the fire used this door to get out. Then put these bolts into the concrete to make sure the door stayed shut" Severide tells him. 

Boden comes walking up to Hank and Severide, "What is it, Chief?" Severide asks him

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Boden comes walking up to Hank and Severide, "What is it, Chief?" Severide asks him.
"Another company found this" Boden tells him while handing Hank a piece of paper.
Hank reads it, "What does it say?" Severide asks him.
Hank looks at Boden, he nods at Hank, "It says......Shaylynn my pretty! I'm going to get you and your little sister too!"  



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Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago #2  (Chicago Fire)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя