Chapter 25 "Leverage"

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The Crews arrive back at the Firehouse. Everyone is tired and heads back to the bunk room.
Severide gets a cot and puts it in his Officer's Quarter's.
"Take my bed!" he tells Shaylynn.
She shakes her head "no", "I'm not taking your bed! You need to get some sleep and there's no way you can get it on that small cot!"
Severide gives her a look, "Please, don't give me that look! I need for you to be well rested if a call comes in! I don't want anything happening to you!" she tells him, "Now lay down and get some sleep!" Shaylynn demands.
"I need to get you a blanket and pillow" he tells her.
"Would you lay down! I can get those things for myself" Shaylynn tells him.
Severide lays down on his bed, Shaylynn covers him up "Get some sleep!" she says then kisses him.
She turns off the light before walking out of his Officer's Quarter's.
Quietly, she walks through the bunk room to the locker room. She get's in Severide's locker and takes out his Squad coat and puts it on. Shaylynn lifts the collar to her nose, the smell of Severide's cologne smells so good!
With all that's happened, her mind won't stop racing. She keeps thinking over and over again things she saw, things she heard to get some idea where this boss might have went.
It was personal before all this happened, it's definitely MORE personal now!
This boss used her Firehouse family to get her to do what he wanted.

While walking through the Common area, Shaylynn remembers videos this boss would show her of Severide and the others going about their business.
She looks around and sees about the Fundraiser hanging on the bulletin board. The checkerboard laying on the table with checkers still sitting on it.
The boss showed her videos of this about two days ago, but were they videos? What if the videos were actually live feeds.
Shaylynn heads out to the stalls, grabs a ladder and brings it back into the Common area.
She shuts her eyes and tries to picture some of the angles in the videos.
One angle seemed to be looking over to the table with the bulletin board behind it . She takes the ladder and puts it under the light in the ceiling, climbs up and looks around.
Sure enough she finds a little camera and breaks it off. She climbs down and thinks again.
Shaylynn looks around the room. Every angle of the live feeds seem to line up with the lights in the ceiling. She goes around to each light with the ladder and climbs up to each one. Around every light is a little camera. She breaks them all off and puts them on the table.
DAMN TECHNOLOGY! Shaylynn thinks to herself.
Thinking about what she saw, she remembers being shown one of Severide in the shower here at the Firehouse. The boss thought it would make her horny to show her Severide naked.
She grabs the ladder and heads to the showers.
Again, in every light that's in a shower stall is a little camera. Shaylynn gets sick to her stomach thinking about the boss and his cronies getting their thrills watching Dawson, Brett, and Kidd in the showers.
She takes those cameras out to the Common area table and puts them with the other ones.
Shaylynn sits down at the table and looks at the cameras a little closer, "If you can see and hear me......I'M GOING TO FIND AND KILL YOU!"
She takes her gun out, takes out the clip, makes sure there isn't anything in the chamber and uses her gun to smash the cameras. Shaylynn puts the clip back in her gun, lays it down with her hand still on it, then lays her head on the table and falls asleep.

In the morning Severide wakes up and looks over at the cot expecting to see Shaylynn laying there, but she isn't. He panics, throws the covers off of him and hurries out.
As soon as he walks around the corner from the bunk room he runs into Casey.
"Whoa, I was just coming to get you!" Casey tells Severide.
"Why?" Severide asks Casey.
"Well, it's like this. Shaylynn's asleep at the table. She has her hand on her gun. With everything she has been through no one wants to wake her up. That's when everyone voted for me to go and wake you up seeing she won't shoot you!" Casey tells him with a smile.
Severide smiles and shakes his head while he walks toward the Common area.
He walks in with everyone watching him.
"Be careful!" Herrmann tells him.
Severide walks up behind Shaylynn, puts his hand on her arm and starts sliding it down to her hand that's laying on the gun, "Shaylynn, Baby, you need to wake up" he whispers into her ear.
He sees her hand that's on the gun move and he intertwines his fingers with hers, "Are you and the others afraid I'm going to shoot someone?" she asks him with a little laugh.
"I think they want to come in here and get breakfast, but didn't want to startle you" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn sits up and puts her gun away. She starts gathering up the pieces to the cameras, puts them in her hand and sticks them in a pocket.
'What was that?" Severide asks her.
"Trash" she tells him as she stands up, "Get something to eat" Shaylynn tells Severide as she walks away to find Boden.

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