Chapter 10 "Ambulance 61, You Haven't Reported Back"

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The boss heard about the raid on Incubus. Because of that he has really dug in and went into hiding. He also has stopped all his operations in Chicago, for now. With all his guys being arrested, he is none the wiser about Shaylynn and her crew. He figures they were arrested right along with his men.
Since the sting operation at Incubus went South, the State Attorney's office has decided to back off this case until they hear any news about this boss starting his operation back up.

In the meantime, the person over public relations for the CFD goes to Shaylynn's office. They're looking at having new brochures and posters made, but need new pictures for them. This person is friends with Mr. Randall from the Special Olympics of Chicago. After seeing the pictures that Shaylynn took at the Polar Plunge, she's asked if she would take pictures for the CFD.
Before Shaylynn can say a word, she's told that yes she can go back to Firehouse 51. The Fire Commissioner has given permission for her to ride along with them.
Shaylynn is thrilled about being able to do this for the CFD. She'll be back around the people who mean the world to her. After everything she has been through with this case, she really needs to be around them more than ever.
She calls Severide and tells him what she's been asked to do. They both discuss before she starts this that they along with the kids take a weekend trip to go and see Adam and his wife.
Shaylynn calls General Biggs to tell him that she's going out of town for the weekend and leaving Chrysti in charge.
"You need to get away! With everything you've been through, getting away with your family will be great for you!" Biggs tells her, "This is a good time as any to tell you that the Organization has purchased a couple more personal jets. With that purchase, it was discussed and decided on that Peter & Colin along with their jet will be stationed in Chicago, permanently. With this weekend trip you're going on, use the jet. It will be a lot safer for you! Especially with no one knowing where this boss is" he tells her.
"I'll do that! After I make all the reservations, I'll call Peter and let him know. Thanks, Biggy!" Shaylynn says.
She can hear him laughing, "Don't you think you're too old to call me that?"
"NEVER!" she tells him with a little laugh.
"I'll let you go so you can start getting things taken care of for your trip. Have fun & stay safe!" he tells her and hangs up.
Shaylynn gets right to work making reservations for the trip. She can't wait! Just her, Severide, Leslie, and Taylor away from things.
After she's done, she calls Marshall's Mom to tell her about the weekend trip.
"Oh! We had planned on taking them to a indoor waterpark" she says to Shaylynn.
Shaylynn can hear Leslie in the background yelling she doesn't want to go with Mommy and Daddy and wants to go to the waterpark. As for Taylor, he doesn't want to go to the waterpark and wants to go with Mommy and Daddy. The child hates water and if he could never take a bath again, that would be fine with him.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "I guess only Taylor is going then. I'll reimburse you for Taylor's ticket" she tells Marshall's Mom.
"No need, Honey! Since he's under six years of age, he didn't require a ticket" she tells Shaylynn.
"Okay. Kelly will pick Taylor up after he gets off work. Are Savannah and Leslie around?" Shaylynn asks.
She can hear her Mother-in-law yell for the girls, "HI MOM!" Shaylynn hears them both yell into the phone.
"Are you on speakerphone?" Shaylynn asks her girls.
A cheerful "YES!" is yelled out again.
"You girls be good for Grandma & Grandpa, okay! You listen to them at the waterpark!" she tells her daughters.
"WE WILL!" Shaylynn hears the girls yell. She hears them laughing and running away from the phone.
Her Mother-in-law gets back on the phone, "Thank you for that?" she tells Shaylynn.
"For what?" Shaylynn asks.
"Calling us Grandma & Grandpa" she tells Shaylynn.
"You're as much Leslie & Taylor's Grandparents as you are Savannah's!" Shaylynn tells her Mother-in-law.
"I'll let you go. I'm sure you still have to pack. Have fun and stay safe!" she tells Shaylynn.
"Thanks! You guys have fun and stay safe as well!" Shaylynn says.
They both hang up at the sametime.

After a couple of hours, Shaylynn heads for home. When she arrives, Severide and Taylor are already there.
She walks in the door and is attacked, "MOMMY!"
Taylor attacks her so hard he knocks her down.
Severide comes out of the kitchen, sees Shaylynn sitting on the floor and starts laughing.
Taylor takes off running toward the playroom, leaving Shaylynn just sitting there.
Severide walks up to her to help her up off the floor.
"He's excited to be home away from his sisters. On the way here he asked me for a baby brother" Severide tells Shaylynn with a sly smile while helping her up.
She sees Severide's expression, "NO!"
"Why not?! Can we at least practice?" he asks her with a smile.
Shaylynn looks at him and shakes her head, "One, you know it doesn't work like that. He more then likely would end up with another sister. Two, do you really need anymore practice?"
Severide smiles at her, grabs her hips and pulls her to him, "Oh yes! Practice makes perfect!" then kisses her.
Shaylynn backs up from him, "I have to go and get everything packed. We leave early in the morning."
"I've already packed my stuff and Taylor's. You just have to worry about yourself" Severide tells her.
She looks at him with a surprised look, then kisses him "Thank you!"
The doorbell rings.
Shaylynn looks at Severide, "That would be the pizza. Taylor wanted it" he tells her with a smile.
"I'm sure he wasn't the only one" Shaylynn says back to Severide while he walks to the door.
She hurries upstairs to change clothes and hurries back down to join her boys.

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