Chapter 45 "Hurry And Pull"

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Butch and Shaylynn can hear static come over their radios.
"I found my group! All the people with them are women!" Dan radios back to Butch.
"Found my group! All the people with my group are also women!" Rob also radios back.
Dave comes walking around a corner with his Firefighters and few women.
"What the hell is going on?" Butch questions, "So all that's left is 51" Butch radios to Shaylynn.
Butch and Shaylynn listen. They then hear a lot of high pitch noise coming from the back Southwest corner.
"Sounds like Truck and Squad are all together!" Butch radios to Shaylynn as they head in that direction.
Butch and Shaylynn run into a lot of furniture that's on fire that forces them to look for another route to get to the Firefighters.
They finally reach them. Butch was right, Truck and Squad are all together.
Shaylynn and Butch hurry over to them and see there are nothing but women with them also.
The Firefighters keep going back and forth between the women and themselves with their masks because of the smoke.
"Truck! I need you to form a line so I can lead you out of here!" Butch tells them, "Who's going to be last?" Butch asks.
Casey walks up to Butch, "I am!" he says.
Butch takes a cable off his shoulder and attaches one end of it to Casey's turnout coat and the other end to his suit.
"Everyone else grab onto the cable!" Butch tells them.
Shaylynn takes her cable and attaches one end to Severide's turnout coat, then attaches the other end to Casey.
"Alright everyone, just like the first group, grab onto the cable and don't let go!" Shaylynn tells them.
Butch starts leading everyone out with Shaylynn bringing up the rear.
Once they reach the door, Butch walks out and moves out of the way so everyone can get out of the building. He sees Casey and knows that's the end of his group and the start of Squad and their people. Butch also sees that Dan and Rob made it out with their groups.
Almost everyone is out, when things start cracking.
Shaylynn looks up, "HURRY AND PULL ON THE CABLE!" she yells to Butch.
Butch grabs onto the cable and aggressively pulls on it, quickly pulling Severide out of the building.
Before Shaylynn can take off running toward the door, a beam falls knocking her down and pinning her underneath knocking her helmet off. It goes rolling out the door, stopping at Severide's feet.
"SHAYLYNN!" Severide yells.
Butch, Dan, Rob, and Dave start running back in, "Come on!" Butch tells Severide while running past him.
Once inside the doorway, they see Shaylynn a few feet away. Butch and Dan grab onto one end of the beam, while Dave and Rob grab the other end.
They lift it up off her. Severide pulls her out, but with the suit there's no way he can pick her up. Butch and the others drop the beam, go over to Severide and help him take Shaylynn out to Dawson and Brett who are waiting with a gurney.
Because of the suit they can't check her vitals, so they hurry and load her onto the Ambulance. Dawson jumps up into the back, while Brett runs to the front and gets into the driver seat.
"SEVERIDE, GO!" Boden shouts at him.
He jumps up into the back of the Ambulance. Butch shuts the doors and Brett takes off toward Chicago Med.
At the fire there's a woman walking around, "Voight? Is there a Voight here?"
She walks up to Boden, "Are you Voight?" she asks.
"No, I'm not Voight, but I can take you to him" Boden tells her.
Boden sees Voight standing with Lindsay and Halstead over by their cars getting ready to head to the hospital. Boden walks the woman over to Hank before he leaves.
Hank looks at Boden, "She's looking for you" Boden tells him.
"Are you Voight?" she asks Hank.
"Yes" he tells her.
"I was told to give something to Voight" she tells him.
Hank holds out his hand. The woman lays a red and white polka dot handkerchief on to his hand.
He looks at Lindsay and Halstead, "I think this is meant for Sam! Once we get to the hospital, I'll call her!"

Back at Shaylynn's house Sam is feeling better. While Stone is in the kitchen she's on her phone. She looks at the time, then the date.
OH SHIT! She thinks to herself.
Sam gets up off the couch and heads upstairs to Shaylynn's bathroom. Once she gets in there she looks through drawers and comes across a pregnancy test.
Two minutes later it comes up positive.
She looks at the directions several times to make sure she's reading it right, when there's a knock at the door.
"Sam, are you alright?" Stone asks.
"Yes" she says and opens the door, "I have some news for you, I'm pregnant!"
She holds the test up and shows him.
Stone gets a huge smile on his face and hugs her.

At Med, Dr. Choi is having a time trying to get the suit off Shaylynn, "How the hell does this suit come off?"
"There's a little door on my left wrist. Open it, there's a button that will release everything" Shaylynn tells Dr. Choi.
He looks down at her, "Shaylynn, can you tell me if you hurt anywhere?" he asks her while he lifts the little door, pushes the button and hears clicking sounds coming from the suit.
"Nothing is hurting" she tells him.
As they take "Henry" off Shaylynn, she speaks up, "He needs to be somewhere safe! Somewhere secure! Of all people, you know certain things can't fall into the wrong hands."
"I understand! I'll have it put in where we keep the pharmaceuticals until Butch gets here, okay" Dr. Choi tells her.
Shaylynn seems satisfied with Dr. Choi's answer, "Did Kelly come or did he stay at the fire?" she asks.
"Oh, he's here! April, would you go get Kelly, please" Dr. Choi asks her.
April leaves the cell and heads to the waiting room.

Out in the waiting room is Severide along with Hank, Lindsay, and Halstead.
Hank looks at Severide, "There's some clothes of yours out in my car. Shaylynn must have put them in there for some reason. I'll get them so you have something to change into because I'm sure Shaylynn will be admitted."
Severide sees April, "She's asking for you" she tells him.
As Severide heads into the ED, Hank calls Sam.

While Sam and Stone are hugging, her phone ringings

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While Sam and Stone are hugging, her phone ringings.
She rolls her eyes, "Samantha Voight"
"Sam, you need to get to Med! Shaylynn's been hurt and I have something you need to see!" Hank tells her.
Sam's eyes get big, "Alright! I'm on my way!" she tells Hank and hangs up.
"We need to head to Med. Shaylynns hurt and my Dad says he has something I need to see!" she tells Stone.
"Let's go! I'll drive!" he tells her.

What seems like seconds, Severide is standing by Shaylynn's side.
Dr. Choi looks at Severide, "We're going to take her up and have a CT scan done. She says she doesn't feel any pain" Dr. Choi tells Severide with a very concerned look. 



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