Chapter 18 "Spring You From This Joint"

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It's the next day and Shaylynn is ready to leave the hospital, but she has one huge problem, she has no clothes.
She keeps waiting for Severide to show up with some clothes so she can get dressed. The thought of him not showing up is killing her.
Someone walks into her room, Shaylynn looks up to see who it is.
"How you doing?" Clarke asks her.
She tries not to show that she's disappointed it's Clarke who walked in and not Severide.
"I'm good!" she tells him.
"I see Kelly hasn't showed up yet" Clarke says noticing she isn't dressed.
"Not yet. He might not show up. I didn't see him at all yesterday. I tried calling him, but he never answered any of my calls or called me back" she tells Clarke with a concerned look.
Clarke is mad at himself for telling Severide what he did, "I'll get out of your hair."
"Okay" Shaylynn says back to Clarke.
Clarke walks out of her room. He takes his cell phone out of his pocket.
"Kelly, where the hell are you? Shaylynn is waiting for you!" Clarke tells him.
"I just walked into the hospital about to get on the elevator" Severide tells him.
"I'll be waiting for you!" Clarke tells Severide and hangs up.
Clarke stands by the elevator waiting for Severide.
He finally gets off.
"Where have you been? Shaylynn didn't think you were coming to get her!" Clarke tells him.
"Why would she think that?" Severide asks.
"Maybe because she didn't see you at all yesterday. Then when she tried calling you, you wouldn't answer or call back!" Clarke tells him with a disapproving look.
Severide just looks at Clarke, "Well, I'm heading to her room now, Dad! Is it alright with you if I go?"
Clarke looks at Severide as he walks off toward Shaylynn's room.
Severide arrives at Shaylynn's room and looks in. He sees her sitting on her bed, looking at a cell phone.
"I'm here to spring you from this joint!" he tells her.
Shaylynn looks up, "I was wondering if you were going to show up. I thought you might have left town and forgot all about me."
Severide blows off what she says, "Here's some clothes" he says while handing her a bag.
Shaylynn takes it from him, "Thanks!" and heads to the bathroom.
When she comes out, Severide isn't in her room. She gathers up her stuff and walks out to find him standing in the hallway, looking around.

 She gathers up her stuff and walks out to find him standing in the hallway, looking around

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"What are you looking for?" she asks him.
"Rhodes!" he says, then remembers that Shaylynn doesn't know that he knows what Dr. Rhodes did.
Shaylynn gets a surprised look on her face, "Damn it, Clarke! I should have known better then to tell him. That he would be more loyal to you!"
She starts walking off toward the elevator.
Severide stands there shaking his head, knowing he screwed up.
The elevator ride is slow. It seems like it's taking forever to get to the ground floor. Each time the elevator stops, it seems more and more people get on. At the last stop, the elevator fills all the way up. It gets so full, Severide moves over behind Shaylynn. After the doors close and the elevator starts moving, he grabs onto Shaylynn's hips and pulls her back so her butt is touching his pelvis. She feels something hard up against her. In disbelief she shakes her head a little and rolls her eyes.
Finally the elevator reaches the ground floor. The people in front of Shaylynn take their sweet old time to get off.
Shaylynn hasn't said one word to Severide. Once outside the hospital Severide figures this is about the best time to ask Shaylynn about Dr. Rhodes.
"Let's take a walk" he tells her.
Shaylynn stops walking and looks at Severide, "WHY?"
"I want to talk, plus it will help build up your strength" he tells her sticking out his hand for her to take.
She takes his hand, "Were you going to tell me about what happened with Connor?" Severide asks her.
Shaylynn stops and looks at him, "Yes! But I wasn't going to tell you inside the hospital. I know you Kelly, you're like a bull who sees red! If you would've seen Connor, you would've went off!"
Severide smiles at her, "So in other words you're saying my temper is just like your's!"
Shaylynn looks away from him, "I don't have a temper. I go from being calm to a rage!" she looks back at him, "I'm not afraid to admit it! If it wasn't for that rage, I wouldn't be here. That rage has kept me alive! But, the rage can also get out of control to the point it takes me over and I don't realize what I'm doing until it's too late. Case in point, Christmas night" she pauses, "Can we head home now? I'm sort of tired."
"Sure! Here, sit down and I'll go get the car" Severide tells her while walking her over to a bench.
He starts walking back to get the car.
As Shaylynn sits there, she realizes how "naked" she feels without her sidearm.
Dr. Choi sees Shaylynn sitting over on the bench by herself and can tell she looks uncomfortable, he walks over to her, "Hey, Shaylynn! You okay?"
"Yes. I'm just waiting on Kelly to get the car. Thank you for asking" she says to Choi with a smile.
"Is there something else?" Choi asks her.
Shaylynn looks at him, "I feel so naked and exposed sitting here without my sidearm. Every vehicle that drives past me, I'm examining it."
"I bet you do! You carry your sidearm all the time. I felt like that when I first came back, but since I don't have to carry it all the time like you, the feeling went away" Choi tells her.
Severide pulls up in the Escalade. Dr. Choi helps Shaylynn stand up and walks over to the SUV with her. He opens the door for her, helps her in, then closes the door.
Shaylynn puts the window down, "Thank you! Don't work to hard!" she says with a smile.
"Take it easy, Shaylynn! You still need to get plenty of rest!" Dr. Choi tells her.
"I will!" Shaylynn tells him, then puts the window up.

The next couple of days go by fairly quickly.
Shaylynn has had about as much rest as she can take. She went from being in the hospital to being at home and is ready to get out.
The Fire Commissioner called her and asked if she was still up to taking pictures for the CFD. Of course the answer was yes! It will get her out and she won't have to go back to her office. Right now she doesn't want to think about what's going on with Jefferies and Stone. At least not until Kot calls her with any news.

Severide finds a parking spot by the Firehouse. He gets out, at the sametime Shaylynn gets out.
Severide comes over to her side, "I was coming over to help you" he tells her.
"Kelly, I'm fine! I don't need any help! I've been resting so much, I've had enough rest to last me the entire month!" she tells him.
He just looks at her, "When we go in here, PLEASE control yourself around Kidd!"
Shaylynn gives him a pissed off stare.
The trucks are outside to be washed.
Everyone starts to walk outside to get started, when they see Severide and Shaylynn have arrived.
Severide and Shaylynn start walking up the driveway when they hear people clapping. They look to see all the crews standing there waiting on them.
"How you doing, Shaylynn?" Boden asks her.
"I'm doing good! Ready to get on with my life!" she tells everyone.
Shaylynn's cell phone rings.
"Excuse me" she tells everyone.
She answers it and only talks for a few seconds.
Severide gives her a look.
"That was Butch. He asked if I was at the Firehouse" she tells him.
Everyone hears a noise. Shaylynn knows what it is and starts walking down the driveway toward the street. The crews start following her.
Then she really hears it, the music, "John Wayne" by Lady Gaga being played. It's getting closer and closer.
Shaylynn looks and sees her car and a big black truck following it.
As her car gets closer, her suspicion of who's driving is right. Her car pulls into the Firehouse driveway, while the big black truck parks blocking it.
Stefani jumps out and runs up to Shaylynn, giving her a huge hug, "When I heard from Bey about what happened to you, I jumped on a plane to Chicago! I called Butch and he said he was bringing your car to you, so I asked him if I could drive it."
Tears start running down Shaylynn's cheeks. Stefani can tell something's wrong, back's up and looks at her.
"Oh, no, no, no! My tough Shaylynn, I didn't mean to make you cry!" Stefani tells her while wiping the tears off her face.
Shaylynn smiles at her, "It's alright! Once you go from driving down the freeway at 175, hit spike strips to barrel rolling, your life flashes before your eye's not knowing if your going to make it out of the car alive. Emotions can be stirred up quickly!"
The crews over hear Shaylynn say she was going 175 when she drove over the spike strips and can't believe she's here to tell about it.
"Stefani, if we don't hurry you'll miss your flight!" Butch yells at her from the truck.
"Alright! I hate to leave, but I have to get back to Paris" Stefani tells her.
Shaylynn looks at her surprised, "You mean you flew all the way from Paris just for this little bit of time and now flying back?"
"Yes! I had to hug and see and my Shaylynn with my own eyes!" Stefani says smiling at her.
Shaylynn starts to get tears back in her eyes.
"Oh no you don't! No tears! I can't stand to see my Shaylynn with tears in her eyes!" Stefani says, "Especially before I have to leave."
Shaylynn wipes the tears away before they fall. Stefani gives her another hug, then starts walking toward the black truck.
She yells back to Shaylynn, "I left my new CD for you in the stereo. I also left some other things in the trunk."
Butch opens the door to the truck for Stefani and helps her in. She waves to Shaylynn before Butch closes the door.
"See ya, Shaylynn!" Butch says.
"See ya, Butch! Thank you!" Shaylynn tells him.
Butch gets in the truck and drives off.
Shaylynn walks to her car and opens the trunk. She looks in to see what Stefani left. Shaylynn smiles and shakes her head.
"What did she leave for you?" Dawson yells out.
Shaylynn pulls out a pink hat just like the one Stefani is wearing on her CD cover and puts it on her head. She starts shaking her head again. Shaylynn picks up two shirts and two pairs of shorts similar to the outfits Stefani is wearing in her video "Perfect Illusion".
"There is no way I can pull off these shorts and she's knows it!" Shaylynn says holding the jean ones up.
Severide's eyes get big, "Oh yes you can!" he says while walking over to her.
"At least a jacket similar to the one she wears is in here. That I'll wear, but she knows I don't wear stuff like this. Now she's just being her rotten self!" Shaylynn says smiling at Severide, "I'm surprised there isn't a pink dildo in here!"
"Shaylynn..." Severide says to her pointing to the back of the trunk.
Shaylynn looks at what Severide is pointing at and sees a pink dildo.
"What's the deal with the pink dildo?" Severide asks her waiting in suspense for the answer.
Shaylynn slams the trunk shut and looks at him, "Inside joke!" and walks away.

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