Chapter 31 "Nursey Nurse"

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Sam pulls into Chicago Med's parking lot. She sees Squad parked out on the street.
While crossing the street, she hides her face so they don't recognize her. Once inside, Sam walks up to the desk and asks what room Molly's in.
The nurse looks at her, "I'm sorry, I don't have a last name for Molly. She befriended my sister, Shaylynn when she was in the ICU" Sam tells her.
"You're Shaylynn's sister?" the nurse asks Sam surprised.
"Yes...." Sam replies.
"Knowing that, I know which Molly you're talking about. You want the Children's wing, 3rd floor, room number 314" the nurse tells Sam.
"Thank you!" Sam tells the nurse and takes off toward the elevator.

Severide is just arriving on the third floor and is walking toward Molly's room. When he reaches it, he walks in, but Molly isn't there.
"Can I help you?"
"I was looking for Molly" Severide says turning around.
Behind him is a nurse who's looking him up and down.
Severide gives her a look, "Can you tell me if I have the right room?" he asks her.
"Yes, you have the right room" the nurse tells him.
What Severide doesn't know is that Sam is standing outside of the door listening to what's going on in Molly's room.
"Are you married?" the nurse asks Severide.
"Yes! Very married!" Severide expresses to the nurse.
"That's even better!" the nurses tells him with a look of lust in her eyes.
Severide is getting uncomfortable, "I have to go! I'll try a different time to visit Molly" he tells the nurse and starts heading for the door.
Sam hurries and runs around a corner so Severide doesn't see her.
Severide walks out the door, heads to the elevator and gets on. Once the doors close, Sam comes out from around the corner and heads to Molly's room. When she walks in, the nurse is still there.
The nurse looks over at Sam, "Can I help you?"
"I'm looking for Molly's room" Sam says to the nurse.
"This is Molly's room, but she's out for tests. You can stay and wait for her" the nurse tells Sam.
"Thanks, I think I will.......?" Sam pauses waiting for the nurse's name.
"Anna, my name is Anna" the nurse tells her.
"Thank you, Anna! If it happens she's not back before I have to leave, please don't tell her I was here. I'm family in from out of town and want to surprise her" Sam tells her.
"Okay, I need to get back to the nurses station" Anna tells Sam and walks out of the room.
Sam says something under her breath, while giving Anna a dirty look while she walks out of the room.
"Oh no, Miss Nursey Nurse, think you're going to mess around with my sister's husband! You've got another thing coming!" Sam says to herself softly while she looks around Molly's room for a place to hide a camera.
She finds a perfect spot and places the camera, "I've got my eyes on you, Nursey Nurse!"
Sam walks out of Molly's room, gets on the elevator to the ground floor and heads toward HR.
She finds the Human Resources office and walks in, "Excuse me!" Sam says flashing her badge fast at the woman behind the desk, "I need your help!"
"What do you need?" the woman asks her.
"I'm in the middle of an investigation, so what we talk about can't be repeated, alright!" Sam tells the woman.
The woman agrees.
"Can you tell me how many Mikes you have on staff?" Sam asks.
The lady types a few things into her computer, "There's 100."
"How many Marys?" Sam asks.
The lady again types something into the computer, "150."
"Last question, how many Annas?" Sam asks with a curious look.
Again the lady types a few things into her computer, "1."
"I'll need a print out of Anna's application, please" Sam tells the lady.
It takes a few seconds to print out the application, then the lady hands it over to Sam.
Sam smiles at the lady, "Thank you! You've been very helpful!"
She turns around and walks out of the office. Sam walks out of Med and heads to her car.
Sam pulls out of the Chicago Meds parking lot and heads to the address Anna has on her application.
She finds that the address is a swanky condo building downtown. Walking into the building, Sam is happy to see that the doorman is arguing with someone so she doesn't have to confront him.
Once she gets on the elevator, she reaches the floor Anna's condo should be on. Looking at the sign that's hanging up across from the elevator, Sam heads to the left. In no time she finds Anna's condo, picks the lock and hurries inside.
Looking around, Sam finds the perfect spots to put cameras in each room.
"I've really got my eyes on you now, Nursey Nurse!" Sam says while walking to the door.
She quickly leaves and heads down to the lower level. Thankfully this time the doorman is nowhere to be found.
Sam heads out to her car, once inside she calls Nate.
"Special Agent Nathaniel Rosetti"
"Nate, I need a tracker on a number. Are you ready?" Sam asks him.
"What's this for?" Nate asks.
"I think this person has something to do with Hicks" Sam tells Nate. She hates lying to him.
"Alright, go ahead with the number" Nate tells her.
Sam gives Nate the number, "Okay, it's all set. When do you want me to start monitoring this number?" he asks her.
"I'll monitor it! This is a woman, so I think it would be best if it was me" she tells Nate.
"Okay" Nate tells her, "Is that all?" he asks.
"That's it! Thanks, Nate!" Sam tells him.

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