Chapter 11 "One Of Our Own Is Counting On Us"

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Kidd and Boden arrive at his office, walk in and he slams the door behind him.
"What the hell was going on between you and Shaylynn?!" he asks her.
"I have nothing to say, Chief" Kidd tells him.
Boden gets a pissed off look on his face, "Fine! Then I have no choice but to suspend you for one shift, starting now."
"But Chief!" Kidd says to him.
"You don't want to tell me what was going on, so you have to leave. Go home, Kidd!" Boden tells her pointing at his door.
She gets pissed off, storms out of Boden's office and straight to the locker room to gather up her stuff.
From there she storms out into the stalls, "Kidd, where you goin?" Casey asks her.
"Chief suspended me for one shift!" she tells Casey.
She turns around to see Dawson staring at her with a disapproving look on her face.
"I can't believe you weren't there for me!" Kidd tells Dawson.
"What you did....." Dawson catches what she was about to say, "If it would have been me and you were doing that with Casey, I would have done the samething!"
Kidd gives Dawson a look, "We've been friends a lot longer than you and Shaylynn have!"
"What does that have anything to do with this? What you did was inexcusable! Friendship means to be loyal, not to hit on one's husband!" Dawson tells Kidd.
Boden walks out to the stalls, he sees Kidd is still here. He looks at her and points to the outside.
"I have to go!" Kidd tells Dawson while turning around to walk out of the stalls.
"Alright everyone, show's over! If you don't have any work to do out here, I'm sure there's something that can be done inside!" Boden tells everyone.
Boden waves for Severide to come over to him, "I think it would be best if you went to your Officer's Quarters and take some time to yourself to think about what happened!"
Severide looks at Boden, nods, hangs his head, then heads inside.

Some time goes by.
When Shaylynn returned home, she headed straight to the gym.
After that she heads upstairs to start packing up Severide's things.
Enough is enough!
There's no excuse he can give her for what he did or what he didn't do! He could have pushed Kidd away instead of standing there letting her put her hands all over him.
She looks at her phone and notices Severide has called her at least 40 times. Putting his number on block, thankfully none of those calls made it through for her to know he was calling.
While holding her phone, it rings. She looks at it and sees it's Hank.

Shaylynn- "Hello!"

Hank- "Shaylynn, we need your help!"

She can hear sirens in the background.

Shaylynn- "What's going on?"

Hank- "We're chasing a serial rapist! He raped 4 women and killed them just tonight!"

Shaylynn- "How can I help?"

Hank- "He's in a Corvette Z06, we can't catch him!"

Shaylynn- "Where are you?"

Hank- "We're on I-88 heading West!"

Shaylynn- "I'm on my way!"

She hangs up, runs downstairs, out to the garage and jumps in Shelby. Thankfully she doesn't live that far from I-88.
Once she's out on the street she turns the lights and siren that are built into Shelby on and heads toward the Interstate.
Shaylynn pulls onto the Interstate. She needs to find out where the Intelligence crew is. So she pushes a button on her steering wheel to call Hank.

Hank- "Voight!"

Shaylynn- "Where are you? I'm on the Interstate now!"

Hank- "We just passed mile marker 40!"

Shaylynn looks at the mile marker that's coming up.

Shaylynn- "I just passed 30! I'll be there in a minute!"

Hank keeps looking in his rearview mirror for Shaylynn. Within a minute he sees her.
He moves over to the shoulder so she can get by.

Shaylynn- "What do you want me to do?"

Hank- "Stay with him! We've been chasing him for some time! He has to be almost out of gas!"

Corvette guy looks in his rearview mirror and sees Shelby. He kicks his Corvette up into the next gear and takes off faster.
"Not today!" Shaylynn says and kicks Shelby up into the next gear.
The Intelligence crew keeps up the best they can.
After fifteen minutes, Shaylynn is still chasing Corvette guy.
They come to an overpass. As they drive under.....BOOM!
Both of them run over spike strips.
Corvette guy steers toward Shaylynn clipping her sending both of them into barrel rolls down the Interstate.
The Intelligence crew is in shock watching what's happening in front of them.
They all slam on their brakes so they don't drive over the spike strips.
All of them jump out of their cars and start running down the Interstate toward Shelby.

"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, multi car accident, I-88 west"
The dispatcher comes back on and does something she's never done before.
"51.....It's Shaylynn. She barrel rolled"
Everyone can't believe what they just heard and look over at Severide.
They get rolling out of the stalls like bats out of hell heading toward I-88.

When they reach the accident, they see the carnage all over the Interstate. The Intelligence crew has moved the spike strips so the Fire Trucks can get through.
Cruz and Otis finally have to stop Truck and Squad. They can't get any closer because of the mess.
Severide jumps out of Squad and starts running at full speed toward Shelby. When he reaches Shelby, Hank is there holding onto Shaylynn's hand.
Hank looks up and sees Severide is standing beside him, "Kelly, she barely has a pulse!"
Severide can see Hank has tears running down his face. He's beside himself, but needs to keep his wits about him. Severide turns around getting ready to yell at his men what to get, but they're way ahead of him and already running over with every tool they need to get Shaylynn out.
"Lieutenant, you might want to sit this one out!" Cruz says to Severide.
"NO CHANCE IN HELL!" Severide says back to Cruz grabbing the saw out of his hands.
Severide sits the saw down and takes off his turnout coat. He reaches in and covers Shaylynn with it.
"Hank, you'll have to back up while I cut through the roof!" Severide tells him.
Hank stands up and backs up out of the way.
While Squad works to get Shaylynn out, Truck starts clearing a path for a straight shot to and from the ambulance.
Brett and Dawson run the gurney over to where Shaylynn is. They're ready to step in once Squad has the roof off.
Hank walks over to Dawson and Brett, "What about the guy in the Corvette?"
"He's DOA! There was no saving him. He must not have been wearing his seatbelt and thrown out of the car when it was barrel rolling. Because at some point the car sliced him in half." Dawson tells him.
Squad gets the roof off. Dawson and Brett run over.
"Give me the collar!" Severide demands.
Dawson hands it to him. He gently puts it around Shaylynn's neck while Tony cuts the belts off of her.
"It's a good thing she had these racing belts installed! These are what saved her from being thrown!" Tony tells Severide.
Both of them finish and help get Shaylynn out of what's left of Shelby and onto the backboard, then the gurney. They race with Dawson and Brett with the gurney over to the ambulance.
Tony helps load the gurney into the ambulance with Brett running to the front, while Dawson and Severide climb up inside.
"We'll be at the hospital as soon as we can!" Tony tells Severide, then closes the doors.
The Ambulance takes off.
Dawson gets a heart monitor hooked up to Shaylynn. Then she starts putting an IV in her arm. The heart monitor alarm starts going off. Dawson looks at it, flat line.
"GABBY!" Severide yells at her.
"Kelly, get her shirt open!" Dawson instructs him while she starts charging up the defibrillator.
"BRETT, HURRY UP! SHAYLYNN'S CRASHING!" Dawson yells at her.

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