Chapter 43 "Congratulations! It's A Girl"

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Shaylynn can't believe her eyes!
"To answer your question about why I'm here, I can go wherever I want, it's MY state!" Mike Charles tells her.
Shaylynn starts going for her gun, when three guys with guns walks in.
"I would leave your gun where it is. It wouldn't look good to pull your gun on a Governor just sitting here. Also seeing that you're not holding your gun and my guys are, there's no way you could shoot them before they drop you" he says.
"I've pulled my gun on others a lot higher than what you are! It's assholes like you and terrorists that keep me in a job!" Shaylynn tells him.
"You should have just gone off in the sunset after what happened to your Stepdad, Mom, and husband" he says to Shaylynn with a crooked grin on his face.
"You're real Dad is here in Chicago, isn't he? Isn't he a Sergeant with the CPD?" Charles asks her.
Shaylynn stays silent.
"I'm taking that's a yes" he says, "I already know who your husband is and I think you have a sister who works for the FBI, am I right?"
Shaylynn looks at him with a evil look, moving her hand slowly again to grab her gun. She stops when the three guys point their guns at her.
"I told you to leave your gun where it is!" Charles aggressively tells her.
"If anything happens to my sister, I'll cut your throat! Then I'll cut off every appendage and throw everything into Lake Michigan! Well almost everything, I'll send your head to your Senate buddies!" Shaylynn tells him.
Molly's door opens and Halstead walks in, "Shaylynn, is everything okay?" he asks her.
The three guys lower the guys so Halstead doesn't see them.
"Yes, everything's fine. These guys were just leaving, weren't you?" she says to Charles.
He looks over at Halstead and sees his badge, "Yes, we were just about ready to leave."
"Alright. Lindsay and I saw a limo outside and wanted to make sure you were okay" Halstead says to her.
Charles stands up, "Your cop friend was afraid you were being kidnapped again?" he says to Shaylynn with a sly smile.
That did it! Shaylynn hurries and grabs her gun and points it at Charles. His three guys point their guns at her, while Halstead draws his and Lindsay (who was listening to everything by Molly's side door) comes in with her gun drawn.
"Now you have two extra guns" Charles tells Shaylynn.
"Those extra guns are to protect you! After I drop your three goons, my gun will then be pointing at you. These cops are the only thing keeping me from putting a bullet in your head!" Shaylynn tells Charles.
"Put your guns away!" Charles tells his guys.
They do what he says, "We'll be on our way. It was nice chatting with you, Shaylynn!" he says as he and his guys walk out of Molly's.
"Was that Governor Mike Charles?" Halstead asks Shaylynn.
"Yes" she tells him.
"Jay, I'm going to head back out to the car" Lindsay tells him, "Bye, Shaylynn!"
"Bye!" she says back to Lindsay.
Halstead walks up to the bar, "I was wondering if I could talk to you, Sam, and Hank?" he asks Shaylynn.
"Do you want to do it tonight?" she asks him.
"I'd like to. I really need to get this off my chest" Halstead tells her.
"Okay. Sam is already at my house. I'll be done here in a few minutes then I can call Hank" she tells Halstead.
"Since you said you'll be done in a few minutes, I'll stick around and we'll follow you home" Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at him, "AWW, thank you Jay!"
"If I didn't and Kelly found out about what happened here, he would KILL me!" he tells her with a little laugh.
Shaylynn gives him a look.
She finishes up with everything, then Halstead and her walk out of Molly's. She locks up, makes her way to her car and while on the way she calls Hank and asks him to come to her house.
Halstead walks back to his truck while keeping his eyes on Shaylynn. When he sees she's ready and pulls out of her parking space, he pulls out behind her.

Shaylynn pulls into her driveway with Halstead and Lindsay behind her. She gets out of her car and starts heading inside.
Halstead also gets out, Lindsay doesn't understand what Halstead is doing and gets out also.
"Jay, what are you doing?" she asks him after he shuts his door.
"We're going inside" Halstead tells her.
Lindsay looks at him confused as she shuts her door. She starts walking up the driveway and just in time as Hank pulls in where she was standing.
Hank gets out, "What's going on?" he asks Lindsay.
"I have no idea!" she tells him as they walk into Shaylynn's house.
When Shaylynn walks into her house, she walks toward the back living room and finds Sam and Stone cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. She smiles a little, turns around and heads to the kitchen.
Halstead, Lindsay, and Hank walk in and head to the kitchen when they see Shaylynn's in there.
"If you want anything, you'll have to get it! I don't serve family, family gets their own!" she tells them.
Halstead starts coughing.
"Jay, you're not coming down sick are you?" Lindsay asks him.
Halstead shakes his head "no".
Shaylynn shakes her head and smiles, "NO! IT'S A ZOMBIE CLOWN!" she shouts back.
All of them leave the kitchen and walk to the living room.
Sam is surprised to see that Hank, Halstead, and Lindsay are here. She turns the TV off. Then she and Peter sit up a little more and make room on the couch for others.
"Okay, Jay. What did you want to talk to us about?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Will Kelly be home soon?" Halstead asks Shaylynn.
"I doubt it! He's at a six alarm fire. He most likely won't be home until morning" she tells him.
Halstead takes a deep breath, "Here goes. I was told some information and acted on it. And... well, Hank, Congratulations it's a girl!"
Hank looks over at Shaylynn and Sam, they both shrug their shoulders at him.
"Shaylynn, Sam, Congratulations! Erin is your half sister!" Halstead tells them with a worried look on his face.
Lindsay is sitting there in shock! Then she stands up and walks over to Halstead.
"Jay, how did you find this out?" she asks him.
"When Shaylynn came back to Chicago and was at the hospital, I was able to get some of her blood" he starts to tell her.
"That's why you were so interested and helpful when I cut my leg isn't it?" she asks him.
"Yes. I took it to a guy I know at a lab and he tested it. It took a while, but the test came back 98.9% You three ladies are half sisters.
When Lindsay turns around she sees that Shaylynn and Sam are staring at Hank.
Shaylynn stands up, walks away from the couch shaking her head, "You didn't know any of this?" she questions Hank.
Hank doesn't say anything.
Halstead is now wondering if it was a good idea to say anything at all, but it's too late the cat is out of the bag!
Sam is sitting on the couch with Stone just trying to process what she's just heard and trying not to get sick. She looks up at Shaylynn who is standing with her back to everyone. Sam then looks over at Hank, he's sitting in a chair rubbing his forehead.
Shaylynn turns around to face everyone, "It's been a long couple of days! We should be happy about this! We just found out we have another family member!" she walks over to Lindsay, "Welcome to the family! Well, you've always been "family" but now it's official."
Everyone hears the front door open, then it's slammed shut.
Butch comes running into the living room. He stops and looks straight at Shaylynn.
"There's a situation at the six alarm fire!" he aggressively tells her. 



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