Chapter 5 "Get Your Head On Straight"

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Since Monday is my birthday, I'm taking that day off just for me.  Because I'm doing that, I wanted to get Chapter 5 posted.  Plus my awesome readers can have a new chapter to read over the weekend.   :)


After what happened over Christmas, Shaylynn has been staying away from the house. Marshall's parents and Savannah returned from Disney World a couple of days after Christmas and heard about what happened.
They've been great and keeping Leslie and Taylor more than they usually do. Since Shaylynn is staying away from the house, they didn't want Severide to worry about the kids with him having to go back to work. Even though Leslie and Taylor aren't their grandkids, they treat them like they are. They are still a part of Shaylynn and Savannah's their sister.
Since Marshall was a Firefighter you're part of that family and you'll always will be no matter what! With Shaylynn marrying Severide, Marshall's parents see a lot of their son in him and will do anything they can to help Severide.

An alarm clock goes off.
Severide wakes up, looks around and realizes he's in his Officer's Quarters. He wants to so desperately go back to sleep so he can try to get back to the dream he was having about him and Shaylynn, in the mountains, alone at a cabin, in a hottub .
He rubs his head, then hears a knock on his door, "Come in!"
Casey walks in, "Everything alright?" he asks Severide with a sly grin.
Severide just looks at Casey with a weird look.
"I was going to wake you up 10 minutes ago, but it sounded like you were having one hell of a dream!" Casey says with his sly grin getting bigger.
Severide smiles and throws his pillow at Casey.
Casey catches the pillow and throws it back to Severide, "Shaylynn still staying away?"
"Yes! She's going to be the death of me! Having to stay at the Firehouse without her is bad enough, but then to go home and to still be without her there is really affecting me!" Severide tells Casey as he throws his legs over the side of his bed while sitting up.
"Get your head on straight. Tonight's New Year's Eve and you know what that means. Tonight is just as bad as the Fourth of July for firework fires" Casey reminds him.
Severide shakes his head yes while Casey walks out to leave Severide to get ready.

The day starts out slow, four hours into the shift and no calls.
Until now.
"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, Abandoned house fire, 6181 Park Street"
The crews head for the stalls, get their turnout gear on, load up and head out.
Once at the abandoned house, Boden sees just a little bit of smoke coming from a couple of windows.
"Truck! Investigate where the smoke is coming from!" Boden yells out.
"Herrmann! Otis! Come with me!" Casey tells them.
Herrmann, Otis, and Casey head inside.
A minute later Casey comes over the radio, "Chief, some fires have been started in trash cans. Probably from squatters."
Otis and Herrmann come out of the house to grab a few fire extinguishers.
"I'll take a extinguisher in to help" Severide tells Boden.
Boden nods to Severide.
Severide grabs a extinguisher and heads into the house.
He sees Casey, "Have you been to the second floor?"
"No" Casey tells Severide.
"I'll head up there and check it out" Severide tells Casey.
Severide finds the stairs and goes up to the second floor. He looks around and finds a trash can on fire in each room.
Severide radios to Boden, "Chief, every room on the second floor has a trash can that's on fire."
"Do you need any assistance putting them out?" Boden radios back.
"Negative! I've got it under control!" Severide radios back to Boden.
Herrmann, Otis, and Casey walk out of the house.
Casey walks up to Boden, "Should I go back in and help Severide?"
"Nah! He says he has it under control!" Boden tells Casey.
Across the street, standing amongst the crowd that has gathered, are two guys keeping a very watchful eye on what's happening at the abandoned house.
"He's finally the only one in the house" one guy tells the other one while taking a remote out of his pocket.
Back in the house, Severide walks into the last room and puts out the fire in the trash can. He turns around to head out of the room when he hears a click come from the closet he walked past. A loud squealing starts that just gets louder. He knows something's wrong, drops the extinguisher, and jumps out the window.
As he jumps out the window, flames burst out from the closet, out into the room, then sends flames shooting out the windows. 

Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago #2  (Chicago Fire)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora