Chapter 51 "Still In Love With You"

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"What just happened?" Dawson yells up to Brett.
"Squad was hit!" Brett yells back to Dawson, slamming on the brakes.
Shaylynn looks at Dawson, "Don't worry! I'm sure they're fine!" Dawson tells her as she goes to get out of the ambulance.

After the initial shock of the truck hitting Squad, Severide climbs out of his window and jumps down onto the truck's hood.
"SEVERIDE!" Cruz yells at him.
He jumps down onto the street and walks up to the driver side and opens the door.
The driver pulls a gun. Severide punches him and knocks the driver unconscious.
Dawson and Brett come running around Squad, "What happened?" Dawson asks Severide.
"This asshole was going to ram into you guys as you drove through the intersection" he tells her.
"We need to call for another ambulance for this guy" Brett says.
Severide hears Trucks siren, "Don't worry about that!" Severide tells her.
Truck 81 and Boden pull up.
"Chief! We need to get Shaylynn to the hospital so Brett and Dawson can take care of this guy!" Severide yells to Boden.
"Alright! Get Shaylynn!" Boden yells to him.
"While I'm getting her you'll want to call CPD. That guy pulled a gun" Severide tells Boden.
Severide turns and sees Tony, Capp, and Cruz, "Don't worry about us! We'll get a ride with Truck" Capp tells him.
Severide nods to Capp and runs over to the ambulance.
As he's running up to the back, he can see Shaylynn trying to get out.
"What are you doing?" he asks her.
"What do you expect me to do? No one was coming to tell me anything! One minute I'm told Squad was hit, then I'm left alone to think the worst!" Shaylynn tells him with a angry look.
Severide shakes his head as he sticks out his hands to help her down, "Come on! Chief and I are taking you to the hospital in his car. The dumbass in the truck needs the ambulance."
She puts her hands in his and jumps down onto her good foot.
Severide puts her arm around his neck and helps her over to Boden's car. On the way she looks at the Squad truck and then to the truck that rammed into them.
As they pass by the truck, Shaylynn sees something, "Kelly! STOP!" she tells him, "Turn me around!"
He stops and turns her around, "Look by the license plate, it's the symbol the Trafficking boss uses" she tells him.
This pisses Severide off even more! That asshole is still coming after his wife!
"We have to go!" Severide tells her.
He gets her over to Boden's car and helps her into the back.
Severide gets into the passenger side, while Boden gets in.
Boden takes off toward Med.

When they arrive, Severide gets out. He walks into Med and gets a wheelchair.
Bringing it back out for Shaylynn, he sees she's trying to get out on her own. Boden standing by the door talking to her, then he points in Severide's direction.
Severide pushes the chair up to her. Shaylynn just gives him a look.
"Get in!" Severide tells her.
She sticks out her lip and gives him a pout like a toddler.
Severide laughs at her, "Would you get in the chair!" he says.
Shaylynn hops down into the chair. Severide starts pushing her toward the ED doors with Boden following them.
Maggie looks and sees Severide pushing Shaylynn through the doors.
"What happened?" Maggie asks.
"She was hit by a car" Severide tells Maggie.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "I can speak for myself, thank you" she tells Severide, "I was actually clipped by a car, there's a difference" she tells Maggie.
Maggie turns around and looks, "Dr. Halstead, can you take Shaylynn?"
"Sure can! Bring her this way" he tells Severide.
He follows Dr. Halstead into Cell 3.
Severide and Dr. Halstead help Shaylynn out of the wheelchair and up onto the bed.
"Give me a kiss!" she tells Severide.
He gives her a kiss, "Goodbye!" she tells him.
Dr. Halstead gives Severide a look, while Severide looks at her, "What do you mean, goodbye?" he asks her.
"You and Chief need to be getting back to the Firehouse" she tells him.
"If you remember, the Squad truck is damaged" he reminds her.
"While sitting in the ambulance waiting, I called to have another one ready for 51. As we speak, it should be heading this way. So, goodbye!" she tells Severide.
"How are you going to get home?" Severide asks her.
"I'm sure I can find a way home" she tells him.
Severide looks at Dr. Halstead, "I'll make sure she's taken care of!" he tells Severide.
"Alright!" Severide says and gives Shaylynn another kiss, "Call me when you get home!" he tells her.
"I will!" she tells him.
Severide walks out of the cell and out of the ED meeting up with Boden in the waiting room. They leave Med and head back to the Firehouse.
"So, what am I looking at?" Dr. Halstead asks Shaylynn.
"My right shin. I was clipped by a car" she tells him.
Dr. Halstead smiles and shakes his head, "Okay, a x-ray it is. Let's get you back in the wheelchair and I'll push you up there that way we can free up this cell."
"You're the boss!" Shaylynn tells him with a smile.
Dr. Halstead starts laughing, "What's so funny? Shaylynn asks him.
"I'm surprised to hear that from you!" he tells her.
Dr. Halstead helps Shaylynn into the wheelchair, pushes her to the elevator, they get on and arrive on the floor x-ray is on.
When they get off, Shaylynn sees Dr. Rhodes talking to Sam. She has a angry look on her face.
"Shit!" Shaylynn says.
"What? Did I do something?" Dr. Halstead asks her.
"No, I just saw Sam talking to Connor" she tells him.
"I can wheel you over there to her" Dr. Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn sees Sam turn around, walk over to Stone and they start walking away.
"That's alright! She's with Peter, I don't want to disturb them" she tells him.
He continues to wheel her to the x-ray room.
"You know Connor is still in love with you. He was pretty upset when you were in that horrific accident and very shaken up when he thought you were gone" Dr. Halstead tells her.
"I imagine my HUSBAND was also pretty upset when I was in that accident and very shaken up when he thought he lost me!" Shaylynn says very angrily.
"I just thought I would tell you" Dr. Halstead says.
Shaylynn applies the brakes to the wheelchair. Dr. Halstead almost goes flying over her.
"Will, why would you tell me something like that when you know I'm married and to Kelly of all people!" she asks him.
"Just to give you some insight on why Connor does what he does around you" he tells her.
"You know what, forget about the x-ray! Just give me a brace and I'll be going! I bet it's just going to develop into a bad bruise" Shaylynn tells him.
"Shaylynn, you have to have the x-ray done! If you don't Kelly will be pissed at me!" Dr. Halstead tells her.
"I'm sure he would be even more pissed knowing you told me that Connor is still in love with me" she tells Dr. Halstead.
He walks down the hall, walks into a room, walks back out and heads toward Shaylynn. Crouching down he puts the brace on her. He then takes her boot and gently slips it on her foot and helps her stand up. She stumbles a little, but catches herself.
"See you later, Will!" she tells him and starts walking toward the elevator.
While standing there waiting on the elevator, the Fire Commissioner walks up.
"Mrs. Severide, it's so nice to see you!" he says to her.
"Hello! But, please it's Shaylynn" she tells him.
The elevator arrives, they both get on and are heading to the ground floor.
"Have you talked to your husband yet?' he asks her.
"Very briefly" she tells him.
"So he didn't tell you that he talked to me" the Commissioner asks her.
"No, he never said anything" she tells him.
"Well then, I want to thank you for what you did here earlier. My wife had surgery yesterday and was absolutely terrified and on the phone with me during the whole ordeal. It was so hard knowing I couldn't be here to protect her. Then she told me she saw you take out one of the gunmen. That made her feel better knowing someone was on the inside doing something. If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know" he tells her.
Shaylynn looks at him and smiles, "There just might be something" she tells him.
When they reach the ground floor, the Fire Commissioner looks around and sees that Severide isn't around or anyone he knows who would be picking her up.
"Can I offer you a ride?" he asks Shaylynn.
She smiles at him, "Thank you, that would be appreciated! Plus we can talk about things during the ride."

The Fire Commissioner walks into the Common area at 51. He sees everyone is getting ready for shift change. They all look over at him and see Shaylynn's with him.
Boden walks up to the Commissioner, "What can I do for you?" he asks him.
"Nothing, Wallace. Just stand back" the Commissioner tells him.
"I ran into Mrs. Severide" Shaylynn gives him a look, "I mean Shaylynn at the hospital. I expressed to her my gratitude for what she did at Med and told her if there was anything I could do for her to let me know. On the way here she told me what I could do. When the time comes I will make sure the shifts are so all of you can go to the Super Bowl with her."
All the guys start celebrating!
The Fire Commissioner turns to leave. He looks at Boden and smiles as he walks out of the Firehouse.
Severide walks up to Shaylynn, "I see everything is alright with your leg."
She looks at him and gives him a half smile, "Yeah, everything's fine."
"I'll be right out. I have to go and get my bag" Severide tells her as he walks to the locker room.
After about thirty seconds, Severide comes walking out with Casey.
Standing in the hallway, Shaylynn sees them coming.
They both walk up to her, "Hey Matt, see you tonight at Molly's for Gabby's surprise birthday party" Shaylynn says to him while she walks past and out to the stalls.
Casey gets a "OH SHIT" look on his face.

"You forgot Gabby's birthday, didn't you?" Severide asks Casey

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"You forgot Gabby's birthday, didn't you?" Severide asks Casey.
He doesn't receive a answer back.

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