Chapter 8 "Wish You Could Have Been There"

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The crew shows up at Molly's, walks in to see a catered meal.
"Sharon, what's going on?" Herrmann asks the woman behind the bar. Sharon works there on the days/nights they have to work at the Firehouse or can't make it in until late.
"Shaylynn had it set up for you guys to have some hot food when you arrived" Sharon tells him.
No one says a word! They all start diving into the food.
Herrmann and Otis notice the TV isn't on, but music is playing through out Molly's.
"Sharon, I thought our sound system was busted?" Otis asks her.
"It was until this morning. Shaylynn was in early before the Polar Plunge while I was doing inventory and fixed it" she tells Otis.
"Who did she have in here to fix it?" Herrmann asks her.
"It was just her" Sharon tells him with a look.
Herrmann and Otis look at each other, then look at Severide.
"What?" he asks them.
"Did you know that Shaylynn can do stuff like that?" Herrmann asks him.
"Yes. She hooks up all the technology stuff at the house" Severide tells Herrmann.
Katie walks out from the back, "Is everyone enjoying everything?" she asks them.
People have their mouths full, so there's a lot of head nodding to let Katie know everything is great.
Otis looks up, smiles, walks over to her and gives her a kiss.
"I sure missed you at the Polar Plunge!" he tells her, "I wish you could have been there!"
Katie smiles at him, "If I would have been there, you guys wouldn't have had this food to come back to. Shaylynn wanted to make sure all of you had something to warm you up when you were done."
Severide's phone goes off, it's a text from Shaylynn.

Shaylynn- I'm sure you're still at Molly's, but I wanted to check.

Severide- Yes, I'm still here. Everyone is eating and thankful for the food. I guess I didn't have to tell you where I was going since you already had this planned.

Shaylynn- LOL! I figured everyone would head to Molly's afterwards. That's why I hired Katie to cater food for you all. I'm glad everyone is enjoying the food! I'll be there in a few minutes.

"Was that Shaylynn?" Herrmann asks Severide.
"Yes, she'll be here in a few minutes" Severide tells him.

Shaylynn, Butch, and the others pull up outside of Molly's.
"About the SUV, let's keep it to ourselves for right now!" Shaylynn tells the others.
"You're not even going to tell Hank?" Butch questions her.
"No! We really don't know who it is. It could be this boss. It could be the FBI, CIA, or Homeland Security. You know all too well how they feel about us!" Shaylynn reminds them.
"Maybe you should contact Mark and ask him if he can see if the those three agencies are looking into us" Butch says to her.
"No! All communication has been severed with him! With it being Election year, his opponent is trying to get ANYTHING he can on Mark. He's trying to prove that Mark has knowledge of a private organization that keeps their eyes on the Government, which is making a lot of Representatives and Senators nervous. This guy has went so far as bringing up when Mark used Marine One to save me. Saying it was special treatment because my Stepdad was a General and a friend of Mark's. That taxpayer dollars shouldn't have been used to save a friend's daughter. That man doesn't understand Mark would've done that for ANYONE, not just me. I shut that man down when I gave Mark a million dollars to repay for the fuel that was used and any maintenance that needed to be done to Marine One" Shaylynn looks at each of the guys, "Don't you dare say anything to Kelly about that!!!"
Butch shakes his head, "Shouldn't Kelly know?" asking her.
"No! He has his own account and I have mine! He doesn't need to worry about the money I have and where it goes. Kelly has enough to worry about with his job" she tells the guys.
Butch turns around and looks at her, "You mean, you let that man get by with his paycheck?!"
Shaylynn gives Butch a glaring look, "NO! I transfer a little at a time over to his account. I do just a little here and there, so hopefully he doesn't notice it and call me out. We better get inside, I told Kelly I was only a couple of minutes away. He might be worried that something happened."
They all get out of Butch's Yukon and head inside.
As they walk in, they're greeted by everyone.
"Thanks for the food!" Otis tells Shaylynn.
She smiles at him, "Katie deserves the thanks, not me. She's the one who fixed it!"
Shaylynn walks up to Sharon, "Would you please give me the cable to the TV so I can hook my phone up to it. And please turn the music off" Shaylynn asks with a smile.
Sharon gives the cable to Shaylynn, then turns the music off.
"HEY! What's going on?!" Otis belts out.
Then he sees Shaylynn hooking up a cable to the TV.
Shaylynn turns around and faces everyone, "I have a video for everyone to watch."
She finds the input for her phone. The home screen shows up on the TV.

Everyone starts laughing and looks at Severide

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Everyone starts laughing and looks at Severide.
He looks at everyone, "Yeah, go ahead and laugh it up!"
Shaylynn smiles. She finds the video, it starts playing.
It's Savannah and the other athletes thanking everyone for coming to the Polar Plunge and how much they loved seeing the CFD and CPD there.
At the end it's just Savannah, "Thank you to my 51 family! Love you!" she uses one hand to blow a kiss.
She looks away, but then looks back to the camera, "Kelly, LOVE YOU!" she says into the camera, this time using both hands to blow a kiss.
A chorus of "aahh's" can be heard. Shaylynn looks at Severide, she sees him wiping his eyes while Casey pats him on the back.
She unhooks her phone, hands the cable back to Sharon, walks over to Severide while Sharon turns the music back on.
Shaylynn walks up to him and puts her arms around him. He looks up at her with glassy eyes, then lays his forehead on her upper chest. She runs a hand through the hair on the back of his head, then kisses the top.
"Are you alright?" she asks Severide.
She can feel he's nodding his head yes.
"Savannah is such a sweetie!" Cruz says to Shaylynn.
"Yeah, not much can affect Severide, but she pulls at his heartstrings!" Tony tells Shaylynn.
"She pulls at all our heartstrings, especially when she smiles!" Capp says.
"Thank you, guys! I don't think you know, but she calls Squad 3, Savannah's Squad. And all of you are Savannah's Guys. She LOVES her entire Firehouse family! She hardly remembers Marshall, except for pictures. The only male figure that has been in her life is Marshall's Dad. Butch and the other guys would come and go, but now she has Kelly, you guys and everyone else at 51" Shaylynn tells Tony, Cruz, and Capp.
She looks at the guys, they're also wiping their eyes.
"Guys, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you with what I said! That was not my intention!" she tells them.
Severide looks up to see what's going on.
"I'm sure I can speak for the other's that we're not upset, but touched that Savannah thinks so highly of us! The few times she has come to the Firehouse after some of the calls we were on, she could always cheer us up with that smile of her's and her hugs" Cruz tells Shaylynn.
Tony, Cruz, Capp, and Severide look at Shaylynn to see now she's wiping her eyes.

Butch walks over to Shaylynn and whispers something into her ear. She looks and sees the other three guys walking out Molly's door.
Shaylynn walks away from the table heading toward Molly's door with Butch following her.
All the Squad guys look at each other wondering what's going on.
The other three guys are standing outside of Molly's when Shaylynn along with Butch walk out.

Shaylynn immediately sees what the other three are looking at, a Black SUV parked across the street from Molly's.
She pushes past the three guys, draws her sidearm and starts walking toward the SUV.
"SHAYLYNN!" Butch yells at her.
Before she even get's to the middle of the street, the SUV speeds away.
She puts up her gun, getting ready to fire at the SUV until Butch runs out to her, "WOAH! WOAH! NOT HERE!" he tells her pushing her arms down.
"Alright, but you need to calm down! You have smoke coming out of your ears!" Butch says to her.
Shaylynn looks at him not amused.
Everyone in Molly's is looking out the windows watching everything go down out in the street.
"I bet the neighbors are loving this!" Otis says.
"Who cares! Crime rate is back to zero percent in this neighborhood because of those five. I really doubt the neighbors would say anything anyways!" Herrmann tells Otis.
Butch starts leading Shaylynn back inside and straight over to Severide, "Might be a good idea to take Shaylynn home" Butch tells him.
Severide grabs Shaylynn's hand and leads her out of Molly's.

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