Chapter 62 "A Lot Of Henchmen"

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Shaylynn and Sam get on the next elevator.
"I'm getting sick and tired of going to the Surgical floor!" Shaylynn tells Sam.
Sam grabs onto Shaylynn's shoulder, she turns to look at Sam.
"Are you alright?" Shaylynn asks her.
"No! Something's running down my leg!" Sam tells Shaylynn.
"Oh, no, no! Nothing is happening to that baby!" Shaylynn says while pushing the button on the elevator for the maternity floor over and over again, "Come on you stupid piece of....."
"Shaylynn, you need to get up to the Surgical floor!" Sam tells her holding her bump.
Shaylynn gives Sam a very pissed off looked, "Are you serious!? Kelly isn't going anywhere!"
Finally the elevator stops on the maternity floor. Shaylynn helps Sam walk off the elevator.
Thankfully there was a wheelchair close by.
Shaylynn gets it for Sam and pushes her up to the nurses desk.
"What's the problem?" the nurse asks Shaylynn.
Shaylynn gives the nurse a glare, "The problem is my sister's in labor and she's only 7 months! Get a doctor here NOW and her into a room!"
"Shaylynn, calm down!" Sam tells her.
"Obviously this nurse is new and doesn't know who she's talking to!" Shaylynn spouts out.
"Has she been checked in?" the nurse asks.
"You've got to be fuc...." Shaylynn starts to say.
"SHAYLYNN!" Sam says to her aggressively.
Shaylynn clinches her fists, "No, she hasn't been checked in! This started in the elevator! Get her into a room! Get a doctor to that room or so help you I'm......"
At that moment Dr. Halstead walks around the corner and sees the sisters. He rushes over to them.
"What's wrong?" Dr. Halstead asks.
Shaylynn looks over to him, "Will, Sam's in labor! She's only 7 months!" she tells him.
"I'll take it from here!" Dr. Halstead tells the nurse as he grabs onto the wheelchairs hand grips and starts pushing Sam to a room.
Shaylynn looks at the nurse with an evil look as she follows them.
She stands outside the room and calls Stone and Hank. It's a good thing she left her car for Stone because of Taylor.

Ten minutes later, Stone rushes off the elevator and runs toward Shaylynn.
"What room is she in?" he asks.
"612" Shaylynn tells him.
Stone hands Shaylynn her keys then starts rushing in the direction of the room, but stops, "Hank has Taylor down in the cafeteria" he tells Shaylynn and takes off again.
A few minutes later, Hank gets off the elevator holding Taylor, "Mommy!"
Hank puts Taylor down and he runs toward Shaylynn.
She bends down and picks him up as Hank walks up to her, "I'm going to head upstairs to see if I can find out anything" she tells Hank.
"Alright! Do you want me to keep Taylor?" Hank asks.
"No, I'll take him" she tells him.
Shaylynn walks over to the elevator. Taylor and her get on, he pushes the button for the Surgical floor and the doors close.

When the doors open on the Surgical floor, Shalynn sees all of 51 sitting there looking over at her and Taylor. As soon as Taylor sees Boden, he takes off running toward him, Boden scoops him up.
"There she is!" Capp says.
As soon as Herrmann sees Shaylynn with Taylor, he calls Cindy.
Dawson sees the look on Shaylynn's face, "Is everything okay?" she asks.
"Sams in labor!" Shaylynn tells everyone.
"She's only 7 months, right?" Brett questions.
"Yes" Shaylynn says.
Dawson stands up and walks over to Shaylynn, "Don't worry! Everything will be fine! Baby Girl Stone has a very good chance" Dawson tells her.
"This isn't my day!" Shaylynn says, "As much as I wish I could control what's going on with Sam, I can't. But with Kelly.....that's different! This is the last time ANYONE in my family gets hurt because of this boss! Has there been any news?" she asks Dawson.
"Nothing yet" Dawson tells her.

Fifteen minutes has gone by. Shaylynn has been going back and forth between floors.
She goes back to the Surgical floor, she notices Taylor is missing.
Herrmann walks up to her, "Cindy came and got him. She said not to worry about him."
Shaylynn smiles at him, "I never worry about my kids when they're with you and Cindy!"
"How's Sam?" Herrmann asks her.
"She's doing good! Baby Girl is here and in the NICU. I'll be able to find out more once they tell Sam, she's sleeping right now. It's going to be different being the Aunt this time" Shaylynn tells Herrmann.
"But Justin had a son" he says to her.
"I wasn't around and only saw Daniel maybe three times before Olive moved away. Sam was more of an Aunt then I was" she says.
"As protective as you are of your family, you will make an excellent Aunt!' Herrmann tells her with a smile.
"Thanks! But don't you mean families?" Shaylynn says looking around at 51.
Herrmann smiles at her, "Gotcha!"
Dr. Rhodes walks out and up to Shaylynn. Herrmann walks away and sits down.
Capp, Tony and Cruz watch Dr. Rhodes walk up to her. Severide told them what Dr. Rhodes said a while back, so all three of them stand up, walk over to Shaylynn and stand behind her.
"Surgery went well! Even though Kelly lost a lot of blood, thankfully no major arteries were cut" he says.
Dr. Rhodes looks past Shaylynn and addresses all of 51, "Kelly will be on light duty for at least four weeks to make sure he heals right" he then looks at Capp, Tony and Cruz, "It will be up to the three of you to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy before the four weeks is up!"
"When will I be able to see him?" Shaylynn asks Dr. Rhodes.
"As soon as he wakes up, the nurse will come and get you" he tells her.
"Thank you, Connor!" Shaylynn says.
He grabs her hand and smiles at her.
Tony, Cruz and Capp all glare at Dr. Rhodes. He looks at them, turns around and walks away.
"All right boys, you can stop being my guard dogs!" Shaylynn tells them.
"Since we know Kelly is alright, be better head back to the Firehouse" Boden tells everyone, "Shaylynn, are you going to be alright?" he asks her.
She looks at him, "Yes, I'll be fine!"
They all hug her and head toward the elevators.

Shaylynn sits down in the waiting room and waits. She calls Hank and tells him what's going on with Severide and if anything happens with Sam and/or the baby to call her.
After getting off the phone with Hank, a nurse comes out.
"You can come back! There's no sense for you to be waiting out here!" the nurse tells her.
Shaylynn recognizes the nurse. She's one of the nurses she told to hide in the changing room when those gunmen were in the hospital.
She follows the nurse to Severide's room.
"Thank you!" she tells the nurse as she walks past her into his room.
"No, thank you! Because of you, I was able to go home to my baby on that awful day!" the nurse says, then walks out.
Shaylynn sits down on the side of Severide's bed.
She runs her fingers through his hair, "I've let you down once again..." she says.
Her phone rings, she stands up and walks over to the window.
"We've picked up quite a lot. So has Baby Boy" Butch tells her, "But we couldn't find Hicks! He must have found out we were out looking!"
"So you have a lot of henchmen?" she asks.
"Yep!" Butch says.
"Is the ship there?" Shaylynn asks.
"Yep!" Butch says again.
"You know what to do then, put them on the ship!" she tells him, "I'll have everything set up for them when they reach their destination!" she tells Butch.
"Will do!" Butch says and hangs up.
Shaylynn turns around and sees Severide staring at her.
"Hi!" she says.
"What are you up to?" he asks her.
"I'm not up to anything! I'm standing right here" she says.
He glares at her, "You don't need to be somewhere to be up to something! All you need is that phone in your hand!"
Shaylynn changes the subject, "How you doing?" she asks.
"I'm very sore! My chest feels like it's on fire!" he tells her.
"That's because you were stabbed 7 times with a short jagged edge blade" she tells him, "The second woman you pulled out of the river had a ring on that women wear while jogging in case they're attacked."
"Hey, he's awake!" Shaylynn can hear Capp say from behind her.
She turns around to see him, Cruz and Tony standing there. Her phone rings again, she moves back over by window to answer it as the guys walk up to Severide.
Shaylynns only on her phone for a minute when she walks up to Severide and the guys.
"I have to go and handle something. I'll be back in a little bit, okay" she tells Severide and kisses him,"I thought you guys were headed back to the Firehouse?" she asks the guys.
"We talked Boden into letting us stay as long as we have our radios close" Cruz tells her.
"Then you guys sticking around for a little while?" Shaylynn asks.
"Yes" Cruz tells her.
"Good! I'll see you guys in a few!" she says as she walks out.
"She's up to something!" Severide tells the guys.
"When isn't she up to something!" Capp tells him.
Shaylynn heads out of the hospital to her Escalade. She gets in and takes off.

Fifteen minutes later, she's pulling up in front of District 21. Shaylynn walks in and sees Trudy, who comes out from behind the desk and let's her upstairs to Intelligence. Lindsay meets her at the top of the stairs.
"You have a minute!" Lindsay tells Shaylynn, "That's only the amount of time I can have the camera unplugged!"
"That's more than enough time!" Shaylynn tells Lindsay as she pulls gloves out of her pockets.
"You know the way" Lindsay tells her.
Shaylynn walks to the back where the Interrogation rooms are with Lindsay following her.
Lindsay walks into the Observation room and gets ready for Shaylynn to enter the other room.
Once she opens the door, Lindsay pulls the plug on the camera and turns her back to the one way mirror.
Shaylynn walks into the Interrogation room. Sitting in front of her, on a pillow, is the second woman Severide pulled out of the river.
The woman looks up and sees Shaylynn, "OH SHIT! NO! NO! NO!"


Okay, a little something extra for Easter. Even though it's late.

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