Chapter 23 "Lights Of Chicago"

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A month has went by and no signs of Shaylynn.
After learning she was kidnapped, Hank had the airport, bus station, train station, everything watched for her.
Seeing as though this boss has money, he more than likely wouldn't be using public transportation.
Severide has been trying to keep it together, but not doing a very good job. Everyone at the Firehouse has been trying to keep his head straight while out on calls.
When Severide's at home, Benny has been staying with him to make sure his son eats and doesn't do anything stupid.
Both Severide and Hank haven't slept that much in the last month.
Hank has been spending most of his time at the District or at Shaylynn's office with Butch trying to find anything in the information that Kot gave him on where Shaylynn could be.
It seems this Boss and her have just vanished from Chicago.

Shaylynn can hear there's a party going on downstairs and outside. The music sounds live, but that could just be a good sound system.
The door to the bedroom opens, in walks the Boss and another guy.
"Oh my!" the other guy says looking at Shaylynn handcuffed to the headboard of the bed with a gag in her mouth.
He walks over to her and starts playing with her hair, "What do you want me to do?" he asks the Boss.
"Nothing up! Leave it down, maybe a little wave to it. Do her makeup too! Then pick out a dress and put her in it. After you're done, let my man outside of the door know, he'll come and get me" the Boss tells him while walking out the door, closing it behind him.
The guy does what the Boss asks him to do. With Shaylynn handcuffed to the headboard, it was a challenge to do her hair and makeup plus get her dressed, but he did it. He let's the guy outside the door know he's done.
A few minutes later the Boss comes into the room, "You can leave!" he tells the guy.
The guy leaves the room.
The Boss walks over to the bed, unlocks the handcuffs, sits Shaylynn up on the side of the bed and re-fastens the handcuffs in front of her, "I'm going to take you downstairs and show you off! Remember what I've told you, do ANYTHING and ALL of your Firehouse family will die! One call and my men will take them out!"
He removes the gag from her mouth.
"When this is all over, I'm going to KILL YOU!" Shaylynn tells the Boss with a evil tone.
He laughs at her, stands her up in front of him and grabs her ass, "I'm looking forward to tonight!"
Grabbing on to the handcuffs he pulls her over to closet, grabs a scarf and drapes it over the handcuffs to hide them.
He then leads her out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
Once down stairs, the Boss parades Shaylynn around. Everyone is whispering wondering who the blonde is with him.
The Boss parades her around inside the house, then takes her outside. Shaylynn sees there is a live band. She looks over at the stage.
The singer sees her, pulls his sunglasses down and makes eye contact with her and continues singing.
He finishes the song and announces he's going to take a break and the band starts playing music as he walks off the stage.
He heads inside to the bar to get a drink. After getting his drink, he heads to a bathroom, goes inside and locks the door. He sits his drink down on the sink, then pulls out his phone.
"Butch! Hey man, it's Pitbull. Are you, Shaylynn, and the guys in Miami doing something undercover?" he asks.
"NO! Why?" Butch asks him.
"I'm performing at this party and Shaylynn's here!" Pitbull tells Butch.
The line goes silent.
"Hey man, you still there?" Pitbull says.
"Yeah, I'm still here! How long will you be at this party?" Butch asks him.
"The way it's going, I'll be here all night! I've been paid A LOT of money to perform" Pitbull tells him.
"Keep your eyes on Shaylynn as much as you can! Can you do that?" Butch asks him.
"Yeah, yeah! Man, what's going on?" Pitbull asks.
Butch doesn't say anything.
"Man, come on throw me a bone! What's going on?" Pitbull asks again.
"Shaylynn was kidnapped from Chicago and has been missing for a month. You're the first lead we've had of where she is!" Butch tells him, "The guys and I are going to be getting on a private jet and heading to Miami. Have you sang "Fireball" yet?" Butch asks.
"No, not yet. Why?" Pitbull asks Butch.
"When you go back to performing, sing that song. Shaylynn will know you've contacted me and that we're on our way!" Butch tells him.
"You got it, man! I better get back out there!" Pitbull tells him.
"Alright! Text me the address and keep your eyes on her as much as you can!" Butch reminds him and hangs up.
Pitbull texts Butch the address, puts his phone back into his pocket, grabs his drink and leaves the bathroom.
He finishes his drink and puts the glass back on the bar, then heads back outside to the stage.
After walking onto the stage, he whispers something into the guitarist's ear. The guitarist goes around and tells the other musicians what Pitbull told him.
The music for "Fireball" starts up with Pitbull joining in. Shaylynn looks toward the stage, right at Pitbull. He lowers his sunglasses and winks at her.
Everyone around her and the Boss start dancing. To try and keep the Boss downstairs, she starts dancing in front of him. This really gets his attention.

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