Chapter 59 "May I Hug You"

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All of them head to the waiting room on the Surgical floor.
Everyone sits down except Shaylynn, she keeps pacing.
"Why don't you try and get some sleep" Sam says to Shaylynn.
"You're the one who needs rest! I'm not the one who's pregnant" Shaylynn tells her.
She looks at Stone, "Why don't you take Sam home" Shaylynn tells him.
Stone stands up and looks at Sam, "I'm not going anywhere!" Sam tells him.
Stone looks back to Shaylynn, then looks back to Sam, "She's right! You need to get your rest. Plus if I don't get you home, Shaylynn's going to hurt me" Stone tells Sam.
"No she won't!" Sam tells him.
Shaylynn shoots Sam a look, while Stone stands there and looks at her.
"Will you just take my hand! We'll go home, get some rest and come back here first thing in the morning, okay" Stone says to Sam.
"Alright!" Sam says as she takes Stones hand and stands up.
Severide stands up at the same time.
Stone hugs Shaylynn, as Sam hugs Severide.
"If there's any news before I get back here in the morning, call me!" Sam whispers into Severide's ear.
She backs up from him, Severide nods at her.
Stone and Sam head to the elevator and get on.
Severide sits back down, "Why don't you sit down" he says to Shaylynn.
"I don't want to!" Shaylynn tells him pacing.
"You guys might as well head back to the Firehouse" Severide tells his guys.
"Are you sure?" Cruz asks him.
"Yeah, I'm staying with Shaylynn" he tells Cruz.
"Alright" Cruz says.
Tony, Capp and Cruz walk up to Shaylynn. Each of them hug her, say goodbye and get on the elevator.

A couple of hours have went by and Severide has fallen asleep.
Shaylynn's still pacing when she sees Dr. Latham walking toward her.
She stops and waits for him to approach her, "Dr. Latham...." she says to him with a worried tone.
Severide hears Shaylynn say something, when he looks he sees Dr. Latham standing with her. Severide stands up and joins her.
"I assisted Dr. Rhodes and everything went well. Dave is in recovery. With him having so many stab wounds to his lungs, I would like for him to stay in the ICU for 48 hours just to be cautious" he tells Shaylynn.
She turns and hugs Severide, while Dr. Rhodes looks on and watches.

Being so happy, she walks up to Dr

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Being so happy, she walks up to Dr. Latham, but stops, "May I hug you?" Shaylynn asks him.
Dr. Latham smiles, "I would very much like that" he says to her.
Shaylynn hugs him, then backs away.
He smiles at her, nods to Severide and walks away.
Shaylynn can finally exhale. She swears she's been holding her breath the entire time.
She turns to look at Severide, "I'm surprised Connor didn't come over and tell you!" he says to her.
Shaylynn gives him a look, "Do you really think he's going to come over with you standing here!"
Severide looks down at the floor.
An hour goes by. A nurse comes over to tell Shaylynn that she can go and see Dave.
"I'll stay here" Severide tells her.
She walks over to the ICU.
Walking into Dave's room, she sees him lying there hooked up to a ventilator to help him breath so his lungs have time to heal. She can feel more tears falling onto her cheeks.
She walks over to the nurses station, "If anything changes with him, please call me!' she tells the head nurse and gives the nurse her phone number.
Shaylynn walks up to Severide "I'm ready to go home."
He sticks his arm around her. They get on the elevator, head down to the ED, walk out to the parking lot and get into her car.
Shaylynn gets in the driver seat, "Are you sure you don't want me to drive?" Severide asks her.
"No" she tells him while she pulls out of Meds parking lot.
Ten minutes later she pulls up in front of the Firehouse, "What are you doing?" he asks her.
"You have to get back to work! I don't need a babysitter!" she tells him.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" he asks.
"Yes!" she tells him.
Severide leans over and gives her a kiss, "If you need me, call! I'll be on my way!"
He opens the door, gets out and starts walking up the driveway.
Shaylynn speeds off.

On the way home, her phone rings.
"We found them!" Butch tells her.
"Where are you?" Shaylynn asks.
"Biltmore Metal on Cermak Road. The crows followed us here" he tells her.
"I'm on my way!" she tells him and hangs up.
Shaylynn does a U-turn and speeds off toward Biltmore Metal.
Shaylynn arrives at the Metal Recycling Facility, she calls Butch.
"Where are you?" Shaylynn asks him.
"In the main building" he tells her.
She hangs up. After getting out of her car, she walks around to the trunk, opens it, then shuts it. Shaylynn then starts walking toward the main building. While she walks toward the building, she looks around.

Off in the distance, someone is watching her through night vision binoculars.
"She took something out of her trunk" this person tells another.

Walking into the building, she sees Butch, Dan and Rob standing with eight guys at gunpoint.
She walks up to them, "So these are the assholes who jumped Dave!" she says as she draws her gun.
"Fucking cowards had to wait until they found one of us alone! That's the only way they can fight! Not to mention gang up eight to one!" Butch says, "Did you see any crows?" he asks Shaylynn.
"No, but they're there!" she says.
"Are you guys ready?" Butch asks the others.
The big doors to the building fly open, "Shaylynn!" Hank yells out to her as he walks in with SWAT behind him.
"Now!" Shaylynn yells at Butch and the others.
"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Hank yells at SWAT.
Butch, Rob and Dan each shoot one guy, as Shaylynn fires off five shots taking the last five down. All eight guys fall to the ground.
Hank runs up to Shaylynn with the SWAT commander behind him. When they reach her, they see all eight guys are moving.
She throws something up into the air. Hank sticks his hand out and catches it, "Rubber bullets" she tells him.
"DAMN IT, Shaylynn! ALL of you could've been killed! You all are still standing because of Hank!" the SWAT commander tells them.
Butch starts laughing, "We knew you were out there!" he tells the Commander as he puts his gun back in it's holster.
All of them start walking toward the door, "Next time you all won't get off so easily!" the Commander says.
"Next time you won't be able to find us! I ALLOWED you to follow us!" Butch tells him.
Hank shoots Shaylynn a glare. She glares back at him, then turns to walk out the door.

The guys follow Shaylynn out as SWAT collects the eight guys.
Butch and the others walk over to Shaylynn's car, "How's Dave?" Rob asks her.
"He made it through surgery, now he's in the ICU hooked up to a ventilator. Those bastards stabbed him multiple times in the chest piercing his lungs. Dr. Latham said he wants to keep Dave in the ICU for 48 hours just to be cautious" Shaylynn tells them, "It makes sense they went after Dave since he's our IT guy."
Rob elbows Butch in the ribs, Butch glares at him. Rob starts nodding toward Shaylynn.
"Okay, you two, stop acting like children! What is it?" she asks.
Butch reaches into his pocket, pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Shaylynn.
She reads it out loud, "Your sister's next!"
Shaylynn pulls out her phone and calls a number, "CODE RED! I want EVERY team to head to Assistant State's Attorney Peter Stones home NOW!"



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Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago #2  (Chicago Fire)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin