Chapter 50 "Stubborn"

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While running, Shaylynn decides to head to the parking garage first. The person who fired those shots would be in a hurry to get the hell out of dodge.
Running up through the garage, she can hear a car speeding down toward her. As she runs around a corner, the car comes toward her. Shaylynn doesn't have enough time to react.
The car clips her, sending her rolling over it's hood and into a concrete pillar. Her sniper rifle goes flying and comes to rest under some parked cars.
Shaylynn still has her sidearm and gets a couple of shots off hitting a tail light and the bumper.
The shots get Butch and the other guys attention. They take off running to the parking garage where they see a car crash through the exit arm. As it turns to speed away, Butch sees the bullet holes in the bumper and that a tail light has been shot out.
Butch and the others run into the garage.
"SHAYLYNN!" Butch yells out.
"FOURTH FLOOR!" he hears her yell back.
They hurry and run up to find Shaylynn resting up against the concrete pillar she was thrown into.
"Are you alright?" Butch asks.
"No, it's my right leg. It really hurts" she tells him.
Butch pulls his phone out.
While he's on the phone Shaylynn tells Rob that her sniper rifle is somewhere under the parked cars near the outside wall of the parking garage. He, Dan, and Dave go and look for it.

At Firehouse 51, a call comes in.....

"Ambulance 61, Shaylynn's hurt, City Parking Garage 12"

Dawson and Brett stand up and head out to the Ambulance.
Severide stands up and looks at his guys, "Let's go!"
They all stand up and hurry out to the truck.
Squad follows Ambulance out of the stalls, turning their siren and lights on once they reach the road.

Shaylynn's trying to stay still. While waiting for the Ambulance, Butch and the other guys help take Henry off her so they can take her suit back with them instead of it going to Med.
"I just got out and really don't want to go back to the hospital!" Shaylynn tells Butch.
She hears the Ambulance sirens heading in their direction, then she hears Squad's horn.
Shaylynn looks at Butch, "Why would they send 51 for? There's another company closer."
"Probably because I told them that you were hurt. Of course Main is going to send 51" Butch tells her.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes, "Kelly is NEVER going to let me out of his sight again! Seems like every time he does, I end up getting hurt!"
The sirens stop, indicating they're  outside of the parking garage.
A minute later Shaylynn and the others hear someone shout "HELLO!"
Butch walks over to the outside wall, looks down and sees Dawson, Brett, and all of Squad looking up at him.
"FOURTH FLOOR!" he shouts to them.
Squad starts walking up, while Dawson and Brett take the elevator.
Brett and Dawson reach the fourth floor before Squad. They head over to where Shaylynn is sitting.
They both crouch down on either side of her, "What hurts?" Dawson asks her.
"My right leg" Shaylynn tells her.
Dawson starts feeling around on Shaylynns thigh to see if it hurts and works her way down to Shaylynns shin where she flinches.
Dawson looks at Brett, "Let's put a splint on her" she tells her.
Squad finally reaches the fourth floor.
"What happened?" Severide asks seeing that Brett is putting a splint on Shaylynns leg.
"She thinks she's Wonder Woman and tried to stop a car!" Butch tells Severide, looking at Shaylynn with a smile.
Shaylynn gives Butch a evil look.
"Alright, she's good to go!" Brett says.
"Let's get over to the elevator" Dawson tells the guys.
"Oh no! I'll walk down! Butch and the others need to get Henry down to the truck and get him secure. So they need the elevator" Shaylynn says.
Severide looks at her.
Shaylynn isn't looking at him, but can feel his stare, "He's staring at me, isn't he?" she asks Dawson.
She looks up at Severide then looks back to Shaylynn with a smile,"Yes! He's staring at you" Dawson tells her.
Shaylynn looks up at Severide, "That stare isn't going to change my mind!" she tells him.
"Tony" Severide says nodding toward Shaylynn.
Severide walks up to her on one side, while Tony walks up on the other side.
"Give us your hands!" Severide tells her.
She puts her hands up so they can grab on to them, then places her good foot down so she can stand up when they pull her up.
Severide and Tony grab on to her hands, stand her up and put her arms around their necks. They start walking down to get her to the Ambulance while Dawson, Brett, Butch and the others with Henry take the elevator.
Once Severide and Tony get Shaylynn down to the ground floor, Dawson and Brett are waiting on her.
They help Shaylynn up into the Ambulance, Dawson getting up in the back with her. Severide closes the doors and Squad walks back to the truck.
As Brett drives off, Squad starts following them.
"We took Sam to Med with some guy, so you might see her there" Dawson tells Shaylynn.
"Is she alright?" Shaylynn asks her.
"She's fine, the guy is the one who was hit by the shots that went through the window" Dawson tells her.
"The girl's fucking stubborn!" Shaylynn tells Dawson, "All she had to do is request us. The gunmen would've been taken care. I would've been up in her office checking rooftops with my sniper rifle. Who ever did the shooting, if they would've seen another rifle pointing back, they wouldn't have fired those shots!"
Dawson gives Shaylynn a look, "The stubbornness runs in the family!" she tells her.
Shaylynn looks at Dawson and sticks her tongue out at her.

Driving down the street, Cruz looks off to his right and sees a big truck speeding toward the intersection Ambulance 61 is coming to. The closer the truck comes to the intersection, the more it starts to speed up.
"Severide! That truck on the right  coming up to the intersection isn't slowing down!" Cruz tells him.
"Hurry and get up on Ambos right side!" Severide tells Cruz.
Cruz pulls over into the right lane, speeds up and gets beside Ambo just in time.
The truck speeds up and hits Squad in the right side.
Right in Severide's door. 

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