Chapter 15 "Where's Barney?"

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Severide keeps his word and visits Shaylynn when he can. Cruz would drive Squad the long way back to the Firehouse after calls so Severide could stop at the hospital.
The nurses have Shaylynn up walking around since she's been laying in bed so long. It's strange to Shaylynn to have them help her walk.
While walking out in the hallway, Butch gets off the elevator and sees Shaylynn walking with the two nurses.
He walks up to them, "I'll take her for you ladies" he tells the nurses with a smile.
Both nurses blush.
Shaylynn looks at both nurses, then looks back to Butch with a smile.
Shaylynn grabs onto Butch's arm while the nurses walk off.
Butch sees Shaylynn has a huge smile on her face, "What are you smiling about?" he asks her.
"You made those nurses blush" Shaylynn tells him.
Butch gives her a look, "I can't believe bad ass Shaylynn needs two nurses to help her walk around" he says to her with a little laugh.
Shaylynn gives him a jab in the ribs, "OUCH!" Butch belts out.
"You BIG baby! That's what you get for making fun of me!" Shaylynn says with a little laugh, "At least now I have some manly muscles to hang onto."
Butch looks over at her, "I'm assuming this is Kelly's shift?"
"Yes, this is his shift. I would much rather be at home, in bed, laying in Kelly's arms" Shaylynn tells Butch with a sad look on her face.
"Have the kids been here to see you?" Butch asks.
"No. I talked to Marshall's Mom earlier and told her I didn't want them to come. They think I'm some where working. The last time I was here in a coma when that guy hit me over the head, Leslie was too young to remember anything, but Savannah remembers and it really affected her. I especially don't want Taylor to see me in the hospital" Shaylynn tells him.
"I understand" Butch tells her, "I have something for you" Butch reaches into his pocket and pulls something out, he hangs it to Shaylynn, "I thought you might want this."
She looks down at her hand, Butch took the Cobra symbol off Shelby for her. Her eyes start swelling up with tears. The realization that Shelby is gone just hit her hard!
"Oh no, Shaylynn! Please don't start that!" he says while hugging her, "Shelby did what "she" was suppose to do, protect you! "She" wouldn't want you to cry!" Butch tells her.
He can't believe he's talking about a car like it's a human, but Shaylynn loved that car.
Shaylynn wipes the tears off her face, "I'm starting to get tired" she tells Butch.
"Okay, I'll get you back to your room" he tells her.
Butch helps Shaylynn back to her room in the ICU.
"When are you getting out of here?" Butch asks her.
"Connor said he wants me to stay here for the night. Then he's going to switch me to a regular room tomorrow. If I do okay with walking around and show I can fully take care of myself, I'll be discharged the next day" Shaylynn tells him.
"Okay. Since you're tired I'll be on my way" Butch starts walking out, "Oh yeah I almost forgot, here's some books for you."
He hands her a bag. Shaylynn looks in, then looks up at Butch with a disgusted look on her face.
"These are nudity magazines for men! What the hell am I going to do with these?" she asks him.
Butch smiles, "Look between them!"
"EEEWWW! NO!" she tells him with the disgusted look still on her face.
"No! Don't open them! Look between the magazines themselves" Butch tells her trying not to laugh at her.
Shaylynn moves a few magazines then she sees a cell phone.
"ICU patients aren't suppose to have cell phones, so I snuck one in for you" Butch tells her.
Shaylynn laughs, "I don't think it's ICU patients can't have them, I think it's more the hospital doesn't want them to have cell phones because of security reasons since most ICU patients are asleep and can't keep an eye on their property."
"Whatever! I've been receiving calls from a certain someone asking about you. Someone told them you were in an accident. They should be calling very soon!" Butch tells her.
The cell phone vibrates in Shaylynn's hand.
"Hello" Shaylynn says softly in the phone.
"Girl! What are you trying to do? Get yourself killed!"
"Bey?" Shaylynn says surprised.
"Well it isn't Santa Claus!" Beyonce says back to Shaylynn getting a little laugh out of her.
Butch picks up his bag and indicates to Shaylynn that he's going to leave and waves goodbye to her.
"Girl, I know you can drive, what happened?" Beyonce asks her.
"I was clipped! If the guy wouldn't have swerved, I would have been fine. He's the one who couldn't drive" Shaylynn tells her.
"I hope he gets what he deserves!" Beyonce says.
"He's going away forever, he died in the accident" Shaylynn tells her.
"Oh...." she hears Beyonce say.
"The nurse told me he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. While his car was barrel rolling, he was thrown from his car, then the car split him in half" Shaylynn says.
"I'm happy you're alright! Butch is probably happy I won't be bugging him anymore trying to find out anything about you" Beyonce tells her.
Shaylynn can hear someone in the background yell at Beyonce, "Girl, I've got to go, but there's one more thing. In a couple of months my tour will be in Chicago, I'll give you a call as soon as I get in town."
"That would be great, Bey! I'll be asking you for a favor while you're here" Shaylynn says.
"Girl, that won't be a problem! I would love to help you for once!" Beyonce says back.
"Have a great show!" Shaylynn tells her.
"Girl, you know I always do!" Beyonce tells Shaylynn with a little laugh.
"See ya, Bey!" Shaylynn says.
"See ya, Shaylynn!" Beyonce says back.
Shaylynn hangs up, then puts the phone in her robe pocket.
Getting off the phone with Beyonce was perfect timing. Shaylynn had asked her nurses if they would ask a nurse from the Children's Department to come and talk to her about Molly. She wants to know why Molly is in the hospital.

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