Chapter 3 "You're The HERO Of The Family"

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Butch and the other guys take off running down the street to the wrecked SUV, while Shaylynn runs back into the house to put her sniper rifle away.
Once inside the house she notices that Hank and the rest of the Intelligence team are still upstairs.
"I thought I told you guys to get down to the room?!" Shaylynn expresses angrily to Hank and the others.
"Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" Hank asks her.
"NO! I know exactly who I'm talking to and I told you all to get down stairs!" Shaylynn expresses even more angrily to Hank.
"Someone has already called the police and they're on the way. We all received calls to investigate" Hank tells Shaylynn.
"Then you need to call and tell them you already went past and there's nothing there!" Shaylynn tells Hank, "These guys are MINE!"
"How do you get that these guys are yours?" Hank asks her.
"The license plate on the SUV has a symbol on it that this boss likes to use! This ASSHOLE sent these guys to shoot at my house!!!" she tells Hank.
"You need to calm down, Shaylynn!" Hank says.
She walks to the coat closet, takes out her coat and puts it on. On the table behind the door is her cell phone. She calls Butch. He tells her that they're already on the road with the guys from the SUV and they'll meet her at the usual "place". She makes another quick call, hangs up and puts her cell phone in a pocket.
Shaylynn turns around to see Severide walking up from the basement.
He can tell by the expression on her face that she's pissed. With her having her coat on, things can't be good.
Severide walks over to her, "I take it you're leaving?"
"Yes. I have to go do something" she tells him.
"You really don't have to do this!" Severide tells her.
"Yes I do! Those ASSHOLES shot at our house with our whole family here! What am I suppose to do? Just sit back and let them get away with what they did? That boss messed with the wrong person! It's time for him to realize that by sending a message back to him!" she tells him, "Just take care of everyone! Also, some guys will be coming to change out the windows. When they come to the door make sure you ask to see their ID's" she takes a pen out of her coat pocket and hands it to Severide, "This is a black light pen. Shine the light on their ID's, if the Organization's symbol doesn't show up" she takes her gun out of it's holster and hands it to Severide, "USE THIS!"
Severide justs stares at her unable to think of anything to say.
Shaylynn puts a hand on the side of his face, "You're the HERO of the family! I'm the one who has to do bad things to keep people safe! I better get going!"
She kisses Severide, walks around him and heads to the door leading out to the garage.

Everyone starts coming up from the basement.
They can hear Shelby running out in the garage. The noise of Shelby gets softer the further they get away from the door that leads out to the garage. They then hear Shelby speeding down the street, getting more silent the further Shaylynn drives away.
Severide puts Shaylynn's gun in his back waistband as he walks over to Hank, "Can't you do something about this? You can stop her!"
Hank just looks at Severide, "This is Shaylynn you're talking about! Remember, your stubborn wife!"
"She's so stubborn because she takes after you!" Severide tells Hank.
Hank smiles a little and let's out a little laugh, "She's the way she is because of everything she's been through! You should realize by now she's not going to let ANYONE hurt her family, especially you and the kids. I can't do anything, she won't listen to me! Something like this happens, she puts those blinders on and can only see what's in front of the her. And right now it's punishing those guys who shot at her house with her family inside. You need to comfort Leslie and Taylor, reassure them and the other kids that everything's alright. Most know they weren't in any danger with Butch, Shaylynn, and the other guys here, but the kids need to be reassured. Leslie and Taylor weren't around when they did that demonstration out in that field. So I'm sure they have no idea what their Mommy can do."
Severide agrees and walks over to Leslie and Taylor. They're sitting on the couch with Cindy and Annabelle. Cindy's holding Taylor, his face buried in her neck while Annabelle is hugging Leslie.
As Severide gets closer, he can see that Leslie has tears on her cheeks and can hear Annabelle comforting Leslie.
"It's alright! Your Mommy can do amazing things, Leslie! I saw your Mommy be very far away and make fireworks go off that were in a little box! Then she showed up in a fancy helicopter that took Uncle Otis for a ride" Annabelle tells Leslie.
Leslie just stares at Annabelle with big eyes in amazement of what Annabelle is telling her.
Both girls look over and see Severide standing beside them.
Annabelle looks up at him, "I was telling Leslie what amazing things her Mommy can do, Uncle Kelly."
Severide looks at Annabelle, "Thank you, Annabelle!"
"Maybe it would be a good idea to take the kids to the playroom" Cindy says to Severide.
"That would be a wonderful idea!" Severide says to Cindy with a smile.
"Okay, kids let's head to the playroom!" Cindy announces.
The kids get up and start following her. Dawson and Donna follow behind everyone.
Once the kids reach the playroom, the doorbell rings.
All of the Intelligence team draws their guns.
Severide walks over to the door and opens it.
There are four guys standing there, "Mr. Severide? We're here to replace the windows."
"Id's!" Severide tells the men as he pulls the pen out of his pocket with his left hand, while his right hand is behind his back holding on to Shaylynn's gun.
Each man has their ID fastened to their coat. They each step forward so Severide can scan their ID's with the pen.
Severide let's out a sigh of relief when each ID shows the Organization's symbol. He really didn't want to use Shaylynn's gun, but was prepared to just in case.
The men come inside, each going to a window to inspect it. After looking them over, they head back out to a van. They make several trips back inside and back out to van carrying in windows.
Everyone can't believe how thick they are. Severide is still wondering when Shaylynn had the regular windows changed out with bulletproof ones.
"Since you knew the windows were bulletproof, do you know when Shaylynn had them changed?" Severide asks Hank.
"Yes. I was the one who let the guys in to have it done" Hank tells Severide.
Severide gives Hank a look, "So, when was it done?"
"They were changed when you guys were in New York. With her taking charge of a division in the Organization she wasn't going to take any chances. Looks like she was right!" Hank tells Severide.
Hank sees the worried look on Severide's face, "You need to stop worrying about her!"
Severide gives Hank a glaring look.
"Yeah! Yeah! I know! Easier said than done!" Hank tells Severide.
"I know she has to do what she's doing, but it doesn't mean I have to like it!" Severide expresses to Hank.
"What do you think it's like for me?! Knowing my daughter is out there doing who knows what and me being a cop on top of that. I keep telling myself she's doing this so a lot of men, women, and children lives are saved!" Severide looks at Hank, "Yeah, this boss is now using children. The last party they broke up, she said there was 20 kids there. Ages ranging as young as 12. She was really pissed! I'm surprised she didn't tell you this" Hank says to Severide.
Severide shakes his head no at Hank, "She doesn't talk to me about these parties or what she sees. I've learned not to ask, especially if after kissing me and the kids when she returns, she heads straight to the basement to the gym. This last time I went down and stood outside the door, I could hear the punching bag was getting quite a workout. Now I know why."
The men have finally finished replacing the windows. Just as they're ready to leave, Shaylynn walks in the door from the garage. The guy that talked to Severide motions to her to come over to him. She walks over, they talk for a few seconds, then he turns and walks out the door.
Shaylynn turns around to see all eyes are on her.
Boden walks up to Severide, "Maybe it would be best if all of us start heading home."
Severide nods in agreement, while Herrmann heads to the playroom to tell Cindy, Donna, and Dawson that everyone is going to start heading home.
All of them walk out of the playroom and start putting their coats on. Cindy let's Severide know that Leslie and Taylor are asleep on the couch in the playroom.
Everyone from the Firehouse says goodbye to Severide and Shaylynn.
Severide heads back to the playroom to get Leslie and Taylor to get them to bed. As he disappears, all of the Intelligence team receives calls about three male bodies being discovered on the beach of Lake Michigan. Everyone but Hank starts getting their coats on, he stands and looks at Shaylynn.
She stares at him with a blank expression on her face.
Lindsay hands Hank his coat breaking their stare. After putting his coat on, Hank receives a call from Alvin saying he'll meet everyone at the scene. Atwater let's Hank know that he'll catch up with them after he drops April and his siblings off at his place.
They all walk out the door, Hank still standing staring at Shaylynn.
"Hank! Are you coming?" Lindsay yells back at him.
"Yeah! I'm coming!" Hank yells back at her.
Shaylynn closes the door as Hank walks out.

By the time Hank and the others reach the scene, Alvin is already there. Also at the scene is Jefferies and Stone.
Alvin sees Hank and walks over to him, "The bodies look like they've been in a car accident. They also have multiple stab wounds to the neck. Whoever did this, knew what they were doing. There's no tire tracks, no footprints other than the guy who chased his dog down here and discovered the bodies."
News crews start showing up on scene and start hounding the Police.
Alvin walks away from Hank as Jefferies and Stone walk up to him.
"Was this the doing of her and her crew?" Jefferies asks Hank.
"I would say yes it is. I'm sure these are the guys who shot at her house tonight. Plus look at the stab wounds, whatever was used went in the same place each time to make the wound so deep. Someone had to know what they were doing to do something like that. But, why isn't there a lot of blood around?" Hank asks.
Stone speaks up, "The guy who discovered them said by the time he got here, his dog was pulling them out of the water. What we can figure out is that the top of the torso was in the water where the bottom torso was on the sand. With their heads and necks being in the water, the blood would just be washed out into Lake Michigan. One thing we found strange is, all the bodies are missing their right hands."

Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago #2  (Chicago Fire)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat