Chapter 7 "I'm Severide"

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This is a fun chapter I put together to break away from the serious stuff for a little bit. Soon that boss will be coming to Chicago and these four teams are going to have to come together to form, ONE CHICAGO!


The rest of January goes by uneventful along with February. Shaylynn and the guys haven't had to break up any sex parties since before Christmas. This boss is up to something and Shaylynn doesn't like it.
Since things have been quiet, Shaylynn goes back home. She asks Marshall's parents if they would keep Leslie and Taylor. This way they would remain safe. There's no way this boss can connect Marshall's parents to her since she kept her maiden name when she married Marshall.

March arrives and it's colder than ever in Chicago. The fire crews have been having problems with fire hydrants freezing along with the water stored in the tanks on their trucks.
Thankfully the last few calls they've been on have been close to Lake Michigan where they could use the Fire Departments boat.
With it being so cold, the Squad crew has had to move from their table out in the stalls, to the Common Area table.
Everyone notices a gentleman walk into the Common Area.
"I'm looking for Mr. Severide" the guy says standing in the doorway.
Severide looks up, stands up and walks over to the guy, "I'm Severide. What can I help you with?" he asks.
The guy extends his hand to Severide, "My name is Mr. Randall. I was told your stepdaughter is Savannah."
Severide gives Mr. Randall a look. The rest of Squad overhears what Mr. Randall says. They all stand up, walk over and stand behind Severide.
Mr. Randall sees the looks on all the men's faces, "Oh no gentlemen, let me explain! I'm with the Special Olympics of Chicago. You see every year we have what's called a Polar Plunge. We raise money for our athletes to help support them in their efforts in the Special Olympics. Savannah's Grandmother told me that Savannah's Stepdad was a FireFighter and I thought how wonderful if I could get Chicago's heroes to our Polar Plunge. Our athletes would LOVE it!" Mr. Randall tells Severide and the rest of the Squad crew.
Severide looks at Mr. Randall and smiles, "I'm sure I can get some of us together to participate. How much do we need to raise?"
Mr. Randall looks at Severide and smiles, "Well, nothing. I've already talked to your wife and she said she's going to sponsor who ever participates in the plunge."
Severide smiles at Mr. Randall, "Of course she did! When is the plunge?"
"It's March 5th" Mr. Randall tells Severide.
Severide looks at him with a shocked look, "That's this Sunday!"
"Yes. That's why Mrs. Severide said she would sponsor whoever does it" Mr. Randall says.
Severide turns around and looks at everyone, "Okay everyone listen up! This is Mr. Randall. He's with the Special Olympics of Chicago. This Sunday they're having what's called the Polar Plunge to raise funds to support their athletes. If anyone would like to participate with me, raise your hand."
Severide looks around, "Looks like it's everyone, except Brett and Dawson. They have to work" Severide tells Mr. Randall.
Kidd speaks up, "Add Antonio to the list. I know he'll do it with me."
Severide looks back to Mr. Randall, "So it will be ten participating. How much did my wife say she was going sponsor for each person?"
Mr. Randall smiles really BIG at Severide, "Mrs. Severide already had someone lined up, so it's 11. She said she would sponsor $100,000 for each person. She told me before I came here that she figured everyone would do it except the ones who work on ambulance. She already knew they were working that day. She's a very generous lady!" Mr. Randall tells Severide.
Severide smiles back to him, "Yes she is! Especially when it comes to Savannah or any child or children with disabilities. Since you said there are only 11 people, I take it my wife isn't participating."
"She's participating in another way. Her and her guys are providing security. She'll also be taking pictures. She said something about by doing that so she can watch people and they won't think anything about it if they see her with a camera. Her guys will be in the water. Apparently they have experience with being in frigid water in case anything happens, I didn't ask anymore. I've taken up enough of your time. I'll see you and your friends Sunday. Mrs. Severide asked me to call her after I had spoken with you, so I'm off to do that" Mr. Randall tells Severide.
Mr. Randall shakes Severide's hand and walks out of the Firehouse.
All of Squad sits back down at the table. Severide looks at Herrmann who has a weird expression on his face.
"Herrmann, what's wrong?" Severide asks him.
"Shaylynn is sponsoring 11 of us at $1.1 million dollars!" Herrmann says to Severide.
"That's Shaylynn for you!" Severide says back to Herrmann with a smile.

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