Chapter 63 "Going To Confess"

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Over the course of the minute, Lindsay hears a lot of banging and screaming from the woman.
Lindsay walks out of the Observation room. When she's about to open the door to the Interrogation room, Shaylynn opens it.
Lindsay looks in and sees the woman lying on the floor all bloody.
"What the hell, Shaylynn!?" Lindsay says to her.
Shaylynn pulls the woman up off the floor, "Imagine what she did to Kelly, she did to Jay!" she says to Lindsay, "She's going with me!"
"What about Hank?" Lindsay asks her.
"Tell him I took her! Hell, I'll tell him I took her! This bitch is mine!" Shaylynn tells Lindsay aggressively, "You can judge me later!"
Lindsay hurries back into the Observation room to plug the camera back in, while Shaylynn starts walking the woman to the stairs with Lindsay hot on her heels. They're stopped by Trudy standing at the top of the stairs.
"Don't try to stop me from taking her!" Shaylynn tells her.
Trudy looks at Lindsay, then looks at Shaylynn, "I wasn't going to! I'm here to help you get her out of the station!" Trudy tells her.
Shaylynn gives Trudy a sly grin and looks over at Lindsay, "Alright! I guess I'm helping also!" Lindsay says.
Trudy and Lindsay act as a distraction for anyone who comes across them while getting the woman out of the district. Shaylynn takes her out the back, hurries the woman to her Escalade and quickly gets away from the District.

Shaylynn drives to the dock where this ship is docked at.
Butch, Rob, Dan and Dave, who has joined back up with the team, see Shaylynn pull up.
They watch her get out and then get a woman out of the back. The woman that's walking with Shaylynn is all bloody, they hurry and run over.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Rob asks Shaylynn.
"I'm fine!" she tells him.
"Then what happened to her?" Dan asks.
"She fell over a table. Then tripped over 4 chairs and a bench. To top it off, she walked into a couple of walls" Shaylynn tells Dan as she walks the woman toward the ship.
"What are you going to do with her?" Dave questions.
"She's going with the rest!" Shaylynn says.
Rob, Dan and Dave look at each with surprised looks as Butch smiles at Shaylynn.
"You know what will happen to her, right?" Dan asks.
"Yes! I know exactly what will happen to her!" Shaylynn says.
"And, you're okay with that?" Dave asks her.
"What the hell is up with you guys? Yes, I'm okay with that! She was NEVER a victim like all these other women! We've seen it all before, women luring other women in to get paid! She's one of these women who didn't give a shit what happened to them as long as she got her money! She's no better then these men and deserves the same punishment as them!"
"This has to do with Kelly!" Dan says.
Butch gives Dan a pissed off stare.
"Damn straight this has to do with Kelly! It also has to do with all the women, men and children these assholes kidnap and sell off into the sex trade! The children we've rescued do you know what I see, MY KIDS!" Shaylynn hands the woman off to Butch, "Here, take her! If I keep thinking this way about those kids she won't even make it on the ship!"
Butch gets ready to walk the woman to the ship until Shaylynn punches her in the mouth.
"Shaylynn!" Dan yells at her.
"What?! My hand slipped!" Shaylynn says to him with Butch smiling behind her.
Shaylynn turns around and looks at the woman, "I'm the last woman you'll ever see!"
Butch walks the woman over to the ship and hands her off to a guy, who then escorts her onto the ship and disappears.
"With a lot of his henchmen out of the way, it's only a matter of time before Mr. Smith and Hicks screw up and are caught!" Shaylynn tells the guys, "Now I'm heading back to the hospital to see my husband and bribe the NICU nurses into letting me get a peek at my new niece."

Unknown to Shaylynn, Hank left the hospital because he was called out on a case for an illegal massage parlor being operated in a downtown office building.
When Hank arrives he gets his coat out of the back and sees the rest of the Intelligence team is standing outside.
He walks up to Alvin, "Why was I called?"
"Because there's someone inside who you might be interested in" Alvin tells Hank.
Alvin informs Hank about the details on the illegal massage parlor. He gives Alvin a look, then starts walking in with Halstead behind him.
Hank walks in, low and behold sitting in front of him is someone he's been dying to interrogate.
He smiles, "Mr. Charles, I see you've gotten yourself in some major trouble! Why would the Governor of Illinois be in an illegal massage parlor with underage girls?"
"I'm not saying anything until I talk to my lawyer!" Charles tells him.
Hank laughs, "But aren't you a lawyer? Why wouldn't you represent yourself?"
"I'm not talking to you!" Charles tells Hank.
Hank points at Charles,"You're going to talk to me! I'm going to take you back to the District, stick you in a Interrogation room and you're going to confess everything to me! Your goons aren't here to protect you! Or maybe I should just turn you over to my daughter and her guys! I know she would love to get her hands on you and not in a good way!"

Hank points at Charles,"You're going to talk to me! I'm going to take you back to the District, stick you in a Interrogation room and you're going to confess everything to me! Your goons aren't here to protect you! Or maybe I should just turn you ...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Hank looks at Halstead, "Get him out of here and take him back to the District!"
Halstead walks over to Charles, grabs onto his arm, helps him stand up and takes him out to Atwater and Ruzeks car.
All of them clear out and head back to the District.

On the way to the hospital, Shaylynns phone rings.
"Hank has Charles at the District!" Butch tells her.
He can hear screeching in the background from Shaylynn doing a u-turn.
"Thanks!" she tells him and hangs up.
She pulls up in front of the District and quickly runs inside, up to Intelligence.
Hank and Halstead are inside the Interrogation room with Charles when he hears a lot of noise coming from outside the door.
He gets up, opens the door and looks out to see Atwater holding onto Shaylynn.
Hank walks out and closes the door.
"Kevin, put me down!" Shaylynn tells Atwater.
Hank motions to Atwater to put her down. Atwater does and Shaylynn starts heading toward the Interrogation room until Hank stops her.
"You can't go in there!" he tells her.
Shaylynn gives Hank a look.
"The look isn't going to do anything! Let me handle this! Go to the hospital, see how Sam is doing and be with your husband!" he tells her.
Hank, Shaylynn and Atwater hear a lot of noise outside. Ruzek comes around the corner walking toward them.
"What's going on outside?" Hank asks him.
"It's a bunch of press and a mob of people yelling for Charles to resign. They're holding signs talking about him being the head of the human trafficking ring" Ruzek says.
Hank grabs on to Shaylynns arm and pulls her away from the others. He gives her a look, "Don't look at me! I didn't call the press!" she tells him.
"Was it Butch or one of the other guys?" he asks her.
"There's no way! They would rather see Charles at the bottom of Lake Michigan!" she tells Hank.
He shakes his head, "Go to the hospital" he tells Shaylynn, "Go out the back so the press doesn't bother you! And I know you to took that woman from here!"
She gives Hank a "I don't care if you know" look and heads out of the District.
Hank turns and heads back over to the Interrogation room, "We've got a mess!" he tells Atwater and Ruzek, then opens the door and walks in.

Shaylynn arrives at the hospital. Once inside she decides to visit Sam first.
When she arrives at her room, she's still sleeping. Stone is sitting in a chair beside her bed watching TV.
"Any news?" she asks Stone.
"None yet" he tells her.
"Okay. I'm going to go and see Kelly. As soon as you hear anything call me!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Terrible how the press and mob of people are after Charles calling for him to resign!" Stone says to her.
Shaylynn looks at him with an odd look, Stone winks at her.
"Did you....? You know what I don't want know" Shaylynn tells him, then smiles.
She turns and walks out of Sam's room heading to the elevator.
When the elevator arrives and the doors open, Dr. Rhodes is standing there staring back at her.
Shaylynn gets on the elevator, the doors close.
The elevator starts brakes to a halt.
There's a cracking sound.....the elevator falls a little until it jerks to a stop.
Alarms start sounding as more cracking sounds start.

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