Chapter 14 "Only Woman In Your Life"

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Across town the Fire Crews finish up at their call.
Severide is walking around like a zombie, it's apparent where his head's at.
"Here Lieutenant, let me take that for you" Tony says taking the saw from Severide.
"Why don't you go and sit down, we'll take care of everything" Cruz tells him.
Severide looks at his guys, nods and climbs up into Squad.
He leans his head back and closes his eyes.
Behind his closed eyes he sees the look Shaylynn gave him before she stormed out of the Firehouse. What she looked like all bloody sitting inside of Shelby. The sound of the heart monitor alarm in the ambulance when she flat lined. Everything that happened in the ED. Then looking at her one more time before leaving her.
Severide feels a pat on his leg, he looks down and sees that it's Boden.
"How you doing?" Boden asks him.
"As good as I can. Time is going very slow!" Severide tells Boden.
"Hang in there!" Boden tells him and starts walking away.
Boden's cell phone rings.
After a minute, he hangs up "Listen up everyone! Hurry up! Get everything put away and load up! We're heading to the hospital! SHAYLYNN'S AWAKE!"
Everyone celebrates and loads up!
Squad is the first ones on the way.

At Chicago Med, Dr. Rhodes is in Shaylynn's room checking on her.
"How you feeling?" he asks her.
"I'm fine" Shaylynn tells him.
"Just fine? You were in a horrific accident and all you can say is you're fine?" Dr. Rhodes asks confused.
"What should I say?" she asks him.
Dr. Rhodes looks at her, "You scared a lot of people! Hank and Kelly have been here the whole time until today. Hank was called out on a call and Kelly had to go back to work."
"I know. I was sort of awake when Kelly left" she tells Dr. Rhodes.
"Why didn't you say anything to him before he left?" Dr. Rhodes asks.
"My throat was pretty dry. I tried to say something, but it hurt a lot!" she tells him, "If it wasn't for Molly getting me some water, I wouldn't be talking right now."
Dr. Rhodes smiles at Molly, "I'll leave you two ladies so you can talk."
He's gone for only a minute when all these sirens can be heard.
Molly get's up and looks out the window, "OH NO! THE HOSPITAL'S ON FIRE!"
Shaylynn let's out a little laugh, "Can you read the numbers on the trucks?" she asks Molly.
"Yes" Molly tells her.
"Is there a 3 on the side of one of the trucks?" Shaylynn asks.
"Yes" Molly says back.
"That would be my family" Shaylynn tells Molly.
"Your family?" Molly asks surprised.
"The truck that has the 3 on the side, my husband's in that truck" Shaylynn tells Molly.
"Really!" Molly says all excited looking more closely out the window as the Firemen get out.
"From here they all look the same" Molly says as she watches them get out of the trucks.
She sits back down in the chair, puts her breathing mask back on, then grabs Shaylynn's hand while smiling at her.

Outside the crews get out of their trucks.
Boden walks over to 81, "Kidd, you stay out here!"
"Chief!" Kidd says back in protest.
"Kidd, you heard the Chief! Sit this one out!" Casey tells her.
Squad ignores what's going on with Truck and heads inside. Cruz, Tony, and Capp can barely keep up with Severide.
After having to make a few stops for people to get off and on, the elevator finally arrives on the floor where ICU is.
Severide books it off the elevator leaving the other guys in his wake. They hurry off the elevator after him.
The guys catch up with Severide who is just standing outside the ICU doors.
"What are you doing?" Capp asks him.
"What if she doesn't want to see me? I don't think I could handle that with everything that's happened!" he tells Capp.
Capp rolls his eyes, "Get in there!" he tells Severide giving him a little push.
Severide goes through the doors with the other guys in tow. They walk over to Shaylynn's room and look in.
They see a little girl with long brown hair wearing a breathing mask sitting beside Shaylynns bed. She turns to look at them and smiles.
Molly removes her breathing mask, "Which one of you is Shaylynn's husband?"
Severide sticks his hand up a little.
Molly smiles at him.
"Okay Molly, you have to go back to YOUR room now, you need to get some rest. Plus I bet your oxygen tank is almost out" the nurse tells her.
Molly looks down at the gage on her tank, it's at 5%.
"You're right! It was nice meeting you, Shaylynn. Can I come back tomorrow to visit you?" she asks Shaylynn.
Shaylynn looks at her and smiles, "How about I come down and visit you, okay?"
Molly smiles at her.
"With your tank being so low, you're going to have to ride in the wheelchair" the nurse tells Molly.
She gives the nurse a look, then climbs into the wheelchair.
"Bye, Shaylynn! See you tomorrow!" Molly says
"Bye, Molly! You can count on it!" Shaylynn says back to her.
The nurse rolls Molly pass the Squad guys, "Bye, guys!" Molly says to them.
"Bye, Molly!" they all say.
As Molly is being rolled to the elevator, the rest of the Fire Crew is getting off.
"Hi Shaylynn's family!" Molly says to them.
They all look at her, "Hello!" they all say as the nurse rolls Molly onto the elevator, then puts her breathing mask back on her.
Molly smiles and waves at them before the elevator doors close. They all turn and head toward the ICU.

In the ICU, Severide walks into Shaylynn's room. Tony pulls on Capp and Cruz's arms stopping them from walking in. He indicates for them to follow him out to the waiting room, which they do.
"Hi!" Severide says to Shaylynn.
"Hi!" she says back.
Severide opens his mouth to say something.
"Don't!" Shaylynn tells him.
Severide looks at her surprised, "Shaylynn!"
"SSSHHH! I don't want to hear it!" she tells him.
Severide gets a worried look on his face.
"Can I please be the only woman in your life!?" she says to Severide with a sad look on her face.
Severide looks at her. He's very disappointed with himself! The woman he loves more than anything thinks she isn't the only woman in his life.
He looks at her with a crushed look, "You are the only woman in my life! You're my world! If I would have lost you, I don't know what I would have done! Shaylynn, I love you and ONLY you!"
"Then what was happening between you and Kidd?" she asks him.
"Nothing was happening. I was in shock with her actions toward me! I could've handled the situation better, but I didn't" he tells her looking down at his feet.
"I can't tell you to stay away from Kidd since you work at the same Firehouse, but you need to make sure you're not put into another situation where you're alone with her" she tells him, "Kelly, you have to understand what a shock it was for me to see her touching you the way she was, especially after the weekend we had. I thought things were going great, then I get out of the ambulance and see Kidd basically feeling you up. You didn't like when the doorman was touching me, but he never touched anything he shouldn't have, unlike her!"
"I'm sorry" Severide tells her.
"Kelly, I don't want you to be sorry. I want to know that your mine and only mine, that's all I ask" Shaylynn tells him.
He walks up to her, "I'm your's and ONLY your's!" he then bends down and kisses her.
"Are you up for some visitors?" Severide asks her.
"Yes!" Shaylynn tells him, smiling.
Severide walks out to the waiting room to get the rest of the crew.
By this time, Brett and Dawson have made it upstairs.
Everyone looks over at the doors when they open and see Severide, "She's asking for you guys!"
They all get up to head inside, that is until Boden speaks up, "We won't be able to stay long. We're still on the clock, plus I'm sure we'll be kicked out with all of us in there" he tells his crews while smiling.
The crews follow Severide into the ICU. Dawson pushes through everyone, walks into Shaylynn's room, right up to her and gives her a hug.
Shaylynn can hear a few sniffs in her ear, she pats Dawson on the back, "Gabby, I'm fine!"
Dawson backs up a little, she looks Shaylynn right in the eyes, "Stop doing this to me!" she tells her.
Dawson backs up and moves over by where Casey is standing.
"How you doing?" Boden asks Shaylynn.
"I'm fine! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you!" she says to everyone with tears in her eyes, "I'm pretty sure you've saved me more then I've saved all of you."
"But that's what family does, takes care of each other!" Boden tells her.
The head nurse walks in or at least tries to, "Chief! You know this many people can't be in here at once!" she belts out.
"I told you guys we would be kicked out for overcrowding!" Boden says to everyone smiling.
Each of them walks up to Shaylynn and gives her a hug before walking out, leaving Severide last.
Severide looks at Boden "I'll be down in a few minutes.'
Boden nods to him, then pats him on the shoulders as he walks out.
"I noticed Kidd wasn't in the group" Shaylynn says to Severide.
"Chief told her to stay with the truck" he tells her.
"I see..." Shaylynn says back.
"As much as I don't want to, I better get going" Severide tells her.
He leans down and hugs her, he doesn't want to let go.
"Kelly, the guys are waiting on you" Shaylynn reminds him.
"I don't want to let go of you!" he tells her.
Shaylynn can feel her eyes start filling with tears, "I don't want you to let go either, but you have to!"
Severide let's go, puts his hands on her face and kisses her.
He stands back up, "I'll stop back whenever I can!" he tells her as he walks toward the door.
"Kelly, you don't have to..." Shaylynn starts saying.
"I said I'll stop back whenever I can!" he tells her again smiling at her.
On his way out he blows her a kiss.
The head nurse walks into Shaylynn's room to take her blood pressure, she sees Shaylynn's eyes.
"Shaylynn, you alright?" the nurse asks.
"When he leaves me I never know if that's going to be the last time I'll see him or any of them!" Shaylynn tells the nurse with tears streaming down her face.

Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago #2  (Chicago Fire)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن