Chapter 28 "Our Lieutenants Wife"

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The last couple of days of Severide and Shaylynn's trip go by fast. Before they know it, they're landing back in Chicago.
"We should stop and see the kids" Severide tells her on the way home.
"No one's home" Shaylynn tells him.
"How do you know they're not home?" he asks.
"When we were on the jet leaving to go on our trip, I made reservations for Stan and Judi to take the kids to Disney World. I figured it was only fair since we were going away, why shouldn't the kids go somewhere and have fun" she tells him.
They head home and the rest of the night goes by fast.

The next morning, Severide is up early getting ready to head to the Firehouse.
"Are you going to be okay?" he asks Shaylynn.
"I'll be fine. I'm going to stop at the District and see Hank, then head to the office to see how Butch and the other guys are doing" she tells him.
Severide looks at her, "Okay. I'm going to go" he says and kisses her.

He arrives at the Firehouse and heads straight to the locker room to change. After changing into his uniform, he walks out to the Common area.
Capp looks up and sees Severide walk in, "We're going to be busy today!"
Severide looks over at him, "You better believe you're going to be busy today! We're going to be doing drills here soon!"
Tony and Cruz look over at Capp and give him dirty looks.
Severide grabs some breakfast and sits down at the table. In no time he's done and on his phone.
Connie walks into the Common area, "Kelly, Chief would like to see you" she tells Severide.
He lays down his phone and heads to Boden's office.
After he turns the corner and is out of sight, Capp grabs Severide's phone.
"What are you doing?" Tony asks him.
"I'm going to look at his vacation pictures. You know he took some where ever they went to" he tells Tony.
Cruz and Tony move over closer by Capp to look at the pictures.
Capp finds Severide's pictures and finds a folder titled "Paradise".
"I'm thinking that's the folder" Capp says as he taps on it.
One picture shows up at a time.......
Capp starts to slowly scroll through them.......
Tony looks at Capp, "I think we better stop looking" he tells him.
"Why? There's nothing wrong with the pictures. The last one she has a swimsuit on" Capp tells Tony.
Capp keeps scrolling......
"Okay, Capp I think we should stop!" Cruz tells him.
"It says there's only one picture left. Those last few you couldn't see anything, I'm sure it's just like those" Capp tells Cruz and Tony.
"Okay, then....." Cruz tells Capp.
Capp scrolls to the last picture.......
Capp hurries and puts down Severide's phone.
"What did I tell you, Capp!!! We should have stopped looking, but NNNOOOO!!!" Cruz tells him as he gets up from the table.
Tony is still sitting at the table, his head hanging down with his hands covering his face shaking his head side to side, "How can I look Shaylynn in the face after seeing that!" Tony says.
"Come on, guys! You act like you've never seen a woman without clothes!" Capp says to Tony and Cruz.
"This is different! That's Shaylynn! You know, OUR Lieutenants WIFE!" Cruz tells Capp while walking back over to the table, "Those pictures are on his PERSONAL phone! WE didn't ask him to show us the pictures, we looked on our own! I bet you anything if we would have asked him, he would have only showed us the first three pictures then would've stopped!"
Tony gets up and starts walking toward the stalls. He looks and sees Severide coming.
"You better hurry up and put his phone back to the way it was because he's coming!" Tony tells Capp.
Capp hurries and gets the home screen back up on Severide's phone and turns it off.
Severide turns the corner and walks into the Common area, he looks at Capp.
"What are you up to?" he asks him.
"Nothing!" Capp tells him, then smiles.
"Good! Squad outside! It's drill time!" Severide tells his men as he grabs his phone and puts it in his pocket.

Before Shaylynn heads to the District to see Hank, she stops at Med to see Molly. It's been so long since Shaylynn has seen her, she hopes Molly doesn't think she forgot about her.
Shaylynn parks and heads inside Med. She takes the elevator up to the floor the Children's wing is on.
Once off she heads toward Molly's room. On the way, kids wave at Shaylynn from their hospital beds. Others come up to her to give her a hug and say hi.
Shaylynn reaches Molly's room and walks in. Molly isn't there, her bed is all made up.
A nurse saw Shaylynn walk into Molly's room. She gets up, walks over to Molly's room and walks in.
"Hi! You must be Shaylynn" the nurse says to her.
Shaylynn looks over at her, "Yes. Can you tell me where Molly is?" Shaylynn asks the nurse with a worried look on her face.
"Molly's getting some tests done. She had a lung transplant about a month ago and they're testing her lungs" the nurse tells her.
Shaylynn gets a relieved look on her face, "I saw her bed was made up and became really worried."
"Her sheets were changed, that's why it's made" the nurse tells her, "Molly talks about you A LOT! Especially after her transplant. I swear she was testing out her new lungs seeing how long she could talk" the nurse tells Shaylynn.
"Are you new? I know I haven't been here for a while to visit Molly, but I don't remember seeing you around when I was" Shaylynn asks the nurse.
"Yes, I'm new. I started about three weeks ago. My name is Anna" the nurse tells her.


Some might be surprised that I've put up more Chapters in a short time span then I normally do. I have a story line coming up that Sam will be a big part of, but first needed to get up a few Chapters so the story line makes sense.

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