Chapter 21 "Call Off Your Ogre!"

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Shaylynn is speeding down the street after the car. She catches up with it. It's parked on the side of the street, still running.
She pulls up behind it, gets out, draws her sidearm, points it at the car and approaches the driver.
As she walks up, the driver side window goes down. A guy sticks his head out, "Lady, what's your problem? Why are you following me?"
"You tell me why you went past the Firehouse twice? Each time you saw me you sped away?" Shaylynn asks the driver.
"I saw you going for your gun and thought you were going to shoot me!" the guy tells her.
While conversing with the guy, a black van quickly pulls up behind Shaylynn. Before she has time to react, the side door opens up, a guy jumps out and sticks her in the neck with a needle.
Shaylynn's vision goes blurry and her body goes limp. She starts to fall, the guy catches her and puts her inside the van. He jumps in, shuts the door and the van speeds off.

Thirty minutes has went by and Severide wonders why Shaylynn hasn't came back into the Firehouse. He walks outside and notices her car isn't parked out front.
He pulls out his cell phone and tries to call her. It automatically goes to voicemail.
That's not like her, Severide thinks to himself.
Getting worried he calls Butch.
"Butch, is Shaylynn with you?" Severide asks him.
"No. She's not with you at the Firehouse?" Butch asks.
"No! She went outside to put her laptop and camera in her car. I noticed she didn't come back in and came outside to see what was taking her so long. When I got out here, her car's gone" Severide tells Butch.
He can hear Butch typing.
"What are you doing?" Severide asks.
"I'm searching for her car! I put a GPS tracker on it while it was in the warehouse" Butch tells him.
Severide is upset that Butch did that, but now is not the time to bring it up.
"Before you get all upset, ALL of our vehicles have a GPS tracker on them" Butch reassures Severide.
"This can't be right!" Butch says into the phone.
"What can't be right?! Butch, what is it?!" Severide asks him frantically.
"It's showing that she's at a bar on the corner of Main and Summit" Butch tells Severide.
"Hank needs to be called!" Severide tells Butch.
"We can handle this!" Butch says.
"NO! I'm calling Hank! Like you said that can't be right, Shaylynn being at a bar. If something is wrong, you guys are going to need Hanks help!" Severide tells Butch.
"Call him! We'll meet him there!" Butch tells him and hangs up.
Severide calls Hank.
"Hank, something's up with Shaylynn. She's not here at the Firehouse, so I called Butch. He tracked her car and said it's at a bar on the corner of Main and Summit" Severide tells him.
"I know the place. I'm on my way!" Hank tells him and hangs up.
Severide is really worried and runs back into the Firehouse.
"Squad, load up! We're taking a ride!" Severide shouts at them.
"Severide, what's wrong?" Boden asks him.
"I went outside to see what was taking Shaylynn so long. When I got out there, her car was gone. Thinking she was with Butch, I called him. She wasn't, so he tracked her car and said it was sitting at the corner of Main and Summit, that's a bar. Something's not right!" Severide tells Boden.
"Alright, go! Keep me informed!" Boden tells Severide as the rest of Squad gets up and heads out to the truck.

Butch and the other guys see Shaylynn's car parked outside the bar. They meet up with Hank and the rest of Intelligence Unit in front of the the bar.
Butch walks up to Hank, "The red 68 SS Camaro is her's."
"Since there more then likely will be people in here, let us take the lead" Hank tells Butch.
Butch nods. Hank and the rest of the Intelligence Unit walk inside the bar.
"Dave, Rob stay here. Dan and I will go around back" Butch tells them.
Butch and Dan start heading to the back of the building, while Dave and Rob stick close to Shaylynn's car.
"I'm looking for the owner of the red 1968 SS Camaro that's parked out front!" Hank yells out.
There's around 10 people in the bar. No one says anything, but one guy sitting at the far end of the bar looks worried and is fidgeting.
Hank starts walking toward the guy. The guy sees Hank walking toward him, turns a little in his bar stool and takes off running to the back door.
Atwater and Halstead take off running after him.
The guy runs through the back room, sees the back door, runs at it full speed slamming it open and ends up running straight into Butch, his hand around the guy's neck.
"Going somewhere?" Butch asks the guy.
Atwater and Halstead run through the back room and out the door, they hurry to stop before running into Butch and the guy he's holding by the neck.
"Way to go big man!" Atwater tells Butch.
Halstead radios to Hank, "Butch has the guy!"
"Good! Just stay back there, we'll come to you!" Hank radios back.
A minute later Hank, Lindsay, Burgess, Alvin and Ruzek come walking out the back door, Ruzek closing it behind him.
Hank walks up to the guy Butch is holding on to, "What are you doing with my daughter's car? Where's my daughter?"
Butch let's go of the guys neck, puts his hands on the guys shoulders and turns him around to face Hank. This guy looks like a Hobbit standing in front of Butch with him towering over the guy.
"I don't know what you're talking about! I found the car running, there was no lady around!" the guy tells Hank.
Butch tightens his grip on the guy's shoulders.
"OUCH! Hey man, can you call off your Ogre!" the guy says to Hank.
"Where did you find the car?" Hank asks the guy.
The guy doesn't answer.
Butch tightens his grip even more, "Okay! Okay! I found it on West Maxwell Street, down by South Morgan Street!" the guy tells Hank.
"And you thought it would be okay to take the car and go to the bar?" Hank asks the guy.
The guy doesn't say a word.
"Atwater, get him out of my sight! You and Ruzek take him back to the District!" Hank instructs him.
"You got it, Boss!" Atwater says grabbing the guy from Butch.
"Now what?" Butch asks Hank.
Hank looks at Lindsay, "Maxwell and Morgan have street cameras since the Firehouse is close to there. You and Halstead go and look over the footage. Hopefully you'll find something!" Hank tells her.
"We're on our way!" Halstead says.
He and Lindsay walk around the corner of the building, then Halstead comes back around, "You have incoming! Squad just pulled up!" he tells Hank.
Hank and Butch look at each other.
Within seconds, Severide is behind the building, "Where is she? Where's Shaylynn?" he asks Hank and Butch.
"We don't know!" Hank tells him.
"What do you mean you don't know?! Butch said her car was here! Shouldn't she be here also?!" Severide says frantically.
"A guy found her car running on Maxwell Street and thought it was alright to take it. He's the one who drove it here" Butch tells Severide.
All of the color leaves Severide's face, "Then where is she?" he asks.
"I've sent Lindsay and Halstead to look at the street camera footage" Hank starts telling Severide when a call for Squad 3 comes over Severide's radio.
"Go! We won't stop until we find her!" Hank tells Severide.
He looks at Hank with a worried look, but knows Hank won't stop until he finds Shaylynn. The same goes for Butch and the other guys.
Severide heads back to the Squad truck and they head off to their call.
Hank, Alvin, Burgess and Ruzek head back to their cars to go over to Maxwell Street. Maybe just by chance they might find a witness or two that might have seen something.

Somewhere in Chicago, Shaylynn starts waking up.
Her head is pounding!
She tries to look around, but realizes she has a blindfold on. Lifting up her arms she also realizes she's handcuffed to the chair she's sitting on.
Shaylynn goes to stand up, her legs are also handcuffed to the legs of the chair and that the chair is chained to the floor.
"We're not taking any chances with you!" she hears a guy say.
Shaylynn's pissed!
"Because you know, I get my hands on you I'll kill you!" she angrily tells the guy.
She hears a guy laughing, but it sounds muffled like he's on a phone.
"She sure is a pissy one!" she hears him say, "Take off her blindfold! I want to see what all of her face looks like!"
The guy that's with her pulls off her blindfold. Her eyes take a few seconds to adjust to the light.
When they finally do, she sees that the guy has the same tattoo on his right hand as the other guys she killed and the guys she had in the boiler room at the hospital.
The guy turns his phone around and puts it in her face.
Shaylynn finally comes face to face with the trafficking boss.....

Shaylynn finally comes face to face with the trafficking boss

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