Chapter 61 "I'll Bring Him Back To You!"

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Shaylynn and Sam start walking toward Hank, Alvin and Ruzek who's joined them.
"Oh no Boss, here comes trouble!" Ruzek tells Hank as the ladies walk over.
Sam and Shaylynn hear him and both give Ruzek a look.
"If looks could kill!" Ruzek says laughing.
Hank looks at Ruzek, "Don't you have something to do other than torment my daughters?"
"Yes, Boss" Ruzek says, then walks away.
"Well?" Shaylynn asks Hank.
"The women this guy pushed off the bridge were bound and gagged like the ones that were in the oil barrels at that shoot out" Hank tells her, "He was probably going to put them in oil barrels because they found the box truck that has the barrels not far from here. Someone must have spotted him and called 9-1-1.
He must have figured just pushing them off the bridge would take care of them, but didn't count on 51 to show up. Boden told Alvin they had just gotten done with a call three blocks from here. That's why they arrived so quickly! Good thing to, no way those four women would have survived."
"I'm going down and talk to Kelly" she tells Hank and Sam.

Shaylynn walks down to where Severide is.
"Shaylynn!" Dawson yells at her.
She walks over to Dawson who pulls her over to the side, "This woman would like to talk to you."
Shaylynn walks over to the woman who's sitting on the ambulances bumper.
"Are you Shaylynn?" the woman asks.
"Yes" Shaylynn tells her.
"I'm so sorry! I had to do it! He's watching us right now!" the woman tells her.
"What did you do? Who's watching us?" Shaylynn asks her panicked.
"Mr. Smith! In my right side pocket is a ziplock bag with something for you in it" the woman tells her.
Shaylynn gets in the woman's pocket and pulls out the plastic bag, another damn piece of paper is in it.
She pulls the bag open and pulls the paper out.

Since Dave was saved and you stopped your sister from being shot, YOUR husband will now take their place!

Shaylynn looks over at Severide who's holding his chest as he walks over to the Squad guys. As he gets closer, he collapses. Cruz and Capp catch him.
"Dawson!" Tony yells.
Dawson runs over to Severide, "He's been stabbed!" she yells back to Brett.
Shaylynn turns around to look at the woman, she's gone. She turns around more and sees the woman running away. Shaylynn draws her gun and shoots the woman in the ass, she goes falling to the ground.
Sam sees Shaylynn draw her gun, "DAD!" she yells at Hank while hitting him on the arm to get him to turn around.
He turns around to see Shaylynn shoot a woman who's running from her.
"SHAYLYNN!" Hank yells from up on the bridge with Sam looking down. He starts running down to the bank along the river.
Shaylynn runs over to the woman, grabs her hair and shirt, then pulls her up to a standing position.
She shoves her gun up under the woman's chin, "You stupid BITCH! If you think Mr. Smith is someone not to mess with, you're fucking mistaken!"
Shaylynn throws the woman down, she lands on her ass and screams out in pain. Looking at the woman's hands, she notices something on one of her fingers.
Shaylynn bends over, grabs the woman's hand and looks at what's on her finger. She takes it off her.
Hank and several uniformed officers reach Shaylynn, "Go to the hospital with Kelly!" Hank tells her.
Shaylynn hands him the ring with the blade "Women have these in case they're attacked while out jogging or for just protection" she tells him, then runs over to the ambulance.

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