Chapter 53 "I'm In Love With You"

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Severide pulls Rhodes to the rear of his car, pushing him down onto the trunk.
"What the hell, Kelly?!" Rhodes says.
Rhodes is pissed, "You don't deserve her! You're a bomb with a broken timer that can explode at any second! When that happens and you fuck up, I'll be there to clean up your mess!"
Severide can feel the rage growing inside him. He starts punching Rhodes.
Rhodes starts punching back.
A hospital security guard sees them and runs over. He gets in between them.
"BREAK IT UP!" he yells at them pushing them apart.
The guard sees who he's standing in between, "What the hell is wrong with you two? You're grown men?!" he tells them, "Dr. Rhodes stand by your car! Mr. Severide, go stand by your car!"
The security guard pulls out his cell phone, walks about ten feet away from the guys and calls someone. Walking back over he looks at both men, "We're going to stand here, cool down, and wait for someone to show up!" he tells them.
Five minutes later, Hank pulls up. Severide sees him and rolls his eyes.
The security guard walks over to Hank. After talking for a couple minutes, the security guard walks back across the street to Med.
Hank walks toward Severide. Rhodes shakes his head, "Figures!"
He turns around and gives Rhodes a look, Hank continues to walk over to Severide.
"Kelly, what's going on? Why are you in a fight with Dr. Rhodes?" Hank asks him.
"I over heard Shaylynn telling Sam and Brett that she was told that Connor has been telling people he's still in love with her..." Severide starts to tell him.
"And you thought you would take matters into your own hands" Hank says back to him.
Hank gives Severide a very disapproving look and walks over to Rhodes.
"Is it true you're still in love with my daughter?" Hank asks him.
"Yes! I didn't think I was until she was in that accident and I saw her laying there flat lined, then the heart monitor started beeping. That's when I realized I was still in love with her. You know how Kelly is! He's a ticking time bomb! Soon he's going to explode and Shaylynn is going to get hurt! When that happens, I will be there to save her!" Rhodes tells Hank.
Hank stands there, looking at Rhodes with a dead stare.
He walks away a little, "Both of you stay where you are and don't move!" he tells them.
Hank walks back to his SUV. He stands there for a minute, then walks back over to the two guys and stands there.
"Can we leave now!" Rhodes asks him.
"NO!" Hank says.

They stand there for around five minutes when Severide hears it..... Shaylynn's Camaro.
"SHIT!" Severide says under his breath.
Shaylynn comes speeding down the street, pulling quickly into Med's parking lot. She slams on the brakes and jumps out.
Hank can see Sam came along with Shaylynn as she gets out of the car.
He walks over to Shaylynn and tells her what's going on.
Severide can see she has a pissed off look on her face.
She starts walking over toward where he and Rhodes are standing.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Shaylynn says to both of them, "You two are acting like teenage boys fighting over the same girl! Let's get one thing straight, I make my own decisions!" She looks at Rhodes, "We ENDED a long time ago! There will never be a "US" ever again! I'M in LOVE with Kelly, my HUSBAND! Chicago is full of women, go find one! Another thing, STOP comparing Kelly to a bomb!!"
She then looks at Severide, "As for you, you should've came and talked to me about what you heard instead of coming here and confronting Connor! I can take care of myself, I don't need you fighting my battles or treating me like a damsel in distress! There's only US in this marriage, NO ONE ELSE! The steel door on our marriage is locked, dead bolted, pad locked so no one else can come in! We both need to stop letting people get to us. Because when we do, we allow them to start unlocking that door. I'm in LOVE with you and no one else!"
Shaylynn walks up to Severide, puts her arms around his neck and starts kissing him.




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