Chapter 47 "Hide!"

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Back at Med, Shaylynn is in her room resting when she hears screaming coming from the hallway.
She gets up, walks over to the door and slowly opens it. Looking out in the hall she sees people running.
Shaylynn hurries out of her room and heads around a corner toward the nurses station. Staying low she sees two men loaded down with guns. One of them is holding onto a nurse's arm.
"Tell me where Severide's room is!" he yells at her.
She shakes her head "no". The guy doesn't ask her again, he pulls the trigger on his gun.
He let's go of the nurse's arm and she falls to the ground.
The guys start walking away down the hall, opening doors they come to and looking into the rooms.
Shaylynn makes her way around the nurses station and checks for a pulse on the nurse.
She looks and sees a locker room and quickly heads inside. Looking around, Shaylynn finds some scrubs to change into so she can get out of the hospital gown. Finding a hair tie in a locker, she puts her hair up into a ponytail.
Shaylynn heads out of the locker room, she looks around to see where the gun men are.
She's getting pissed, but can't very well do anything not having a gun. Seeing a couple of nurses, she hurries over to them.
"Do you know if it's just these two guys or is there more in the hospital?" she asks them.
"One of the orderlies said he heard there was six" one of the nurses tells her.
"Where are the pharmaceuticals kept?" Shaylynn asks them.
"On the third floor" the other nurse tells her.
"Okay, I need to get there and get my suit" she tells them.
One of the nurses gives Shaylynn a weird look, "What is it?" she asks the nurse.
"Four big guys took your suit" the nurse tells her.
"Damn it!" Shaylynn blurts out.
"I need the both of you to get in the locker room and hide!" Shaylynn tells them.
She looks around and makes sure it's clear for the nurses.
"Go" Shaylynn tells them.
The nurses quickly cross the hall and quietly enter the locker room.
Shaylynn stays low and heads toward the stairwell. Once in the stairwell, she heads up to the surgical floor.
She opens the stairwell door on the surgical floor quietly. Poking her head out, she looks around for any gun men. None are seen.
Shaylynn heads to the operating rooms.
She looks in one and sees that Dr. Rhodes is performing a surgery. With his back against the door is a gun man watching them. Quietly backing out, she heads to the other operating room.
Shaylynn quickly looks in and sees no one is in there. She opens the door, walks in and scares a few nurses who are hiding in there up against the wall the door is on.
"SSSSHHH!!! It's alright!" Shaylynn quickly says looking around the room, "I need your help! I see there's no instruments out. Where are the scalpels kept?" Shaylynn asks the nurses.
One nurse is about to stand up, "No, no! Stay where you are! Just tell me" Shaylynn tells her.
"Behind you. They're in the third to the fifth drawer" the nurse tells Shaylynn.
She turns around, walks over to the drawers and grabs a scalpel.
"That's all you're taking?" one of the nurses asks her.
"That's all I need!" Shaylynn tells her, "Stay here and don't come out!"
She then walks out and heads back to the other operating room.
When she reaches it, she looks inside. Dr. Rhodes is still performing the surgery, but the gunman has moved up closer to the operating table.
Shaylynn gentle opens one of the doors to the operating room and sneaks in. She quickly comes up behind the gunman, sticks her left hand over his mouth while cutting his throat with the scalpel in her right. As he falls to the floor, Shaylynn grabs his gun.
Dr. Rhodes and the nurses are in shock over what just happened.
Shaylynn turns to head back out the doors, "Shaylynn!" Dr. Rhodes calls out to her.
She turns back around, "Be careful!" he says to her.
She smiles at him and walks out. Going back to the stairwell, Shaylynn heads back upstairs to the floor she started on.
Coming out of the stairwell, she looks around and listens to figure out where the two gunmen are or if they left this floor.
Shaylynn hears footsteps heading toward her. She closes the door and steps to the side. Seeing through the little window in the door, she sees the guy pass by.
Quickly and quietly opening the door, she walks out, walks up on the gunman and does the samething to him she did to the guy in the operating room.
He drops to the floor. Shaylynn grabs his arms and pulls him into a room and closes the door.
"Hey! Come here!" she can hear the other guy yell letting her know exactly where he is.
She quickly heads in that direction and finds him in her room. Quickly walking up on him, she sticks the gun in his back and pulls the trigger. His body falling onto the bed.
Shaylynn heads back to the stairwell and starts making her way down.

Back at the building that was on fire, Hank receives a call.
"There's active shooters at Med!" he tells Severide and Boden.
Boden looks at Severide, "Go on!" he tells him.
"Follow me to the hospital!" Hank tells Severide.
They both walk to their cars. Hank turns on his lights and siren, then speeds off. Severide follows him making sure to keep up. 

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